A3100.65 College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Responsible: VPSS
Related Policies: A3100
Linked Operating Standards: A3100.50, A3100.55
Related Laws: 
Related External Standards: 
HLC Criterion3A3A The rigor of the institution’s academic offerings is appropriate to higher education.

A3100.65 College Level Examination Program (CLEP) PDF



Students have the opportunity to earn college credits through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). CLEP credit will not be awarded for any course the student is currently enrolled in, nor for any equivalent course in which the student has already received a grade. Additionally, CLEP credits will not count in the current semester’s credit hours and will not affect a student’s full-time or part-time status for financial aid purposes.

To schedule a CLEP exam, students may contact the Student Success Center or visit collegeboard.org for additional information. Official CLEP exam scores must be submitted to the Registrar’s office. Shawnee Community College awards credits based on the recommendations of the American Council on Education. For students who achieve the required exam score, credit will be posted to their record with a grade of “CR”.

TestCourseMinimum ScoreCredit Hour
American GovernmentGOV-0117503
American LiteratureLIT-0216503
Analysis & Interpretation of LiteratureLiterature Elective503
College AlgebraMAT-0116503
College MathematicsMath Elective503
English Composition with EssayENG-0111 & ENG -0112506
English LiteratureLIT-0214 & LIT-0215506
Financial AccountingACC-0111503
History of the U.S. IHIS-0214503
History of the U.S. IIHIS-0215503
Human Growth & DevelopmentPSY-0217503
HumanitiesHumanities Elective503
Information SystemsElective503
Intro to Educational PsychologyElective503
Introductory Business LawBUS-0214503
Introductory PsychologyPSY-0211503
Introductory SociologySOC-0212503
Natural SciencesPhysical Science Elective506
Principles of MacroeconomicsECO-0211503
Principles of MicroeconomicsECO-0212503
Principles of ManagementBUS-0210503
Principles of MarketingBUS-0116503
Social Sciences and HistorySocial Science Elective506
Western Civ. IHIS-0116503
Western Civ. IIHIS-0117503



Change LogGovernance Unit: Student Affairs Council 
DateDescription of Change
2.27.25Initial Adoption; replaces 8150A