Shared Governance Manual

Shared Governance Manual

Mission: SCC provides quality higher education, community education, training, and services that are accessible, affordable, and promote life-long learning.

HLC Criterion Relevant to the College’s Shared Governance Process:

2.C. The governing board of the institution is autonomous to make decisions in the best interest of the institution in compliance with board policies and to ensure the institution’s integrity.

  1. The governing board is trained and knowledgeable so that it makes informed decisions with respect to the institution’s financial and academic policies and practices; the board meets its legal and fiduciary responsibilities.
  2. The governing board’s deliberations reflect priorities to preserve and enhance the institution.
  3. The governing board reviews the reasonable and relevant interests of the institution’s internal and external constituencies during its decision-making deliberations.
  4. The governing board preserves its independence from undue influence on the part of
    donors, elected officials, ownership interests or other external parties.
  5. The governing board delegates day-to-day management of the institution to the institution’s administration and expects the institution’s faculty to oversee academic matters.

Criterion 5 – Institutional Effectiveness, Resources and Planning

5.A. Through its administrative structures and collaborative processes, the institution’s leadership demonstrates that it is effective and enables the institution to fulfill its mission.

  1. Shared governance at the institution engages its internal constituencies—including its governing board, administration, faculty, staff and students—through planning, policies and operating standards.
  2. The institution’s administration uses data to reach informed decisions in the best interests of the institution and its constituents.
  3. The institution’s administration ensures that faculty and, when appropriate, staff and students are involved in setting academic requirements, policy and processes through effective collaborative structures.

For a complete listing of the HLC Criterion, please visit HLC Accreditation.