A4800.10 Faculty Assessment Program

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A4800
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



    1. The purposes for instructional assessment at Shawnee Community College are primarily for improvement of instruction and secondarily to provide a basis for promotion and retention of instructors.
      1. Frequency of Assessment.
        1. Tenured faculty shall be formally evaluated once every three (3) years.
    2. Non‑tenured faculty shall be formally evaluated each year.
      1. Assessment Instruments and Techniques.
        1. Student Assessment
          1. Each instructor shall be assessed each semester by the students in all classes.  The evaluation instrument will be available to students in the start of final’s week.  The instructor shall keep and use these assessments for instructional improvement purposes as he/she deems appropriate.  These assessments will be shared with the appropriate Vice-President at the summary assessment conference.  All student assessments are to be returned to instructors following this conference.  Each instructor will use the standard assessment instrument provided.  The instructor may add additional items to the form if he/she so desires.  Additional forms may also be used if desired by the instructor. (See Student Assessment Form)

        2. Self‑Assessment
          1. Each instructor will complete a self‑assessment of his/her teaching during spring semester of each year he/she is to be formally evaluated. This self‑assessment will then be discussed with the Vice-President of Instructional Services or his/her designee at a summary assessment conference near the end of spring semester.
          2. During the spring semester of each year in which the instructor will not be formally evaluated, the instructor shall formulate goals he/she wishes to  accomplish during the following academic year.  These goals shall then be discussed with the Vice President of Academic Affairs or his/her designee at an informal planning conference.  No set number of goals or specific format for goal setting is required.  The purpose of this activity is to provide information for developing staff development activities for the College.

        3. Administrative Assessment
          Administrative Assessment will be based on:
          1. Jointly planned (instructor‑administrator) classroom evaluations.
          2. Periodic classroom visits for the purpose of allowing administrators to keep abreast of the instructional process.
          3. Direct observation by the administrator of instructional related activities. (Example:  instructor reports, student advisement)
            Administrative Identification of Teaching Strengths and Suggested Areas of Improvement shall be the reporting instrument for administrative assessment of faculty.

        4. Summary Assessment Conference
          Each instructor shall meet with the Vice President of Academic Affairs or his/her designee during spring semester of the formal evaluation year following the completion of the above assessment.  The purpose of this conference will be to review and summarize the assessment results and plan an individualized program of professional development based on identified strengths and weaknesses.  Before the conference, the instructor should develop a proposed plan for professional growth and for the improvement of his/her instruction.  The results of this plan will be reviewed by the instructor and the Vice-President the following year.  Since the emphasis of the evaluation program is on the positive effects evaluation can have on instruction, each instructor should devote time in order to make his/her courses better each year.


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