Full Admission
Students will be granted full admission provided they have met at least one of the following requirements:
- Earned a high school diploma or GED, met the minimum high school pattern requirements listed above and scored above the minimum levels on the ASSET/COMPASS to show proficiency in math, English and reading.
- Earned a high school diploma or GED and have taken the ACT exam and received a 21 or better composite score.
- Been enrolled in a college or university previously and have earned at least 26 hours of college credit.
Transfer Students
Students will be granted full admission provided they have met at least one of the following requirements:
- Students must produce official transcripts that are sent directly from their college or university to the Shawnee Community College Registrar’s Office.
- Shawnee Community College will only accept credit hours from institutions which are accredited by a regional accrediting association.
- Credit hours earned from foreign colleges and universities must be translated by an accredited third-party entity as approved by the Dean of Student Success and Services, with the final determination being made by the Vice-President of Student Success and Services.
- Shawnee Community College will accept a maximum of six (6) credit hours of “D” grades. The college registrar will make the determination as to whether transfer hours will be accepted as it relates to the student’s degree.
- If a transfer course from another accredited institution earned more credit hours than the equivalent course at Shawnee Community College, the student is given full credit for the hours earned at the former institution.
- If a transfer course has fewer credit hours than the equivalent at Shawnee Community College, the student will be granted only the number of credit hours earned at the other institution.
- If a transfer course has no Shawnee Community College equivalent, the hours earned will be granted as elective hours.
- Quarter hours will be converted to semester hours on the Shawnee Community College transcript.
- Credit hours will be granted for military service according to the recommendation of the American Council on Education.
- Veterans shall submit an official copy of their DD214 or an official certificate, which documents other credit earned during military training.
- All military service members receive 2 hours of health and 4 hours of physical education with a copy of their DD214.
- According to the Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS), other credit may be accepted as recommended by the American Council on Education Guidelines for awarding higher education credit when an equivalent Shawnee Community College course exists. The decision on the awarding of transfer credit may be appealed by the student in writing to the Vice- President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning and the Vice-President of Student Success & Services.
Home Schooled Students
Students pursuing high school level curriculum through home-schooling are eligible to enroll based on similar requirements as students enrolled in district high schools. Home-schooled students are encouraged to contact the Admissions office for specific enrollment information and instructions.
International Students
Shawnee Community College is authorized to admit a limited number of non-immigrant alien students with the following guidelines:
- Have completed the equivalent of a high school (secondary) education, which normally means the completion of 12 years of schooling, and the applicant is at least 18 years of age.
- Score of 520 or better on the TOEFL test or 190 on the computerized TOEFL test.
- Apply for admission to SCC.
- Provide official transcripts covering all school work (high school and college) complete with English translations from an accredited third party entity as approved by the Registrar.
- Provide an affidavit of support stipulating that adequate finances are available for their study in the United States.
- Live within district #531.
- Complete an interview with the Registrar.
Since no scholarships are available for international students, it is crucial that students from outside the United States be able to cover their expenses while in this country. International students are admitted based on available space in the selected programs of study.
Community Education
The college offers non-credit community education courses as a special service to the residents of the Shawnee Community College district. A student who plans to register only for community education courses does not need to apply for regular admission.
Enrollment requirements are established by the nature of the particular course and student interest is the primary admission criterion.
Students planning to enroll in both credit and community education courses should follow the regular admissions and registration procedure.
Early Admission
Shawnee Community College supports high achieving high school students who wish to gain college credit while still in high school. College credit comes in many forms, both career/technical and collegiate transfer. Students and parents need to be aware that once college credit is earned it is on the student's permanent record. Expectations for early admission students:
- Must be a Junior or Senior
- Students should remember that a dual credit course is a college course in all respects.
- Students accepted for enrollment in college-level courses must have appropriate academic qualifications and a high level of motivation with adequate time to devote to studying a college-level course. The students' course selections shall be made in consultation with high school counselors and/or principals and ordinarily are restricted to students in the junior and senior years of high school. The students shall meet all college criteria and follow all college procedures for enrolling in courses.
- Students enrolling in college-level courses must satisfy course placement tests or course prerequisites when applicable to ensure they have the same qualifications and preparation as other college students. (ASSET min. scores Intermediate Algebra-39, Reading-38, Writing-41. COMPASS min. scores: Algebra-66, Reading-77, Writing-57. ACT composite score 21)
- Dual Credit students should be prepared to participate in the same course an instructor teaches on the college campus.
- All college students should expect to invest at least three hours out of class for every hour in class by reading, studying and preparing for college course requirements.
- The course outlines utilized for these courses shall be the same as for courses offered on campus. Course prerequisites, descriptions, outlines, requirements, learning outcomes and methods of evaluating students shall be the same as for on-campus offerings.
- Courses shall follow the adopted college policies on student tuition.
Dual Credit
Dual credit is an opportunity for eligible high school juniors and seniors, who are capable of meeting an increased challenge, to earn college credit through selected high school courses.
- Students earn college credit.
- Courses are taught on a collegiate level with collegiate textbooks.
- Fully accredited courses that fulfill SCC's degree requirements, and are transferable to most other colleges and universities.
- Low tuition rates. (Dual Credit courses taught at the high school by the high school instructor are of no cost to the student.)
- All Dual Credit students have access to campus facilities, including the library, computer labs and Student Success Center.
- The college credit a student receives for successfully completing a dual credit course will always be part of the permanent college record.
Honors Escrow Program
For a student to be admitted into the Shawnee Community College Honors Escrow Program, he/she must meet all of the guideline requirements for the regular escrow program except:
- The requirement for a student to be a Junior or Senior may be waived if circumstances warrant, and the student gets approval from both the high school and community college president.
- The maximum course load of nine credit hours per semester may be waived during the summer semester following the student's junior year in high school.
In addition to the regular escrow requirements, the student must also meet the following requirements:
- Must be selected by high school guidance counselor.
- Fill out an application for the Honors Escrow Program.
- Be ranked in the upper 20% of class (using all high school grades assigned up to the time of application).
- Have a minimum cumulative high school GPA (grade point average) of 3.25, based on the 4.0 scale.
- Maintain a minimum cumulative Shawnee Community College GPA of 3.0, based on the 4.0 scale.
- The student's schedule of Shawnee Community College courses is officially approved each semester by the high school official and the Registrar of Shawnee Community College.
For students enrolling for college credit, current tuition rates are waived and students are eligible for a textbook loan. Students who complete 15 college credits prior to graduating high school and have an SCC GPA of 3.0 or above are eligible for continued tuition/fee waiver and book loan through the following academic year.
Associate Degree Nursing Program
A minimum GPA of 2.5 and a 60% score or higher on the TEAS exam is required.
The Associate Degree Nursing Program has specific admission requirements due to enrollment limitations imposed by physical facilities, state requirements and related criteria. All applicants for the Associate Degree Nursing Program will be selected based upon the criteria outlined below:
- The prospective student must obtain an admission packet from the Nursing Department (618-634-3282; 800-481- 2242) or from this page.
- The applicant must submit application materials to the nursing department by the date designated in the admission packet.
- The applicant must demonstrate successful completion of an approved program of Practical Nursing.
- The applicant must successfully complete the admission examination “Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Registered Nursing from the Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC (ATI).” with a 60% score or higher (Given in the Testing Center).
- The applicant must be able to prove physical fitness for the program of study by submitting a completed Shawnee Community College Physical Form.
- Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program is conditional pending successful completion of an approved school of Practical Nursing and the Nursing Orientation and Skills Review course (ADN 201), which will be offered in the summer semester prior to entry.
- The applicant must submit to a criminal background check and drug testing after admission into the program.
This ADN program will transfer into various Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) programs. Interested students should seek advisement.
Certified Nurse Assistant Program
Persons seeking admission to the Certified Nurse Assistant Program must meet the following requirements:
- AGE: Be at least 16 years of age.
- ENTRANCE TEST: Placement test score equivalent to ENG 047 or higher.
- BACKGROUND CHECK: A fingerprint background check must be initiated prior to starting class. A 2-step PPD test for TB must be completed prior to clinical.
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
Persons seeking admission to the Occupational Therapy Assistant program must meet the following criteria:
- Meet all admission policies and complete all required admission forms of the college.
- Be a graduate of an approved high school or demonstrate equivalent competency (GED examination).
- Take the Health Occupation Aptitude Examination – Revised.
- Submit a completed OTA application form and any official college transcripts to the college by March 31st.
- Submit to a criminal background check and drug testing after admission into the program.
Practical Nursing Program
A minimum GPA of 2.5 and a 60% score or higher on the TEAS exam is required.
The Practical Degree Nursing Program has specific admission requirements due to enrollment limitations imposed by physical facilities, state requirements and related criteria. All applicants for the Practical Nursing Program will be selected based upon the criteria outlined below:
- The prospective student must obtain an admission packet from the Nursing Department (618-634-3282; 800-481- 2242) or from this webpage.
- The applicant must submit application materials to the nursing department by the date designated in the admission packet.
- The applicant must successfully complete the admission examination “Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Registered Nursing from the Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC (ATI).” with a 60% score or higher (Given in the Testing Center).
- The applicant must be able to prove physical fitness for the program of study by submitting a completed Shawnee Community College Physical Form.
- Admission to the Practical Nursing Program is conditional pending successful completion of prerequisite courses.
- The applicant must submit to a criminal background check and drug testing after admission into the program.
Successful Completion of the PN program allows a student to apply for the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program. Interested students should seek advisement.
- The applicant must successfully complete the admission examination "Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Practical Nursing" from the Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC (ATI)." (Given in the Testing Center).
- The applicant must be able to prove physical fitness for the program of study by submitting a completed Shawnee Community College Physical Form.
- The applicant must complete with a "C" or better BIO-0221 and BIO-0222 prior to the beginning of Practical Nursing classes.
- The applicant must submit to a criminal background check and drug testing after admission into the program.
Truck Driving Program
- AGE: Minimum age of 18 will meet most employer age requirements.
- PHYSICAL CONDITION: Must be able to pass a complete physical examination. Must be able to satisfactorily perform the required essential tasks as listed in the job description of the career field.
- EDUCATION: High school diploma or High School Equivalency Certificate.
- SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Must not use alcohol, amphetamines, narcotics, or any other habit-forming drugs. Must be able to pass a drug-screening test to comply with federal regulations.