A4100 Pursuit of Excellence in Employment Practices


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: CHRO; ED, Human Resources
Related Policies: B3001, B3003, B3004, A4000, A4200, A4300, A4400
Linked Operating Standards: A4100.00, A4100.05, A4100.10, A4100.15, A4100.20, A4100.25, A4100.30, A4100.35, A4100.40, A4100.45, A4100.50, A4100.55, A4100.60, A4100.65
Related Laws: Title IVTitle VII, FLSA
Related External Standards: None
HLC Criterion1C1C The institution provides opportunities for civic engagement in a diverse, multicultural society and globally connected world, as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves., 2A2A The institution establishes and follows policies and processes to ensure fair and ethical behavior on the part of its governing board, administration, faculty and staff., 5B5B The institution’s resource base supports its educational offerings and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future.

A4100 Pursuit of Excellence in Employment Practices PDF


Policy Statement

The College believes that fostering a fair, inclusive, and professional work environment begins with excellence in employment practices. We are committed to actively eliminating discrimination and bias through continuous training and awareness programs and providing equitable career growth and professional development opportunities.

To accomplish these goals, the College will: 

  1. Promote equitable hiring and advancement opportunities for diverse candidates.
  2. Conduct regular pay audits to address and eliminate gender and racial pay disparities.
  3. Create and continuously update a mentoring program for new faculty and staff hires.
  4. Mandate anti-bias training to support the development of inclusive relationships, especially between mentors and mentees.

To those ends, the College’s CHRO is directed to collaborate with the Senior Leadership Team to develop, implement, and continuously improve systems, processes, and practices aimed at ensuring our learning and work environments provide a solid foundation for students, employees, and the community to thrive while complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.


Change LogGovernance Unit: DEIB Council
DateDescription of Change
10.24.24Initial Adoption