A2300.10 Tenure Definitions

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A2300
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Article IIIB of the Illinois Community College Act provides tenure for any full‑time faculty member of community colleges (excluding supervisors, administrators and clerical employees) who have been employed for three (3) consecutive years.

The Shawnee Community College Board of Trustees Policy Manual sets forth definitions to clarify employee eligibility for tenure with District Number 531.

Shawnee Community College personnel not eligible for tenure status as per policy definitions are as follows:


A. Administrators (shall include, but not be limited to, the following positions)

  1. President
  2. Vice-President of Instructional Services
  3. Vice-President of Student and Administrative Services
  4. Chief Financial Officer


B. Supervisors (shall include, but not be limited to, the following positions)

  1. Dean of Instructional Services
  2. Dean of Adult Education and Alternative Instruction
  3. Dean of Student Administrative Services
  4. Director of Information Technology
  5. Director of Financial Aid/Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel
  6. Director of Anna Extension Center/Recruiter
  7. Director of Cairo Extension Center
  8. Director of Metropolis Regional Education and Training Center
  9. Director of Student Support Services
  10. Director of Business Services
  11. Director of Educational Talent Search
  12. Director of Learning Resources and Instructional Technology
  13. Director of Institutional Research
  14. Director of Human Resources
  15. Facilities Director


C. Grant Support Staff (shall include, but not be limited to, the following positions)

  1. Accessibility and Resource Coordinator
  2. SSS Academic/Retention Specialist
  3. SSS Career/Transfer Advisor
  4. Talent Search Academic Specialist


D. Other Support Staff (shall include, but not be limited to, the following positions)

  1. Accountant
  2. Admission Specialist/Advisor/Baseball
  3. Advisor/Admission Specialist
  4. Advisor/Recruiter
  5. Advising Specialist
  6. Advising Specialist/Women’s Basketball Coach
  7. Adult Education Coordinator
  8. Agriculture Coordinator/Instructor
  9. Alternative High School Coordinator
  10. Bookstore Manager
  11. Business and Industry Training Coordinator
  12. Career Services Coordinator
  13. Coordinator of Community and Economic Development
  14. Coordinator of Career Services
  15. Educational Opportunity Specialist
  16. Educational Technology Specialist
  17. Computer Services Specialist
  18. Executive Administrative Assistant to President/Human Recourses
  19. Fitness Center Coordinator/Men’s Basketball Coach/Asst. Intramural Coordinator/P.E.
  20. Financial Aid Specialist
  21. Health Training Specialist
  22. Information Technology Support Specialist
  23. Librarian
  24. Local Network Administrator
  25. Marketing Coordinator
  26. Payroll Specialist
  27. Recruiter/Softball Coach
  28. Registrar
  29. Marketing Coordinator
  30. Small Business Counselor
  31. Student Success Center Coordinator
  32. Student Counselor
  33. Student Information System Specialist
  34. Traffic Safety Coordinator
  35. Truck Driving Coordinator


E. Administrative Support Services (shall include, but not be limited to, the following positions)

  1. Instructional Services Program Assistant
  2. Student Success Center Assistant
  3. Lab Assistant/Lab Safety Officer
  4. SSS Learning Skills Specialist/Tutor Coordinator


F. Operational Personnel (shall include, but not be limited to, the following positions)

  1. Secretaries/Executive Assistants/Administrative Assistants/Clerks/Receptionists
  2. Bursar/Accounts Receivables
  3. Accounts Payables                                                                                
  4. Buildings, Grounds, and Maintenance Personnel
  5. Computer Lab Assistants


G. Part‑Time Faculty


Revised:  July 2007, August 2015, October 2015, July 2016


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