A7300.00 Facility Usage

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Responsible: VP of Administrative Services
Related Policies: A7300
Linked Operating Standards: A7300.05, A7300.10, A7300.15, A7300.20, A7300.25
Related Laws:
Related Standards: APPA
HLC Criterion2A2A The institution establishes and follows policies and processes to ensure fair and ethical behavior on the part of its governing board, administration, faculty and staff., 3D3D The institution provides support for student learning and resources for effective teaching., 5B5B The institution’s resource base supports its educational offerings and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future., 5C5C The institution engages in systematic and integrated planning and improvement.

A7300.00 Facility Usage PDF


Guidelines to be Used for Request Approval
Process to Request Facility Usage
Facility Usage Fees
Special Facility Considerations
Educational Center
Equipment Usage
General Guidelines



Shawnee Community College will attempt to make its facilities available for individuals and community groups in the district when possible. The following policies will regulate the use of the College facilities.


Guidelines to be Used for Request Approval

  1. The order of priority of use of College facilities shall be:
    1. College instructional purposes as regularly scheduled.
    2. Non-regularly scheduled College learning activities.
    3. Activities sponsored by the College.
    4. Activities sponsored by college organizations (regional, state, or national).
    5. Activities sponsored by other non-profit educational or governmental
    6. Activities sponsored by local non-educational, public community service agencies or organizations.
    7. Activities sponsored by local noneducational, nonpublic community service agencies or organizations.
    8. Activities sponsored by not-for-profit community groups.
    9. Activities sponsored by for-profit community organizations.
    10. Other activities.
  2. The Vice President of Administrative Services has final approval authority on facility requests.
  3. A fee shall be assessed to cover the required maintenance, custodial, technical, and security services provided to organizations in categories F-J.
  4. Requests to use the facilities shall be submitted to the VP of Administrative Service’s office or his/her designated representative.
  5. All requests should be submitted to the College at least two (2) weeks before the date requested.  An authorized organizational representative must submit an Event Request Form before the event.  A request for educational or community service use will receive special consideration.
  6. If the activity for which the facilities are being requested could lead to a riot or civil disorder, divisiveness, or undue controversy in the College community, the request shall be denied as determined by the President or his/her designee.
  7. No activity that violates local, state, or federal laws.
  8. College facilities may be used for religious meetings by applicable college policies and state laws, and requests must not exceed two per fiscal year per religious organization. (Fiscal Year = July 1, xxxx – June 30, xxxx)
  9. No approval will be given for any activity that advocates the violent overthrow of the United States government.
  10. The group using the facility must adhere to the same policies governing its use as the students, faculty, and staff. This means that alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs will not be sold or consumed on the campus.
  11. Shawnee Community College prohibits using tobacco products inside college facilities (owned, leased, or occupied by Shawnee Community College), vehicles, and all college property.   This includes the burning of any type of cigar, cigarette, pipe, electronic cigarette, or any other smoking equipment.  The use of smokeless/chewing tobacco is also prohibited.
  12. At the College’s request, users must obtain insurance protection beyond the public liability protection the College provides.
  13. Any changes in the number of people attending or the cancellation of this activity must be made to the VP of Administrative Services office at least 48 hours in advance.  Failure to do so may result in the loss of future privileges to reserve rooms at Shawnee Community College and/or a charge of $35.00.
  14. Dancing will be prohibited without a dance floor, which can be rented from the college.
  15. If the group requesting the facility plans to advertise the event using Shawnee Community College’s name and likeness, please get in touch with the Office of Public Information and Marketing for an approved logo. 
  16. Organizations and individuals using the facilities for events or activities may also be required to provide a certificate of insurance to cover perceived risks.


Process to Request Facility Usage

  1. An event request is created using the https://shawneecc.edu/request-event/ link.
  2. The request is sent to the appropriate department
  3. The department approves or denies
    1. If approved, the request is forwarded to individuals who need to be notified of the event (marketing, facilities, IT), and the Events Coordinator will coordinate it, including putting it on the calendar(s).
    2. If denied, the request is returned to the person requesting the event with an explanation from the department’s VP stating why the event was rejected. 


Facility Usage Fees

The following fees per use will be assessed to groups identified in items f-j above for room usage during the academic year and adjusted thereafter.

River Room (Main Campus J2052) $100.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Founders Room (Main Campus H2111) $100.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Conference Room (Main Campus H2090) $100.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Cafeteria (Main Campus H2053) $100.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
*Educational Center (Main Campus K2211) $250.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Atrium (Main Campus K or L) $250.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Gymnasium (Main Campus) $250.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Business & Industry Classroom (Main Campus J1024B) $25.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Business & Industry Lab (Main Campus J1024A) $25.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Teaching and Learning Center (Main Campus H1033) $25.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Classrooms (special setup) (maximum seating varies up to 35) $25.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Alexander County Center Classroom $25.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Johnson County Center Classroom $25.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Massac County Center Classroom $25.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Union County Center Classroom & Conference Room $25.00 (first 4 hours, $25 per every additional hour)
Cancellation Failure Fee $35
Janitorial/Clean-up Fee (if required) $35 per hour
Dance Floor Rental $100

*Requires A/V Technician

An additional fee of $35 per hour will apply for the services of an A/V Technician. This fee covers the technician’s time to assist with setting up, managing, and troubleshooting audio/visual equipment during the event. The A/V Technician is required to be present at all events in the Educational Center and in any additional rooms deemed necessary by the college based on the event’s audio/visual or technical requirements.

After-hours fee schedule (8:00 am-4:00 pm on days that SCC is open):

  • Security- $35 per hour
  • Janitorial/Clean-up Fee – $35.00 per hour

Shawnee Community College can rescind any group’s right to use the facilities at any time if it is in the College’s best interest.


Special Facility Considerations

  1. Outdoor facilities may be open to the general public when the College does not use that facility specifically.  Such use must conform to the general use for which the facility was constructed or maintained.  The baseball and softball fields are not for general use by the public.
  2. No hunting, collection, destruction, or removal of wildlife, plant, or animal life on or from the college campus shall be allowed except with the written approval of the VP of Administrative Services during special student/staff activities.
  3. Fishing is allowed from dawn to dusk. All Illinois laws are enforced when fishing in the SCC Pond at 8364 Shawnee College Rd., Ullin, Illinois.


Educational Center

  1. No food, drinks, or candy are permitted in the Educational Center.
  2. Only qualified personnel may operate the stage lighting and sound reinforcement systems. Requests for a sound, light, or spotlight technician should be made through the Events Coordinator.
  3. All stage lighting instruments are to remain on the lighting bar.
  4. All props, scenery, costumes, etc., brought into the educational center for production should be removed from the building immediately after the last show.
  5. Sandbags or weights must be used to brace props.
  6. Set construction: (a) painting should be done outside the stage area, and drop cloths must be used. (b) Do as much sawing as possible outside. No power sawing is allowed inside the facility.
  7. Sponsors and/or facility users supervise children attending auditions, set construction, rehearsals, etc.
  8. Ticket printing: (a) There are 492 fixed seats in the Educational Center. (b) Do not print more than 492 tickets.
  9. Using candles or other open flames while using the facility is prohibited.  
  10. All events scheduled for the Educational Center shall be no later than four (4) weeks before the event.
  11. The college shall prioritize Educational Center usage.
  12. Shawnee Community College’s building usage policy applies to this building, although an additional usage fee will be assessed when special theatrical equipment is used.
  13. All Shawnee Community College departments shall make every effort to schedule all major events (ceremonies, concerts, plays, etc.) at least one (1) semester before usage.
  14. Any changes in the number of people attending or the cancellation of this activity must be made to the VP of Administrative Services office at least 48 hours in advance. Failure to do so may result in the loss of future privileges to reserve rooms at Shawnee Community College and/or a charge of $35.00.


Equipment Usage

  1. All equipment (power or otherwise) shall be turned off and locked when unused.
  2. College-trained personnel shall operate the special equipment used.
  3. No unauthorized person shall handle lights, lift, batten, sound, or set construction equipment.
  4. All tools shall be locked up and are the responsibility of the person or persons in charge.
  5. Any basic Educational Center setup alteration shall only be done by college personnel.
  6. Whenever the sound setup in the Educational Center must be altered, a college audio/visual technician must be present before the system is altered.
  7. The control booth must be locked when unused, and only authorized personnel may occupy it.


General Guidelines

  1. 24 hours for clearing the Educational Center area shall be adhered to for all events.
  2. The Educational Center area shall always be locked, with keys readily available for authorized personnel.
  3. Flown scenery shall be changed only by college personnel and only with the person or persons in charge present; only in hard hats; only persons directly involved with counterbalancing shall be on stage.
  4. Outside groups shall either satisfactorily clean the Educational Center area of debris or pay an equitable cleanup fee. Weekend usage of the Educational Center may necessitate an extra janitorial and security charge.
  5. All fire and safety regulations shall be strictly adhered to.
  6. The person or persons in charge shall be responsible for any damage to the building or equipment.


The above statements are to make Shawnee Community College available fairly and equitably, provide maximum safety and security for personnel and equipment, and maintain the facility in excellent condition.


Change Log Governance Unit: Administrative Services Council 
Date Description of Change
09.26.2024 Initial Adoption