Administrative Services Leadership Team




Committee Name:  Administrative Services Leadership Team

Committee Type:  Administrative – Operations

Mission/Purpose: The Administrative Services Leadership Team (ASLT) serves as the major administrative strategic and operational decision-making body of the College and is responsible for creating and sustaining an administrative culture focused on supporting college strategic initiatives and building an infrastructure that facilitates college operations and student learning.  The ASLT develops, nurtures, and facilitates collaborative decision-making through inclusive and intentional communication with the effective allocation of resources throughout the College.

Scope of Responsibility: The ASLT shall:

  1. Oversee College fiscal operations and ensure employee efforts are optimized towards the attainment of the College’s strategic goals and the Board’s strategic outcomes.
  2. Develop, implement, and evaluate Administrative Services policies in the following areas: financial/fiscal operations, budgeting, purchasing, auxiliary operations, risk management, grants, contracts, inventory control, information management, information security, technology standards, building/grounds, plant operations, construction, facility usage, and emergency operations.
  3. Review and make recommendations on ideas, strategies, emerging from campus-wide dialogue and review progress in achieving goals.
  4. Facilitate input from, and communication with, a broad-based campus and community population.
  5. Implement strategic plan initiatives assigned to the Vice President of Administrative Services (VPAS).
  6. Develop and review Administrative Services-related Board Monitoring Reports.
  7. Evaluate and recommend improvements to the College’s budget planning and development processes.
  8. Assess the College’s budget and recommend allocation priorities.
  9. Ensure college compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
  10. Review Institutional Effectiveness efforts and use key performance metrics to improve operational practices.
  11. Delegate operational decision-making authority to the most appropriate level in the organization and ensure alignment of employee effort.
  12. Provide guidance to all levels of the Administrative Services Division to assist with planning, implementation, and evaluation of strategy/initiatives.
  13. Ensure administrative processes and activities promote institutional effectiveness, through informed data-driven decision-making, collaboration, assessment, communication, coordination, and refinement.
  14. Make recommendations to the Vice President of Administrative Services (VPAS) regarding the implementation and progress of major college-wide planning and initiatives.
  15. Develop and monitor implementation of the College’s strategic plan.
  16. Receive and review periodic updates and reports from operational committees and employees.

Policy Responsibility: Provide input to Administrative Services Council when needed.

HLC Criterion: 3.D.4; 5.B.1; 5.B.3; 5.B.4. and 5.C.all.

Strategic Plan Responsibility: Goal 3, Objective 2, Strategy A; Goal 4, Objective 6, Strategies A, B, C, D; Goal 4, Objective 7, Strategies A, B; Goal 4, Objective 8, Strategies A, B; and Goal 4, Objective 9, Strategies A, B.

Priorities for FY25:  Strengthen SCCES linkage with budget development and reporting process (4.1.B); Strengthen SCCES linkage with Capital Improvement process (4.1.D); Revise budget submission document to reflect Board preferences and priorities (4.6.B.); Increase employee Submit to Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for consideration of distinguished budget presentation award (4.6.D.); Evaluate conducting a Technology Readiness Assessment (4.7.B.); Align capital projects plan with the College’s Strategic Plan (4.8.A.); Develop a rolling three-year tuition strategy (4.9.A.); and Develop a debt-management plan (4.9.B).

Reporting:  The ASLT advises the VPAS.  The VPAS will consider all recommendations made by the ASLT and endorse those that are informed by best practice and compliant with applicable law. 

CompositionDirector of Business Services, Director of Facilities, Director of Information Technology, and Executive Assistant.

Meeting Dates: Tuesdays of each week from 8:30a – 9:30a.