Operating Standard
Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A9000
Linked Procedures:
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Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:
The naming of physical components of the College serves as the most prestigious, meaningful, and permanent means of recognizing individuals and corporations who have had a significant, positive impact on Shawnee Community College. The conferral of honorific names is the prerogative of the College president and, ultimately, the Board of Trustees. The president of the College shall appoint/designate an advisory committee for the purpose of naming or renaming physical components and/or entities of the College. Three categories under which names may be submitted for recognition include but are not limited to the following:
- Recognition for gifts to the Shawnee Community College Foundation.
- Recognition for service to the College, professional accomplishments, and/or honors.
- Recognition of public persons who have rendered significant service on a local, regional, state, national, or international level.
- The president of the College and the Board of Trustees may, at their discretion, name buildings, components, or other entities.
- Recommendations for naming a College facility/entity, submitted by persons other than the president and the Board of Trustees, shall be forwarded to the president of the College. Materials forwarded should include written justification for the nominee.
- Recommendations for changing the name or re-naming a College facility/entity, submitted by persons other than the president and the Board of Trustees, shall be forwarded to the president of the College. Materials forwarded should include written justification for such action.
- The president shall submit the recommendation(s) to the Board of Trustees. The president may, at his/her discretion, submit the recommendation to the advisory committee before submitting the recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- Approval of recommendation(s) will require two-thirds of the total membership of the advisory committee.
- Final approval of a name of a facility/entity shall be given by the Board of Trustees after a minimum waiting period of 120 days following the initial approval of the advisory committee. The president may, at his/her discretion, waive the minimum waiting period.
- Physical components/entities of the College may be named for:
- notable members of the College administration, faculty, staff, and members of the student body.
- donors of substantial funds to the College.
- public persons who have rendered service on the local, state, national, or international levels.
- For recognition of significant gifts to the Foundation, the Foundation Board of Directors may make recommendations to the President for naming physical components of the College based on the following criteria:
Other physical components of the College may be named for recognition of significant gifts if recommended by the Foundation Board of Directors and approved by the College Board of Trustees.Gifts of $1,000,000 or larger Buildings may be permanently named in honor of the donor or immediate family members Gifts of $500,000 or larger Building wings may be permanently named in honor of the donor or immediate family members Gifts of $10,000 or larger Teaching/learning laboratories and spaces may be named in honor of the donor or immediate family members - Where practicable, when naming physical components for persons, the committee will take into consideration the discipline or service represented by the candidate named with a view to matching it as closely as possible to the discipline or nature of the present or anticipated future function of the structure.
- When the name of a person has been submitted for consideration, a short narrative of no more than one typewritten, double-spaced page must be submitted by the nominator to support the nominee and list the reasons why such an honor should be bestowed. Other documentation may be required to provide personal data of the individual and to verify the accomplishments and/or services to the College.
- Upon approval by the Board of Trustees to recognize an individual by naming a physical component in his/her honor, written permission shall be obtained from the proposed nominee or from the nearest relative (whichever is applicable) before a public announcement is made.
- The advisory committee appointed by the president shall determine the type of plaque, the inscription on the plaque, the size and colors, and the location of the plaque. The committee should also consider the plaque’s appearance in relation to its surroundings.
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