A5500.15 Use of College Vehicles

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A5500
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



College-owned and College-rented vehicles are available to provide authorized transportation for College employees and students.  The Security Office is responsible for the scheduling of College-owned vehicles.  The Director of Facilities is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of college-owned vehicles.  The vehicles are not to be loaned out or rented to non-college or local groups or agencies.  Passengers in college vehicles are limited to staff members, students, or guests of the college.

Employees must be properly licensed to drive in his/her home state before being approved to operate a college vehicle.  A copy of the staff member’s license detailing the appropriate classification and restrictions, if any, must be on file in the Human Resource Office prior to him/her being assigned a college vehicle.  Each employee is required to submit an updated copy of their driver’s license to the Human Resource Office each year.  Motor vehicle record checks will be made annually by Human Resources on all employees who operate a vehicle to conduct college business.

Requests for vehicles, with the proper authorization, shall be made by the appropriate supervisor.

Budgets will be charged the authorized mileage rate.  Vehicle keys and the trip ticket must be picked up at the Security Office.   The driver of the College-owned vehicle must have in his/her possession a valid Illinois driver’s license.

The transportation of students by private vehicle to or from college activities is prohibited without written permission from the appropriate Vice-President or college administrator.  Special precautions must be taken to determine that adequate insurance is available for the intended trip and that all reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of SCC students and employees.

Revised:  July 2016


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