A7000 Capital Asset Quality


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: Director of Facilities
Related Policies: B3006, B3007, B3009, B3011
Linked Procedures: A7000.00, A7000.05, A7000.10, A7000.15, A7000.20, A7000.25, A7000.30, A7000.35, A7000.40, A7000.45, A7000.50, A75000.55
Related Laws: 110 ILCS 805/; 20 ILCS 3105/
Related Standards: APPA, ICCB-Admin Rules; ICCB-Capital Projects; CDB; ISO 41001
HLC Criterion: Criterion 3: Teaching and Learning: Quality Resources and SupportHLC Criterion 3: Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources and Support The institution provides quality education, wherever and however its offerings are delivered.
Criterion 5: Institutional Effectiveness Resources and PlanningHLC Criterion 5: Institutional Effectiveness, Resources and Planning The institution’s resources, structures, processes and planning are sufficient to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its educational offerings, and respond to future challenges and opportunities.

A7000 Data Integrity & Quality PDF


Policy Statement

The College recognizes our buildings and grounds as critical capital assets that significantly influence the academic environment and overall student experience.  As such, it is essential that we ensure all of our capital assets meet the highest quality, safety, and sustainability standards.

To achieve this purpose, and strengthen the public’s trust in our stewardship of the College’s capital assets, we will implement a unified set of capital asset infrastructure standards and processes aimed at managing our capital assets in ways that optimize accessibility, safety, functionality, inclusivity, sustainability, efficiency, durability, resilience, and viability.  By doing so, we will preserve the public’s investment, potentially increase the life cycle for our capital assets, and ensure the aesthetics of our buildings and grounds are optimized for student learning and student engagement.

To these ends, the College’s VP of Administrative Services is directed to develop, implement, assess, and continuously improve the College’s capital infrastructure assets to: Ensure a safe, sustainable, and inclusive campus environment – one that fosters academic excellence and student success; meets all stakeholder needs and expectations; supports the achievement of college goals; and exceeds industry standards identified by the Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA).


Change Log
DateDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit
03.28.24Initial AdoptionAdmin. Svc Council