A6000 Data Integrity & Quality


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: VP, Administrative Services
Related Policies: B1001, B1002, B3007
Linked Procedures: A6000.00, A6000.05, A6000.10, A6000.15, A6000.20, A6000.25, A6000.30
Related Laws: None
Related Standards: NIST-Integrity; NIST-Quality, GSA, ISO 8000, NCES
HLC Criterion: 2B2B The institution presents itself clearly and completely to its students and to the public., 2E2E The institution’s policies and procedures call for responsible acquisition, discovery and application of knowledge by its faculty, staff and students., 3D3D The institution provides support for student learning and resources for effective teaching., 4B4B The institution engages in ongoing assessment of student learning as part of its commitment to the educational outcomes of its students., 4C4C The institution pursues educational improvement through goals and strategies that improve retention, persistence and completion rates in its degree and certificate programs., 5A5A Through its administrative structures and collaborative processes, the institution’s leadership demonstrates that it is effective and enables the institution to fulfill its mission.

A6000 Data Integrity & Quality PDF


Policy Statement

The College recognizes the essential role information technology plays in the execution of the College’s mission, academic activities, and administrative functions. As more information is utilized, stored, and shared in a digital format by students, faculty, and staff, (both within and outside the college) a thorough and consistent effort must be made to ensure information is accurate, reliable, secure, accessible, complete, and consistent across all aspects of its collection, storage, and utilization.

To achieve this purpose, the College will implement information technology infrastructure standards and processes aimed at managing our information assets in ways that promote data integrity (reliability and security) and data quality (accuracy, completeness, fidelity, and fitness for intended use).  By doing so, the College can make informed decisions, identify trends, mitigate risks, improve operational effectiveness, enhance trustworthiness, and ultimately create meaningful outcomes for students and our community. Furthermore, high-quality data fosters trust, enables effective analysis, and serves as the foundation for informed decision-making, innovation, and continuous improvement.

To these ends, the College’s VP of Administrative Services is directed to develop, implement, assess, and continuously improve the College’s information technology assets to ensure data integrity and data quality that meets stakeholder needs, expectations, supports the achievement of college goals, and exceeds industry standards. 


Change Log
DateDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit
03.28.24Initial AdoptionAdmin. Svc Council