African American History (InfoBase)
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Features thousands of cross-referenced entries, covering the entire spectrum of African-American history over the past 500 years.
American History Online (InfoBase)
Access Database
American History Online offers award-winning subject entries, biographies, primary sources, images and videos, maps and charts, and timelines spanning 500 years of political, military, social, and cultural history.
American History in Video
Access Videos
American History in Video includes early newsreels, which includes the complete series of United Newsreel and Universal Newsreel, award-winning documentaries, which features dramatic reenactments and engaging analysis from prominent scholars and experts. There are currently over 6,700 videos, totaling over 1,600 hours, available in this collection.
Black Thought and Culture
Access Database
Black Thought & Culture contains over 1,300 sources with over 1,200 authors, covering the non-fiction published works of leading African Americans. It provides around 100,000 pages of monographs, essays, articles, speeches, and interviews written by leaders within the black community from the earliest times to the present. The collection is intended for research in black studies, political science, American history, music, literature, and art.
Bloom's Literature Online (InfoBase)
Access Database
Examines great writers, important works, memorable characters, and influential movements and events in world literature.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video
Access Videos
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video includes hundreds of hours of video for professionals and students in criminal justice and public safety. Documentaries and interviews provide personal field experiences as well as insight into the function and controversies of the justice system. There are currently over 700 videos, totaling over 400 hours, available in this collection.
CQ Researcher is noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy. Single-themed, 12,000-word reports are written by journalists 44 times each year. These reports include an introductory overview, three pro-con debates, a background and chronology on the topic, an assessment of the current situation, tables and maps, a pro-con debate by representatives of opposing positions, and bibliographies of key sources. CQ Researcher has available articles dating back to 1991.
Directory of Open Access Journals
Access Database
DOAJ is a service that indexes and provides access to quality, peer reviewed Open Access research journals and periodicals. DOAJ aims to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, promoting their increased usage and impact. They currently give access to over 10,000 journals, over 5,000 of which are searchable at the article level, and over 1,750,000 articles, in many languages.
EBSCOhost is a database collection that contains an eBook collection and several databases covering many different topics. Databases included are Academic Search Complete, Business Source Elite, Newspaper Source, Primary Search, ERIC, Professional Development Collection, Military & Government Collection, and several more. After going to EBSCOhost, choose "Full text Journals (and other sources)-General" from the choices. You should be redirected to a page listing all of the available databases within EBSCOhost, along with descriptions of each database. You are also able to search through all databases within EBSCOhost at once. There are resources for nearly any topic imaginable within EBSCOhost!
EDUCAUSE Review Online
Access Database
EDUCAUSE Review Online is EDUCAUSE's open-access digital flagship publication for the higher education IT community. EDUCAUSE Review Online takes a broad look at current developments and trends in information technology, how they may affect the college/university as an institution, and what these mean for higher education and society, as well as peer-reviewed articles, practical advice and guidance, interactive elements, and multimedia about managing and using information resources in higher education.
Education in Video
Access Videos
Education in Video provides resources for both new and experienced teachers, tools to increase their knowledge and skills, and ways for education faculty to link abstract theories of education to real-world students and classrooms. There are currently over 4,600 videos, totaling over 1,400 hours, available in this collection.
Encyclopedia Britannica®
Access Database
Encyclopedia Britannica provides over 120,000 encyclopedic articles online. Encyclopedia Britannica also filters and directs users to the best web sites on the Internet related to the subject they covered in their articles.
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center (InfoBase)
Access Database
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center features exclusive, wide-ranging content. Known for its unprecedented depth of coverage and variety of user-friendly content formats, this comprehensive career research database is broken down into three main sections: Job and Industry Profiles, Job-Hunting and Workplace Skills, and Career and Industry Resources. The material is drawn from a range of authoritative sources and is extensively indexed.
Global Road Warrior
Access Database
Global Road Warrior provides cultural, economic, geographical, and political information for countries around the world.
GreenFILE is a comprehensive resource that draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health, and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and more. GreenFILE includes scholarly, government and general-interest titles including content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize these effects. GreenFILE contains indexing and abstracts for more than 612,000 records, and has Open Access full text for more than 9,100 records.
Harper's Weekly is an important primary resource for examining life in late 19th and early 20th century America on a week-to-week basis. This electronic database covers the period from 1857-1912.
Health and Society in Video
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Health and Society in Video defines and explores today's latest medical progress in health and wellness issues and their impact on society, using hundreds of premium documentaries, profiles, reports, and interviews. There are currently over 500 videos, totaling over 300 hours, available in this collection.
Issues & Controversies (InfoBase)
Access Database
Provides exclusive, extensive coverage of hundreds of today's hot topics, with unbiased analysis and rich related resources.
Explore the world's knowledge, cultures, and ideas. JSTOR is a premier reference database and archive that provides access to millions of peer-reviewed academic journals, books, primary sources, and photographs.
Learning Express Library
Access Database
Learning Express Library features nearly 1,000 online tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks to help patrons of all ages. It offers job search and workplace skills improvement, skill building in reading, writing, math, and basic science, career certification and licensure exam prep, college and grad school entrance test prep, GED® test prep, and more.
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis - including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790 - with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
Nursing Education in Video
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Nursing Education in Video was created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. All of the videos in this collection have been created with the guidance of the Medcom-Trainex advisory board, and are regularly reviewed for accuracy, currency, and compliance with US Federal regulations from agencies such as OSHA and CMS. There are currently over 300 videos, totaling over 100 hours, available in this collection.
Ovid Nursing/Anatomy Journals and eBooks
Access Database
Journals: American Journal of Nursing, Med/Surg Insider Supplement, Men in Nursing, Nurse Educator, Nursing, and Nutrition Today. To search in all journals, go to the website, then click on the Search button on the blue menu bar, then select sources to search. To search by journal, click Journals button on blue menu bar at top of Ovid page and select journal.
Ebooks: Topics include wound care, medical Spanish, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, medical terminology, elder care, and more. To access ebooks, click on SCC Books@Ovid on blue bar at top of page.
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Access Database
OED is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over 600,000 words from across the English-speaking world. OED is a historical dictionary, meaning it provides history of individual words, and of the language, in addition to the present-day meanings of words.
Salem Press brings online access to award-winning reference works, including
- Defining Documents in American History: LGBTQ+ (1923-2017)
- Magill's Medical Guide - Glowingly reviewed by every major reference reviewer, it is a staple in high school, college, public, and medical school libraries, due to its mix of accessibility and depth.
- Opinions Throughout History - Gender: Roles & Rights
The Deep Backfile Collection includes the content of Sage journal from issue 1, volume 1, through the last issue of 1998.
Sanborn Maps of Illinois
Access Database
Sanborn Maps of Illinois contains maps of towns throughout Illinois, made between 1867 and 1970. These maps were originally created to help fire insurance companies determine the risks associated with insuring properties. The large-scale maps available in this collection were drawn at a scale of 50 feet to an inch. Because the maps were created over a century, they are useful in charting the development of cities and towns over many years.
Saskia Art Images Collection
Access Database
The Saskia Art Images collection contains 30,000 digital images of paintings, sculpture, andarchitecture, including images from many important collections including the Prado, Kunthistorisches Museum, the Uffizi, and the Louvre, as well as archaeological sites in Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Egypt.
Science Online (InfoBase)
Access Database
Presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, biographies, and experiments.
SIRS® Issues Researcher
Access Database
SIRS® Issues Researcher offers balanced content selections from more than 2,000 international sources. Analysis and opinions cover the pros, cons, and everything in between of 360+ social, scientific, health, historic, economic, and political issues. Resources include articles, graphics, maps, primary sources, government documents, websites, multimedia, critical thinking questions and timelines.
World News Digest (InfoBase)
Access Database
World News Digest brings together and enhances nearly seven decades of news from the renowned Facts on File World News Digest in print. This archival record of domestic and international news is updated weekly and contains more than 1 million internal hyperlinks and convenient new features such as tabbed search results. It covers all major political, social, and economic events since November 1940. This publication of record is unrivaled for its depth, breadth, and accuracy.
World History in Video
Access Videos
World History in Video is a wide-ranging collection of critically acclaimed documentaries that allow students and researchers to explore human history from the earliest civilizations to the late twentieth century. Videos included cover Africa and the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Oceania. This collection covers longer-term and multiple perspectives, so students can make connections across cultures and over time, incorporating people, places, events, and artifacts from around the world and across the centuries. There are currently over 1,200 videos, totaling over 800 hours, available in this collection.
Writer's Reference Center (InfoBase)
Access Database The fundamentals of quality writing.