B1001 Mission, Vision, and Values


Policy Type: Board- Strategic Outcomes
Responsible: President
Related Policies: B1000
Linked Operating Standards: None
Related Laws: 110 ILCS 805/ Illinois Public Community College Act
Related Standards: None
HLC Criterion: 1A1A The institution’s mission is articulated publicly and operationalized throughout the institution. , 1B1B The institution’s mission demonstrates commitment to the public good., 1C1C The institution provides opportunities for civic engagement in a diverse, multicultural society and globally connected world, as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves.

B1001 Mission, Vision, and Values PDF

Policy Statement

The Board clearly articulates the College’s purpose on behalf of the community.  The President interprets the Board’s policy on purpose and develops an inclusive and collaborative process that expresses how the employees will achieve the purpose through various public means documents, including statements of mission, vision and values. 

The mission statement shall identify what the College intends to accomplish as it carries out the Board’s purpose.  The vision statement shall identify the direction/goals for employees as they work to improve the College’s services, as noted in the Board’s purpose.  The value statement shall identify how College employees will carry out the Board’s purpose.

The Board, in collaboration with the President, shall continually review and suggest revisions to the mission, vision, and values to strengthen the alignment between Board expectations and employee efforts.  The College’s mission, vision, and value statements shall support HLC accreditation requirements.  The College’s mission, vision, and values will be made available on the College’s website and, as determined by the President through other public sources.  Ultimately, the Board shall adopt mission, vision, and value statements on behalf of the College.


Change Log Governance Unit: Board of Trustees 
Date Description of Change
03-07-22 Initial Adoption
06-15-23 Minor Grammatical Changes
08-15-24 Board Reviewed