A3100.50 Guidelines for Accepting Transfer Credit

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A3100
Linked Procedures:
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Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



  1. Students must produce official transcripts that are sent directly from their college or university to the Shawnee Community College Registrar’s Office.
  2. Shawnee Community College will only accept credit hours from institutions which are accredited by a regional accrediting association.
  3. Credit hours earned from foreign colleges and universities must be translated by an accredited third-party entity as approved by the Dean, with the final determination being made by the Vice President of Student Affairs.
  4. Shawnee Community College will accept a maximum of six (6) credit hours of “D” grades. The college registrar will make the determination as to whether transfer hours will be accepted as it relates to the student’s degree.
  5. If a transfer course from another accredited institution earned more credit hours than the equivalent course at Shawnee Community College, the student is given full credit for the hours earned at the former institution.
  6. If a transfer course has fewer credit hours than the equivalent at Shawnee Community College, the student will be granted only the number of credit hours earned at the other
  7. If a transfer course has no Shawnee Community College equivalent, the hours earned will be granted as elective hours.
  8. Quarter hours will be converted to semester hours on the Shawnee Community College transcript.
  9. Credit hours will be granted for military service according to the recommendation of the American Council on Education.
  10. Veterans shall submit an official copy of their DD214 or an official certificate, which documents other credit earned during military training.
  11. All military service members receive 2 hours of health and 4 hours of physical education with a copy of their DD214.
  12. According to the Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS), other credit may be accepted as recommended by the American Council on Education Guidelines for awarding higher education credit when an equivalent Shawnee Community College course exists.
  13. The decision on the awarding of transfer credit may be appealed by the student in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President of Student Affairs.


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