Operating Standard
Type: Administrative
Responsible: VP, Academic Affairs; CAO
Related Policies: A2300
Linked Operating Standards: A2300.00, A2300.05, A2300.10, A2300.15, A2300.20, A2300.25, A2300.35, A2300.40, A2300.45, A2300.50
Related Laws:ICCB Rule 1501.313, 110 ILCS 27, ICCB Rule 1501.303(f)
Related External Standards: ICCB Recognition Standard 1(5) Dual Credit; Standard 1(8) Faculty Qualifications/Policies
HLC Criterion: 3C43C4 Instructors are evaluated regularly in accordance with established institutional policies and procedures.
A2300.30 Faculty Evaluation PDF
Dual Credit Progress Report 24-25
General Observation Guide
Individual Faculty Evaluation Form
SQOCI Checklist
The College values the pursuit of excellence in all of its programs and services. Further, the College believes community perception of academic service excellence is most directly influenced by the quality of teaching and the faculty employed. In cultivating an environment of excellence and in committing to continuously improve our teaching and learning, all College faculty will be observed and/or evaluated as outlined below and under the direction of the Vice-President of Academic Affairs.
Observer– In the case of Tenured and Non-Tenured Faculty, the observer will be the Chair or Dean of the respective department. In the case of Adjunct Faculty, the observer may also be the Lead Instructor for the course taught. In the event the Chair or Dean cannot complete their assigned observations according to the timeline prescribed, the VPAA may assist.
In the case of Dual Credit Instructors, the observer will be the Lead Instructor for the course taught. In the event a Lead Instructor cannot complete their assigned observations according to the timeline prescribed, the department Chair, department Dean, or the VPAA may assist.
For definitions of faculty, see A2300.00 Definition of Faculty.
Frequency and Timeline of Evaluation
- Tenured faculty:
- will be formally evaluated once every three (3) academic years by December 1.
- Non-Tenured faculty:
- will be formally evaluated each academic year by December 1.
- Adjunct faculty:
- will be formally evaluated each academic year per department (Humanities/Social Sciences, Math/Science, CTE, and Allied Health/Nursing) by Nov. 1.
- Once the adjunct has taught for three (3) consecutive years in the same department, the instructor will be evaluated every three (3) years in that department.
- Therefore, it is possible an adjunct will be evaluated more than once in an academic year or on two or more cycles if the adjunct teaches in more than one department.
- If an adjunct misses an academic year of instruction, the evaluation cycle will start again once the adjunct begins teaching in that department.
- In the event concerns arise during the year(s) in which the instructor is not evaluated, a formal observation may be conducted.
- For adjuncts who teach in spring only, the evaluation will be done by April 1.
- For adjuncts who teach in summer only, the evaluation will be done by July 1.
- Dual Credit instructors:
- will be evaluated in accordance with the Dual Credit Quality Act (Section 16 (7)(B)), which states, “The evaluation shall be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the community college district’s review and evaluation policy and procedures for on-campus adjunct faculty, including visits to the secondary class”.
- will be observed in each unique course taught each academic year by Nov. 1 with the formal progress report.
- Once the instructor has taught for three (3) consecutive years in the same course, the instructor will be observed every three (3) years in that course using the formal progress report.
- Therefore, it is possible an instructor will be observed more than once in an academic year or on two or more cycles if the instructor teaches in more than one course.
- If an instructor misses an academic year of instruction in a course, the observation cycle will start again once the instructor begins teaching that course.
- In the event concerns arise during the year(s) in which the instructor is not evaluated, a formal observation may be conducted.
- For instructors who teach in spring only, the evaluation will be done by April 1.
- In the years the instructor is not formally observed, the lead instructor(s) of the course(s) will still contact the instructor to ensure the syllabi, textbooks, and lab manuals used are consistent with on-campus sections.
- The following calendar will be followed:
By August 1 | VPAA, SCEA, and Academic Leadership Team meet to review and confirm the evaluation rotation schedule |
By last week of August
| VPAA sends upcoming year’s faculty evaluation list to deans, chairs, lead instructors (if applicable), and faculty, along with operating standards and evaluation forms. |
ED HR sends an email to all FT and adjunct employees detailing the evaluation timeline and procedures Coordinator of HS Partnerships & Pathways sends an email to Dual Credit instructors detailing the observation timeline and procedures | |
First Week of September | Evaluation Process Begins |
Months of September-November | Observer completes the evaluation Faculty Self-Evaluation Forms completed Evaluation Forms/Progress Reports and conferences completed (submit to VPAA for signatures) |
By November 1 | Adjunct and Dual Credit Forms are due to EDHR/Coord of HS Partnerships & Pathways Non-Tenured Faculty Evaluations due to VPAA VPAA meetings with Non-Tenured Faculty begin |
By December 1 | Full-Time Faculty Forms are due to EDHR |
For Spring Only Adjuncts and Dual Credit Instructors | |
Months of January-March | Observer completes the evaluation Faculty Self-Evaluation Forms completed Evaluation Forms/Progress Reports and conferences completed (submit to VPAA for signatures) |
By April 1 | Adjunct and Dual Credit Forms are due to EDHR/Coord of HS Partnerships & Pathways
Evaluation Procedures
Full-time and Adjunct Faculty:
During the year in which the faculty member is formally evaluated, the following will occur:
- Classroom observation(s) and/or periodic classroom visits – At least one classroom observation will be planned in advance between the faculty member and the observer. The purpose of the classroom observation is to provide feedback on strengths and areas for improvement in teaching and learning. Classroom visits allow time for reflection and feedback by peers and administrators.
- Faculty Self-Reflection Form- Each faculty will complete a self-reflection of their teaching and professional activities during the fall semester of each year they are to be formally evaluated using the Faculty Evaluation Form (or the SQOCI for online courses). This self-reflection will then be discussed with the Dean or his/her designee at a summary evaluation conference. The self-reflection is an opportunity for faculty to share the many ways they contribute to the college through excellence in teaching and learning, college service, community service, scholarship, etc. It is also an opportunity for faculty to set goals for the upcoming year.
- Faculty Evaluation Form– The faculty self-reflection and observation(s) will likely inform the completion of the faculty evaluation. The faculty’s department Chair will complete the evaluation form, initially. Both the faculty and Chair will sign the evaluation, and the Chair will submit the evaluation form to the department Dean.
- Faculty Evaluation Conference – Each faculty will meet with the Dean or their designee following the completion of the faculty evaluation. The purpose of this conference is to review and finalize the results and plan an individualized program of professional development based on identified strengths, weaknesses, and goals. The Dean will sign the Faculty Evaluation Form and submit to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
- Conference with the Vice President of Academic Affairs–
- Tenured and Adjunct Faculty– If the faculty chooses, the faculty may request a meeting with the Vice President of Academic Affairs to discuss the faculty evaluation process, final evaluation results, and/or the individualized program of professional development.
- Non-Tenured Faculty– A meeting with the Vice President of Academic Affairs will occur to discuss the faculty evaluation process, final evaluation results, and/or the individualized program of professional development.
- Submission to Human Resources. Once the faculty evaluation has been finalized, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will sign the faculty evaluation, provide a copy to the faculty, and submit the original copy to Human resources by December 1. These documents will be electronically filed and kept in the HR Office.
Dual Credit:
Each year, every dual credit instructor will be contacted by the Lead Instructor in each unique course taught and will have:
- Classroom observation(s) and/or periodic classroom visits – The SCC Dual Credit Lead Instructor will visit and observe the HS Dual Credit Instructor by November 1st for the Year Long and Fall dual credit courses and April 1st for Spring courses.
- The Dual Credit Lead Instructor will use the Dual Credit Progress Report and General Observation Guide to guide them during the years in which a formal observation is required.
- In the years a formal observation progress report is not required, the Lead Instructor will ensure the syllabi, textbooks, and lab manuals used are consistent with on-campus sections.
- Summary Observation Conference – Once the Progress Report is completed, the Dual Credit Lead Instructor will review the Dual Credit Progress Report with the Dual Credit Instructor. The report will need to be sent to the Coordinator of High School Partnerships and Pathways once the Dual Credit Instructor and Lead Instructor have signed the Progress Report. The Coordinator will sign and return it to the Dual Credit Lead Instructor and Dual Credit Instructor.
Change Log | Governance Unit: Academic Affairs Council |
Date | Description of Change |
1.23.25 | Initial Adoption; replaces 6360 & 6320 (minus the Course Evaluation component) |