A13xx.01 Policy Numbering

Operating Standard

Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: President
Related Policies:
Linked Operating Standards:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



All College policies will bear a five-digit alphanumeric code.  The alphanumeric code reflects specific information about policy type, policy category, and policy chapters.  The following encoding process is used:  

For all policies, the first (alpha) digit will designate document type.

          A – Administrative policy, operating standard and/or guideline.

          B – Board policy, operating standard and/or guideline.


For Board policies, the first (numeric) digit will designate the following policy categories:

          1 – Strategic Outcomes

          2 – Delegation

          3 – Executive Limitations

          4 – Bylaws 


For Administrative policies, the first (numeric) digit will designate the following policy categories:  

          1 – General College

          2 – Academic Affairs

          3 – Student Affairs

          4 – Human Resource

          5 – Business & Financial Services

          6 – Information Technology

          7 – College Facility

          8 – Public Relations

          9 – College Advancement (Foundation)


For the (1) General College category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:
          1 – Legal

          2 – Health & Safety

          3 – General Behavior

          4 – Records Management

          5 – Institutional Effectiveness

          6 – Institutional Research


For the (2) Academic Affairs category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:

          1 – Curriculum Management

          2 – Academic (Learning) Standards

          3 – Faculty Standards

          4 – Teaching Standards


For the (3) Student Affairs category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:

          1 – Admissions

          2 – Financial Aid

          3 – Enrollment Services

          4 – Student Life


For the (4) Human Resource category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:

          1 – Employment & Classification

          2 – Compensation, benefits rewards, recognition       

          3 – Vacation and Leaves of Absence

          4 – Payroll

          5 – Ethics & Conduct

         6 – Privacy & Records

         7 – Dispute Resolution

         8 – Performance Review

         9 – Safety & Wellness


For the (5) Business & Financial Services category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:

         1 – Financial/Fiscal Services

         2 – Budget   

         3 – Procurement

         4 – Auxiliary Services

         5 – Risk Management

         6 – Vehicles & Equipment

         7 – Grants & Contracts

         8 – Property Disposal

         9 – Naming College Property


For the (6) Information Technology category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:

          1 – Information Management

          2 – Infrastructure   

          3 – Technology Use

          4 – Security

          5 – Web Standards

          6 – Cell Phones & Wireless

          7 – Data Classification & Standards


For the (7) College Facility category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:

          1 – Buildings and Grounds

          2 – Construction    

          3 – Plant Operations

          4 – Facility Usage

          5 – Parking

          6 – Security

          7 – Emergency Operations

          8 – Shipping & Receiving


For the (8) Public Relations category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:

          1 – Media Relations

          2 – College Publications

          3 – External Communications & Promotional Material

          4 – Internal Communications

          5 – Printing/Copy Services

          6 – Design Standards


For the (9) College Advancement (Foundation) category, the second (numeric) digit will designate the following chapters:

          1 – Planned Giving

          2 – Acceptance & Acknowledgement of Gifts   

          3 – Donor Recognition

          4 – Fundraising

          5 – Endowment

          6 – Events

          7 – Prospect Research

          8 – Ethics

          9 – Alumni & Friends

The last two digits of all policies will be the policy number. 

The following example illustrates how the convention will be used:


Document Type






Number (last 2 digits)


A – Administrative

3 – Student Affairs

4 – Student Life

Policy 11


If operating standards and/or guidelines are connected to a policy, then the same convention will apply for the five-digit alphanumeric code and a period (.) plus a two-digit number will be added to identify the operating standard.  To illustrate this concept using the same policy number from above, the following applies:


Change Log Governance Unit: Executive Council 
Date Description of Change
08-22-24 Annual Review, No Changes