#2 Taylor ReimanPosition: PSchool Year: SophomoreHometown: Murphysboro, IllinoisWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#2 Taylor ReimanPosition: P
#3 Summerlee EldersPosition: PSchool Year: FreshmanHometown: Crab Orchard, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and offView Bio#3 Summerlee EldersPosition: P
#4 Alexis JonesPosition: IF#4 Alexis JonesPosition: IF
#5 Chloe DassingPosition: P#5 Chloe DassingPosition: P
#6 Shelby GrovePosition: OFSchool Year: FreshmanHometown: Royalton, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#6 Shelby GrovePosition: OF
#7 Brook McCrayPosition: PSchool Year: FreshmanHometown: White House, TNWhat motivates me to succeed both on and offView Bio#7 Brook McCrayPosition: P
#8 Mackenzie DassingPosition: OF#8 Mackenzie DassingPosition: OF
#11 Zoey LintonPosition: OFSchool Year: FreshmanHometown: Herrin, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#11 Zoey LintonPosition: OF
#12 Carmin SmithPosition: IFSchool Year: SophomoreHometown: Dongola, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#12 Carmin SmithPosition: IF
#14 Caden ParoPosition: CSchool Year: SophomoreHometown: Metropolis, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and offView Bio#14 Caden ParoPosition: C
#15 Kaitlyn WagonerPosition: P/IFSchool Year: SophomoreHometown: Chickamauga, GAWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#15 Kaitlyn WagonerPosition: P/IF
#16 Jadynn WillardPosition: Pitcher/OFSchool Year: SophomoreHometown: Metropolis, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#16 Jadynn WillardPosition: Pitcher/OF
#18 Lany ShehornPosition: SSSchool Year: SophomoreHometown: Carlisle, KYWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#18 Lany ShehornPosition: SS
#20 KayLynn BowermanPosition: OFSchool Year: FreshmanHometown: Willisville, IllinoisWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#20 KayLynn BowermanPosition: OF
#21 Kylie KleppinPosition: IF/CSchool Year: FreshmanHometown: Cookeville, TNWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off theView Bio#21 Kylie KleppinPosition: IF/C
#23 Tori CrainPosition: OF#23 Tori CrainPosition: OF
#24 Alyssa AikinsPosition: OFHometown: Carlisle County, KentuckyFavorite Pro Sports Team: St. Louis CardinalsFavorite Post-Game Meal: Ramen noodlesFavorite WorkoutView Bio#24 Alyssa AikinsPosition: OF
Assistant Coach Brooke SquellatiAssistant Coach Brooke Squellati

#2 Taylor Reiman
Position: P
School Year: SophomoreHometown: Murphysboro, IllinoisWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#2 Taylor Reiman
Position: P

#3 Summerlee Elders
Position: P
School Year: FreshmanHometown: Crab Orchard, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off
View Bio
#3 Summerlee Elders
Position: P

#4 Alexis Jones
Position: IF
#4 Alexis Jones
Position: IF

#5 Chloe Dassing
Position: P
#5 Chloe Dassing
Position: P

#6 Shelby Grove
Position: OF
School Year: FreshmanHometown: Royalton, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#6 Shelby Grove
Position: OF

#7 Brook McCray
Position: P
School Year: FreshmanHometown: White House, TNWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off
View Bio
#7 Brook McCray
Position: P

#8 Mackenzie Dassing
Position: OF
#8 Mackenzie Dassing
Position: OF

#11 Zoey Linton
Position: OF
School Year: FreshmanHometown: Herrin, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#11 Zoey Linton
Position: OF

#12 Carmin Smith
Position: IF
School Year: SophomoreHometown: Dongola, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#12 Carmin Smith
Position: IF

#14 Caden Paro
Position: C
School Year: SophomoreHometown: Metropolis, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off
View Bio
#14 Caden Paro
Position: C

#15 Kaitlyn Wagoner
Position: P/IF
School Year: SophomoreHometown: Chickamauga, GAWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#15 Kaitlyn Wagoner
Position: P/IF

#16 Jadynn Willard
Position: Pitcher/OF
School Year: SophomoreHometown: Metropolis, ILWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#16 Jadynn Willard
Position: Pitcher/OF

#18 Lany Shehorn
Position: SS
School Year: SophomoreHometown: Carlisle, KYWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#18 Lany Shehorn
Position: SS

#20 KayLynn Bowerman
Position: OF
School Year: FreshmanHometown: Willisville, IllinoisWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#20 KayLynn Bowerman
Position: OF

#21 Kylie Kleppin
Position: IF/C
School Year: FreshmanHometown: Cookeville, TNWhat motivates me to succeed both on and off the
View Bio
#21 Kylie Kleppin
Position: IF/C

#23 Tori Crain
Position: OF
#23 Tori Crain
Position: OF

#24 Alyssa Aikins
Position: OF
Hometown: Carlisle County, KentuckyFavorite Pro Sports Team: St. Louis CardinalsFavorite Post-Game Meal: Ramen noodlesFavorite Workout
View Bio
#24 Alyssa Aikins
Position: OF

Assistant Coach Brooke Squellati
Assistant Coach Brooke Squellati