A5000.90 Refund Policy

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A5000
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:

Students wanting to withdraw from a course should contact their advisor, or email registrar@shawneecc.edu.



The following schedule and conditions govern the refund of tuition and fees at Shawnee Community College:

Tuition and fee refunds will be issued to eligible students based upon the official date of withdrawal.   The date that a formal request for withdrawal is received by the counselor determines the official date of withdrawal.  Tuition and fee charges will be refunded 100 percent under the following conditions:

  1. Class is cancelled by a college official
  2. A student drops a class(es) meeting 12 weeks or longer within the first ten (10) instructional days of the semester
  3. A student drops a class(es) meeting 8-11 weeks within the first five (5) instructional days of the semester/course
  4. A student drops a class(es) meeting 3-7 weeks within the first instructional day of the course
  5. A student drops a class(es) meeting less than three (3) weeks prior to the first instructional day of the course


No refund/payment will be authorized for withdrawals or changes made after the respective drop period.

Additionally, no refund/payment will be issued if:

  1. A student is withdrawn by the college for disciplinary reasons
  2. A student is withdrawn by the college for non-attendance
  3. A student has financial obligations to the college


Refunds will be made thirty (30) days from the date of complete withdrawal. If a student has a monetary obligation to the college, the student will not be allowed to re-enroll for future semesters.  However, official transcripts will not be withheld.  

Note:  The refund policy is subject to change without notice by the Board of Trustees.

Revised:   May 2015, March 2017, June 2024


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