Operating Standard
Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A3100
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:
Public Act 86-0954 requires all community colleges providing baccalaureate-oriented degree programs to establish and have in effect minimum entrance requirements comparable to those of state universities.
Shawnee Community College requires that a student’s high school transcript must have the following units if he/she is to be admitted to the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science programs.
High School Subjects | Years of Work | Explanation |
English | 4 | Written and oral communication, and literature |
Social Studies | 3 | Emphasizing history and government |
Mathematics | 3 | Introductory and advanced algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and computer programming |
Science | 3 | Laboratory Sciences |
Electives | 2 | Foreign language, music, art or vocational education |
Effective Fall 1993, students entering Shawnee Community College in a baccalaureate-oriented program are admitted in one of two categories: full admission or provisional admission.
Change Log | ||
Date | Description of Change | Governance Unit |
Administrative Policy Manual
- Printable PDF
Executive Council
- General (A1xxx)
- A1000 Shared Governance
- A1000.00 Student Participation
- A1100 Legal Compliance
- A1100.00 Administration of Freedom of Information Act
- A1100.05 Ethics Act
- A1100.10 Identity Protection
- A1100.15 Concealed Carry
- A1100.20 Copying Copyrighted Materials
- A1200 Professional Behavior
- A1200.00 Conflict of Interest
- A1200.05 Conduct Regulations
- A1200.10 Free Speech and Expressive Activity
- A1300 Institutional Effectiveness
- A1300.00 Accreditation
- A1300.05 Strategic Planning
- A1300.10 Institutional Evaluation / Research
- A1300.15 Institutional Reporting
- A1300.20 Data Dashboard / Fact Book / Analytics
- A1300.25 Data Requests
- A1300.30 Surveys
- A1300.35 Intellectual Property
- A1400 Records Retention Policy
- A1400.00 Records Retention Schedule
- Public Relations (A8xxx)
- A8000 Public Communications
- A8000.00 Branding
- A8000.05 Advertising
- A8000.10 Promotional Materials
- A8000.15 Media Relations and Communications
- A8000.20 Social Media Policy and Guidelines
- A8000.25 News Media Access
- A8000.30 Public Speakers
- A8000.35 Distribution of Signs, Handbills, and Advertising
- A8000.40 Display of Flags and Banners
- A8000.45 Use of College Stationary
- A8000.50 College Colors and Nickname
- A8000.55 Official Symbol
- A8000.60 Official Publications
- A8000.65 Authorization and Approval of Relationships with Institutions and Agencies
- A8000.70 Temporary Indoor Signage and the Distribution of Materials
- Advancement (A9xxx)
- A9000 Fundraising & Development
- A9000.00 Foundation
- A9000.05 Establishment of Purpose
- A9000.10 Bylaws
- A9000.15 Legal Authority
- A9000.20 Relationship to the College
- A9000.25 Expenditure of Funds
- A9000.30 Fundraising
- A9000.35 Memorial Tributes
- A9000.40 Naming Opportunities
- A9000.45 Receiving Gifts/Donations
- A9000.50 Recognition of Gifts/Donations
- A9000.55 Gifts, Grants, and Donations
- A9000.60 Alumni
- A9000.65 Naming Physical Components of Shawnee Community College
- A9000.70 Sponsorship and Naming Rights
Academic Affairs (A2xxx)
- Academic Principles
- A2000 Culture of Learning
- A2000.00 Academic Freedom
- A2000.05 Academic Honesty
- A2000.30 Students Entering Classes as “Open Entry and Open Exit” Students
- A2000.35 School Year
- A2000.40 General Education
- A2000.45 Continuing Education
- A2000.50 Workforce/Contract Education
- A2000.55 Professional Licensure
- A2000.60 Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment / Early College / H.S. Partnerships
- Curriculum Management
- A2100 Curriculum Excellence
- A2100.00 Curriculum Development
- A2100.05 Program / Major Pathway Development / Improvement
- A2100.10 New Program Requirements
- A2100.15 Credit Hour Definition
- A2100.20 Course Development
- A2100.25 Course Numbering
- A2100.30 Course Credit-Hour Determination
- A2100.35 Course Outlines and Syllabi
- A2100.40 Advisory Committees
- A2100.45 Assessment of Student Learning
- A2100.50 Assessment for Student Learning Contd.
- A2100.55 Articulation
- A2100.60 Academic Program / Services Review
- A2100.70 Competency-Based Education
- Learning Standards
- A2200 Scholarship Excellence
- A2200.00 General Graduation Requirements
- A2200.05 General Graduation Requirements Contd.
- A2200.10 Audit Policy
- A2200.15 Grading
- A2200.20 Grading Contd.
- A2200.25 Evaluation of Student Academic Performance
- A2200.30 Evaluation of Student Academic Performance Contd.
- A2200.35 Academic Honors
- A2200.40 Credit for Life / Work Experience
- A2200.45 Credit for Military Experience
- A2200.50 Credit for Professional Licensure
- A2200.55 Academic Renewal / Credit Exclusion / Forgiveness
- A2200.60 Educational Internships
- A2200.65 Educational Internships Contd.
- A2200.70 Field Trips
- A2200.75 Independent Study
- Faculty Standards
- A2300 Faculty Quality
- A2300.00 Definition of Faculty
- A2300.05 Faculty Qualifications
- A2300.10 Tenure Definitions
- A2300.15 Tenure Procedures
- A2300.20 Faculty Handbook
- A2300.25 Faculty Handbook Development
- A2300.30 Faculty Evaluation
- A2300.35 Faculty Orientation
- A2300.40 Teaching Standards
- A2300.45 College Service Standards
- A2300.50 Community Service Standards
- Teaching Standards
- A2400 Instructional Excellence
- A2400.00 Required Class Size Policy for Community Education Classes
- A2400.05 Alternate Methods of Instruction
- A2400.10 Course Schedule Development
- A2400.11 Class Cancellation
- A2400.15 Grade Submission
- A2400.20 Course Section Evaluation from Students
- A2400.25 Selection of Course Materials
- A2400.30 Retaining Examinations and Other Evaluative Materials
Student Affairs (A3xxx)
- Admissions
- A3100 Excellence in Admissions & Records Practices
- A3100.00 Admission Policies
- A3100.05 General Admission Requirements
- A3100.10 Admission for Baccalaureate-Oriented Curricula
- A3100.15 Full Admission
- A3100.20 Provisional Admission
- A3100.25 International Student Admission
- A3100.30 Early Admission
- A3100.35 Escrow Admission
- A3100.40 Advanced Honors Program Admission
- A3100.45 Community Education Admission
- A3100.50 Guidelines for Accepting Transfer Credit
- A3100.55 Guidelines for Credit By Examination
- A3100.60 Advanced Placement
- A3100.65 College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- A3100.70 Proficiency Credit
- A3100.75 Experiential Credit
- A3100.80 Academic Classification and Course Load
- A3100.90 Satisfactory Academic Progress, Warning, Probation, and Suspension
- A3100.100 Release of Financial Aid Information
- A3100.115 Release of Student Information and Access to Student Records (FERPA)
- A3100.125 Residency
- A3100.130 Readmission
- Financial Aid
- A3200 Excellence in Financial Aid Practices
- A3200.00 Tuition Waivers
- A3200.05 Financial Aid Policy
- A3200.10 Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients
- A3200.15 Student Eligibility Code
- A3200.25 Reporting Potential Fraud and Abuse
- A3200.35 Release of Financial Aid Information
- A3200.40 Special Circumstances
- A3200.50 Scholarships
- Enrollment Services
- A3300 Excellence in Recruitment & Enrollment Practices
- A3300.00 Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act
- A3300.10 Class Withdrawal
- A3300.20 Repeat Enrollment in Courses
- A3300.30 Adding, Dropping, Withdrawal from Courses
- A3300.35 Advising / Counseling
- A3300.40 Change of Program of Study
- A3300.45 College Catalog
- A3300.50 Student Handbook
- A3300.55 Student Publications
- Student Experience
- A3400 Culture of Exceptional Student Experience and Engagement
- A3400.00 Borrowing Privileges
- A3400.05 Student Board Member
- A3400.10 Election of the Student Board Member
- A3400.15 Student Clubs, Organizations & Extracurricular Activities
- A3400.20 Student Rights and Responsibilities
- A3400.30 Clubs and Organizations
- A3400.40 Grievance Procedure
- A3400.50 Athletic Incentive
- A3400.60 Career Services
- A3400.65 Intercollegiate Athletics
- A3400.70 Library Materials
- A3400.75 Voter Registration
DEIB (A4xxx)
- Workplace Principles
- Employment & Classification
- A4100 Pursuit of Excellence in Employment Practices
- A4100.00 Employee Definitions
- A4100.05 Staffing, Recruitment, and Selection of Full-Time Employees
- A4100.10 Hiring of Part-Time Employees
- A4100.15 Acting and/or Interim Employee Assignments
- A4100.20 Reference Checks, Background Investigations, and Employment Verifications
- A4100.25 At-Will Employment
- A4100.30 Employment Contracts
- A4100.35 Employment Guidelines
- A4100.40 Meal Break
- A4100.45 Remote Work
- A4100.50 Outside Employment
- A4100.55 Performance Review
- A4100.60 Correction
- A4100.65 Resignation
- Compensation & Benefits
- Ethics & Conduct
- Privacy & Records
Administrative Services
- Business & Financial Services (A5xxx)
- Financial Standards
- A5000 Financial Excellence
- A5000.00 Audit Firm Selection
- A5000.05 Audit of College Accounts
- A5000.10 Treasurer of the Board
- A5000.15 Check Signatures Authorized on College Bank Accounts
- A5000.20 Bonds and Indebtedness
- A5000.25 Internal Business Practices
- A5000.30 Financial Statement
- A5000.35 Inter-Fund Loans
- A5000.40 Working Cash Fund
- A5000.45 Protections / Health / Safety Tax Levy / Bonds
- A5000.50 Investments
- A5000.55 Debt Collection
- A5000.60 Management of Financial Reserves
- A5000.65 Bonds and Indebtedness
- A5000.70 Fund Balance Calculation
- A5000.75 Tuition, Fees, and Other Charges
- A5000.85 Establishment of Fees
- A5000.90 Refund Policy
- A5000.95 Student Debt to the College
- A5000.100 Business Cards
- A5000.105 Payment of Bills Prior to Board Approval
- A5000.110 Authorized Signatures
- A5000.115 Internal Controls
- A5000.120 Cash Management
- A5000.125 Financial Reporting
- Budget Standards
- Procurement Standards
- A5200 Procurement Excellence
- A5200.00 Expenditure Authorization
- A5200.05 Purchasing and Bidding
- A5200.10 Emergency Purchases
- A5200.15 Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities
- A5200.20 Disbursements
- A5200.25 Accounts Payable
- A5200.30 Imprest Fund
- A5200.35 Third Party Billing / Refund
- A5200.40 College Credit Card Usage
- Auxiliary Services
- Risk Management
- Vehicles & Equipment
- Grants & Contracts
- Information Technology (A6xxx)
- Information Management Standards
- Infrastructure Standards
- Technology Use
- A6200 Ethical Use of Technology Resources
- A6200.00 Computer Usage Policy
- A6200.05 Computer Software Copyright Policy
- A6200.10 Photocopiers and Network Printers
- A6200.15 Artificial Intelligence
- A6200.20 Augmented / Virtual / Multiple Reality
- A6200.25 Respectful Communication
- A6200.30 Resource Conservation
- A6200.35 Personal Use
- A6200.40 Unauthorized Access
- Information Security Standards
- Web Standards
- Telecommunication Standards
- College Facility (A7xxx)
- Buildings & Grounds
- A7000 Capital Asset Quality
- A7000.00 Purchase or Lease of Sites
- A7000.05 Lease of Equipment, Machinery, Vehicles, and Buildings
- A7000.10 Title to Land
- A7000.15 Storage
- A7000.20 Mail
- A7000.25 Parking
- A7000.30 Accessibility and ADA Compliance
- A7000.35 Aesthetics & Branding
- A7000.40 Signage and Wayfinding
- A7000.45 Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
- A7000.50 Landscaping & Outdoor Areas
- A7000.55 College Closings
- Renovation & Construction
- Operations, Maintenance & Repair
- Facility Usage & Rental
- Safety and Security
- A7400 Culture of Safety & Security
- A7400.00 Unauthorized Persons on Campus
- A7400.05 Security
- A7400.10 Video Surveillance Policy
- A7400.15 College Keys
- A7400.20 Lock-Out / Tag-Out
- A7400.25 Risk Assessment
- A7400.30 Preventive Measures
- A7400.35 Emergency Preparedness
- A7400.40 Access Control
- A7400.45 Training
- A7400.50 Incident Reporting
- A7400.55 Compliance
- Emergency Operations
- A7500 Emergency Response
- A7500.00 Emergency Planning
- A7500.05 Crisis Management
- A7500.10 Incident Command System
- A7500.15 Resource Allocation
- A7500.20 Training & Drills
- A7500.25 Post-Emergency Assessment
- A7500.30 Compliance & Enforcement
- A7500.35 Lockdown and Secure-In Procedures
- A7500.40 Recovery & Continuity Planning