Financial Aid Grievance Procedure

A grievance shall mean a complaint by a student that there has been unjust and/or injurious treatment to the student by college staff.

Before a grievance can be filed, the student must attempt to resolve the complaint through discussions with the staff member(s) concerned. If such informal discussions do not lead to satisfactory resolution of the complaint, a formal grievance may be processed according to the following procedures

Step 1

  1. Within ten calendar days of the termination of efforts to informally resolve the complaint, a legibly written statement of grievance shall be prepared, signed, and delivered to the Director of Student Resources.
  2. Within five working days after the written grievance is submitted, the Director shall convene a meeting including the student and the staff member concerned to resolve said grievance.
  3. The Director will answer the grievance in writing within ten calendar days after such meeting. (Copy to staff member(s).)

Step 2

  1. If the grievance is not resolved in Step 1, the student must within seven calendar days of the Step 1 answer, submit a legibly written statement of the grievance and a copy of the Director’s decision (from Step 1) to the Vice President of Student and Administrative Services.
  2. Within ten working days of receipt of the documents specified in Part 1 above, the Vice President of Student and Administrative Services shall convene the Scholarship Committee for a hearing of the grievance, and the staff member(s) concerned will be required to attend.
  3. The Scholarship Committee will hear the grievance, render a decision, and submit the decision in writing to the student and staff member(s) concerned within ten calendar days of said hearing.

The Scholarship Committee’s decision is final and ends the financial aid grievance procedure.