Kaitlyn May, SCC Nu Alpha Alpha Phi Beta Lambda Secretary, 2020-2021
Phi Beta Lambda is an education association of students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. PBL’s Mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Business teachers/advisers and advisory councils (including school officials, business people and community representatives) guide local chapters. State advisers and committee members coordinate chapter activities for the national organization.
Each year, the National Leadership Conference brings together the best and brightest of PBL to compete in leadership events, share their successes and learn new ideas about shaping their career future. These four-day sessions are considered the pinnacle of the PBL experience, especially for those running for national office. PBL also sponsors conferences and seminars for members and advisers, which are designed to enhance experience initially developed on the local and state level. Among them are:
- Institute for Leaders – This four-day seminar is a focused leadership experience for state and local chapter officers as well as members and advisers. It offers a unique chance to build leadership and career skills that last a lifetime in tracks focusing on entrepreneurship, communication and FBLA-PBL leadership. It is held in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference each year.
- National Fall Leadership Conference – Each fall, new leaders and advisers from chapters across the nation gather for regional conferences designed to guide and motivate their success for the year. This includes workshops, seminars, and a plenary session, as well as the benefit of networking among their peers from other cities.