Transfer programs provide an opportunity for students to complete their first two years of study of a baccalaureate degree
The third and fourth years of study will be completed at a four-year college or university to which the student transfers after the completion of his or her program at Shawnee Community College.
Because four-year colleges vary in their requirements, students should determine specific course requirements by consulting with their faculty advisor or a college counselor as soon as possible after admission to the college.
General requirements for graduation with a General Education Core Certificate (GECC), an Associate of Arts (AA) Degree, or an Associate of Science (AS) Degree include the following:
- Successful completion of sixty-four (64) hours of college credit transfer courses
- Achievement of a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 (C) or higher for all credit earned at Shawnee Community College
- Earning a minimum of fifteen (15) semester hours of credit at Shawnee Community College
- Making application for graduation by published deadline
- Payment of all tuition and fees
Articulation Agreements
Arizona State University
Arizona State University (ASU) / Shawnee Community College Partnership
Transfer simplified with MyPath2ASU
Choose from more than 400+ course-by-course major maps that lead to on-ground and online ASU bachelor’s degrees.
By picking a major and identifying Shawnee Community College, MyPath2ASU helps to identify what courses to take at your transfer institution for your ASU major. Save time and money, and minimize loss of credit during your transfer journey.
Benefits of MyPath2ASU:
Through this partnership, students using MyPath2ASU will find their transfer experience simplified. They will have access to personalized benefits to help them navigate the transfer experience, to include:
- Earn guaranteed general admission to ASU and to your MyPath2AS major of choice if all requirements are satisfied. (Some majors have additional or higher admission requirements.)
- Save time and money by planning your path to degree completion.
- Select classes through customized course-by-course pathways to minimize loss of credit.
- Connect with ASU transfer coordinators and receive pre-enrollment services and invitations to special ASU events.
- Prepare academically with personalized communication for your major of choice
The MyPath2ASU pathways program is based on a minimum of 24 transfer credit hours; students with fewer than 24 credit transfer credit hours will need to meet the appropriate admission requirements.
International students will need to meet international admission requirements.
ASU Admission and scholarship deadlines:
ASU has a rolling application deadline for Fall/Spring Semesters
For more information about admission deadlines, visit:
To learn more about available transfer student scholarship deadlines, visit
Application Cost:
Arizona residents: $50
Domestic nonresidents: $80
ASU Online: $70
International nonresidents: $85
Tuition Cost:
For more information, visit the Tuition Estimator:
On campus and online transfer student resources:
To learn more about resources available to transfer students, visit:
ASU Transfer Student Stories:
Angelica’s ASU Transfer Story (BA Business Administration) -
Paulette’s ASU Transfer Story (BSE Biomedical Engineering) -
Kyle’s ASU Transfer Story (BA Sports Science & Performance Programming) -
Brooklyn’s ASU Transfer Story (BFA Film & Media Production) -
Learn more by attending an ASU virtual event:
Fun Friday MyPath2ASU® Transfer Session
ASU's Transfer Student Ambassadors, current ASU students who transferred from community colleges to ASU, will share their transfer experiences and provide tips for a successful transfer. They will also demonstrate the steps to sign up for MyPath2ASU®, ASU's transfer pathway program, and explain the benefits of being on a pathway.
Virtual visit options
Explore the many live-hosted sessions with ASU enrollment and academic team members and current students who can answer your questions. Navigate the MyPath2ASU® transfer experience and learn more about ASU's admission and enrollment processes.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Saluki Step Ahead
Saluki Step Ahead offers a unique opportunity for transfer students to complete their baccalaureate degree completely online in select programs.
Programs below that are a part of the Saluki Step Ahead program are marked with an asterisk (*).
Agricultural Systems & Education Agricultural Communications
Animal Science Equine Science / Animal Production
Animal Science Pre Vet Medicine
Communication Disorders & Science
Criminology & Criminal Justice*
Crop, Soil & Environmental Management, Crop Production Mgt
Fish & Wildlife Mgt (A.A.S) to Forestry Wildlife Habitat Mgt & Conservation (B.S)
Forest Recreation Park Management
Forestry Urban Forest Management
Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management
Transfer Guides
SoutheastHEALTH College of Nursing & Health Sciences
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Medical Lab Science
Radiologic Technology
Surgical Technology
Articulation Information
Illinois Articulation Initiative
Shawnee Community College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core curriculum between participating institutions.
Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general education requirements for an associate or bachelor’s degree have been satisfied.
This agreement is in effect for any student entering an associate or baccalaureate degree-granting institution as a first-time freshman in summer 1998 (and thereafter) and information can be obtained through accessing
Participation: Shawnee Community College participates in the IAI General Education and the following 21 IAI Majors:
- Agriculture (AG)
- Art (ART)
- Biological Sciences (BIO)
- Business (BUS)
- Chemistry (CHM)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Criminal Justice (CRJ)
- Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- Engineering (EGR)
- English (EGL)
- History (HST)
- Mathematics (MTH)
- Media and Communication Arts (MC)
- Physics (PHY)
- Political Science (PLS)
- Psychology (PSY)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Theatre Arts (TA)
Transfer Articulation Information
Program Articulation Agreements
Each program articulation agreement is comprised of two parts. The first part of the documentation is referred to as the formal agreement. This part of the agreement is considered a binding contract between both institutions as well as the individual program the agreement is referencing. Authorities from both institutions have reviewed and signed this document agreeing to the terms therein.
The second part of the agreement is referred to as the degree plan. This is a very detailed review of the degree at the transferring institution and how it currently articulates to the indicated bachelor’s degree at SIU Carbondale. This review is based upon current course-to-course or program-to-program articulations that are agreed upon by SIU Carbondale. Both the transferring institution as well as the SIU Carbondale program requirements are taken directly from the most current catalog from each institution. This document will be reviewed annually for changes and updates. Each institution is responsible for notifying the other institution in regard to changes to curriculum so that degree plans can be updated.
All program articulation agreements are a guarantee of transfer equivalency as they are described in the degree plan and formal agreement.
Articulation Pages
University Studies Areas of Concentration
Because four-year institutions vary in degree requirements, students should determine specific course requirements by consulting with their faculty advisor or a college counselor as soon as possible after admission to the College.
The programs listed are Associate of Science or Associate of Arts degrees with the specific requirements for each major. These are general suggestions, however, as requirements differ between universities. For this reason, any student pursuing an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science is responsible for consulting with a Shawnee Community College advisor and the appropriate university personnel prior to course enrollment to ensure transferability. Those programs with signed articulation agreements will be noted as such.
Students should declare their degree and concentration as early as possible, and see their designated advisor during registration to ensure that all necessary coursework is taken. Courses offered at Shawnee Community College support many concentrations of study, including (but not limited to) the following:
- Agriculture
- Animal Science
- Anthropology
- Architecture
- Art
- Aviation
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry/Biochemistry
- Cinema & Photography
- Communication Disorders
- Computer Sciences
- Criminal Justice
- Dental Hygiene
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- Engineering
- English
- Foreign Language
- Forestry
- Geography
- Geology
- Health Care Management
- Health Education
- History
- Horticulture
- Hospitality/Tourism
- Human Nutrition
- Industrial Tech
- Information Systems
- Interior Design
- Journalism
- Kinesiology
- Linguistics
- Math
- Microbiology
- Mortuary Science
- Music
- Paralegal Studies
- Philosophy
- Physical Therapy Assistant
- Physics
- Plant Biology
- Political Science
- Pre-Dentistry
- Pre-Engineering
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Medicine
- Pre-Nursing
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Optometry
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Pre-Phys Assistant
- Pre-Podiatry
- Pre-Veterinary
- Psychology
- Radio, TV & Media
- Radiologic Sciences
- Recreation
- Rehabilitation
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Special Education
- Speech
- Theater
- Zoology
Registrar’s Office
Main Campus, Room H2085