Associate Degree Nursing

Acen Logo


The Associate Degree Nursing program at Shawnee Community College located at the Main Campus in Ullin, IL is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree Nursing Program is Initial Accreditation. View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at

Program Summary

The Associate Degree in Nursing Program is designed to provide career mobility for persons who have successfully completed a practical nursing program.

This unique program is designed to prepare the student for the practice of professional registered nursing as defined in the Illinois Nurse Practice Act and meets the requirements for approved schools in Associate degree Nursing in Illinois.

This program does not maintain an open door policy. Admission to the program requires a separate application and admission test. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, the student will be eligible to write the NCLEX-RN Examination.

Current BLS Healthcare Provider Certification must be held at the time of admission good through the completion of the nursing classes.

The SCC ADN program has had an average of 87% pass rate for our students that take the ADN NCLEX examination.


View this Program in the College Catalog



ADN Application Packet

ACEN Student Learning Outcomes

NCLEX Pass Rates

Estimated Tuition and Fees (2024-25)

COVID-19 Medical Exemption Form

COVID-19 Religious Exemption Form


The Associate Degree Nursing Program has specific admission requirements due to enrollment limitations imposed by physical facilities, state requirements, and related criteria. Acceptance to the Associate Degree Nursing Program requires that the applicant have an unencumbered LPN license or currently enrolled in an approved LPN program with a graduation date prior to the start of summer classes. To continue after the first semester, an unencumbered LPN license is required. Please review the Associate Degree Nursing admission information below and obtain an Admission Packet for specific admission requirements and application procedure.

Application and TEAS Test Deadline has been extended to April 13, 2024. Twenty LPN program hours will be applied to the ADN program hours and must include the following courses or equivalent transfer courses: Anatomy and Physiology I, Anatomy and Physiology II, Fundamentals of Nursing, Introduction to Pharmacology, Pharmacology, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Growth and Development.

Note: Preference will be given to residents of Shawnee Community College District #531.

Admission Requirements

A minimum GPA of 2.5 and a 60% score or higher on the TEAS exam is required. The TEAS exam deadline has been extended to April 13, 2024.

All applicants for the Associate Degree Nursing Program will be selected based upon the criteria outlined below:

  1. The prospective student must obtain an admission packet from the Nursing Department (618-634-3282; 800-481- 2242) or from this page.
  2. The applicant must submit application materials to the nursing department by the date designated in the admission packet.
  3. The applicant must demonstrate successful completion of an approved program of Practical Nursing.
  4. The applicant must successfully complete the admission examination “Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Registered Nursing from the Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC (ATI).” with a 60% score or higher (Given in the Testing Center).
  5. The applicant must be able to prove physical fitness for the program of study by submitting a completed Shawnee Community College Physical Form.
  6. Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program is conditional pending successful completion of an approved school of Practical Nursing and the Nursing Orientation and Skills Review course (ADN 201), which will be offered in the summer semester prior to entry.
  7. The applicant must submit to a criminal background check and drug testing after admission into the program.

This ADN program will transfer into various Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) programs. Interested students should seek advisement.


Pre-requisitesCredit Hours
BIO 218Microbiology4
ENG 111English Composition I3
ENG 112English Composition II*3
PSY 211Intro to Psychology3
*Prerequisite course ENG 111 English Composition I
Fall SemesterCredit Hours
ADN 222Medical-Surgical Nursing I Theory3
ADN 223Medical-Surgical Nursing I Clinical2
ADN 224Nursing Care of Mother and Child Theory3
ADN 225Nursing Care of Mother and Child Clinical2
ADN 239Transitions to Professional Nursing Practice3
Spring SemesterCredit Hours
ADN 229Community Based Nursing Care2
ADN 232Nursing Today and Tomorrow2
ADN 237Mental Health Nursing Theory2
ADN 241Medical-Surgical Nursing II Theory3
ADN 242Medical-Surgical Nursing II Clinical2
ADN 243Mental Health Nursing Clinical1
Summer SemesterCredit Hours
ADN 227Healthcare Diversity1
ADN 245Medical-Surgical Nursing III Theory3
ADN 246Medical-Surgical Nursing III Clinical2

Pre-requisitesCredit Hours
BIO 218Microbiology4
ENG 111English Composition I3
ENG 112English Composition II3
PSY 211Introduction to Psychology3


First Year


Fall SemesterCredit Hours
ADN 222Medical-Surgical Nursing I Theory3
ADN 223Medical-Surgical Nursing I Clinical2
ADN 239Transitions to Professional Nursing Practice3
Spring SemesterCredit Hours
ADN 229Community Based Nursing2
ADN 237Mental Health Nursing Theory2
ADN 243Mental Health Nursing Clinical1


Second Year


Fall SemesterCredit Hours
ADN 224Nursing Care of Mother and Child Theory3
ADN 225Nursing Care of Mother and Child Clinical2
Spring SemesterCredit Hours
ADN 241Medical-Surgical Nursing II Theory3
ADN 242Medical-Surgical Nursing II Clinical2
ADN 232Nursing Today and Tomorrow2
Summer SemesterCredit Hours
ADN 227Healthcare Diversity1
ADN 245Medical-Surgical Nursing III Theory3
ADN 246Medical-Surgical Nursing III Clinical2


The Shawnee Community College nursing program meets the state education requirements to apply for the NCLEX-RN board exam and to apply for a Registered Nursing license in the states of Illinois, Missouri, and Kentucky. Shawnee Community College has not determined if the Associate’s in Applied Science Nursing program meets the state education requirements in any other state, any U.S. Territory, or the District of Columbia.

NCLEX Pass Rates

Possible Careers


Admissions and Advising

Toll Free 1-800-481-2242


Dr. Ian Nicolaides

Division Chair


Mandy Hannan, MSN, RN

Dean of Allied Health and Nursing