A4000.20 Professional Development Courses

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A4000
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



At the beginning of each academic year, the President will distribute a listing of courses that may be taken for professional development.

Full-time professional staff who wish to enroll in these classes may do so with the written permission obtained in advance of their immediate supervisor and at times outside of time assigned for professional duties and responsibilities.

Full-time professional staff will be compensated $50.00 for the successful completion of each course from the list of courses identified as eligible for professional development.  Payment will be made within a month following the successful completion of the course(s) with a grade of “C” or better or “P”.

Employees can take college courses during work hours as long as it is during their lunch break between the hours of 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., or during evenings or weekends.

Revised:  July 2016


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