COVID-19 Guidelines

Shawnee Community College Updates COVID-19 Guidelines

ULLIN, IL (September 14, 2023)- With the recent increase in COVID-19 cases around the region and the approaching cold and flu season, Shawnee Community College is updating guidelines for a healthy and safe campus.

Here are some reminders and tips for students, faculty, and staff:

Wear a Mask with Cold and Flu Symptoms: If you have even the slightest cold or flu symptoms (such as coughing, sneezing, sore throat, or a runny nose), it is essential to wear a mask when you’re on campus. This helps reduce the risk of transmitting respiratory illnesses to others, including COVID-19.

Wear a Mask if you have been exposed to COVID-19: If you think you have been
exposed to COVID-19, it is essential to wear a mask for five (5) days from exposure. This helps reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 to others.

Practice Good Hand Hygiene: Regularly washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds can help prevent the spread of germs, including the flu and COVID-19.

Hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol are also effective when soap and water are unavailable.

Stay Home if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms: If you are experiencing
COVID-19 signs, it is crucial to stay home and self-isolate to prevent potential spread. Follow local health guidelines for testing and quarantine.

Promote Respiratory Etiquette: Encourage everyone on campus to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissues properly and wash hands immediately.

Support Mental Health: Recognize that ongoing health concerns can be stressful.
Encourage a supportive campus culture emphasizing mental health resources and
student, faculty, and staff support.

Stay Informed: Stay updated on campus and local health guidelines related to COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. This information may change over time, so staying informed about the latest recommendations is essential.

The following is a helpful link from the Center for Disease Control to help calculate quarantine or isolation:

Seek Medical Advice: If you or someone you know develops COVID-19 symptoms, consult a healthcare professional for guidance on testing and treatment. Early detection and appropriate care can help reduce the severity of the illness.

Everyone plays a crucial role in creating a healthy and safe campus environment.
It is essential to be proactive, follow guidelines, and prioritize the entire community’s well-being.

COVID-19 Guidelines for Students

Students exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 should wear a mask for five (5) days.

Students who test positive for COVID should isolate and not be on campus for five days. Day one (1) is the first full day following the day you tested.

Wear a high-quality mask when indoors around others until day 11.

Students should contact (by phone or email) a Counselor/Advisor to report the date of a positive COVID test and the status of symptoms.

Counselor/Advisor will instruct students to email their instructors. Students should copy the Counselor/Advisor on the email.

Counselor/Advisor will update the Excused Absence Spreadsheet (Google Form) with student information, test date, and potential return to campus date. The Excused Absence Spreadsheet will be shared with all full and part-time instructors.

The Vice President of Student Affairs will email all faculty, staff, and students about COVID Student Guidelines.

The Executive Director of Public Information and Marketing will publicize guidelines.

Counselor/Advisor will send an updated report each Monday.

The Director of Student Success will update the Cabinet weekly.

Students who have symptoms may end their isolation after day five (5) if fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication. Day one (1) is the first full day after the day your symptoms started.

Wear a high-quality mask when indoors around others until day 11.

Students should contact (by phone or email) a Counselor/Advisor to report the date of a positive COVID test and the status of symptoms.

Counselor/Advisor will instruct students to email their instructors. Students should copy the Counselor/Advisor on the email.

Counselor/Advisor will update the Excused Absence Spreadsheet (Google Form) with student information, test date, and potential return to campus date. The Excused Absence Spreadsheet will be shared with all full and part-time instructors.

The Vice President of Student Affairs will email all faculty, staff, and students about COVID Student Guidelines.

The Executive Director of Public Information will publicize guidelines.

Counselor/Advisor will send an updated report each Monday.

The Director of Student Success will update the Cabinet weekly.

NOTE: For the most up-to-date information, consult the Center for Disease Control.