A5000.75 Tuition, Fees, and Other Charges

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A5000
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:




In-District Tuition

The Board of Trustees will set the tuition rates for in-district residents including variable rates for each of its programs as prescribed in Section 6-2 of the Illinois Community College Act.


Out-of-District Tuition

  1. The college will use the calculation for out-of-district tuition for chargeback purposes as prescribed in Section 6-2 of the Illinois Community College Act. The depreciation rate used in the out-of-district tuition calculation for capital expenditures for equipment and temporary buildings shall be 12.5 percent each year for eight years and for permanent facilities 2 percent each year for 50 years.
  2. The college will use the variable tuition provision in Section 6-4 of the Illinois Community College Act to set market-driven, out-of-district tuition rates for courses offered via Internet, correspondence, and other distance learning modes.
  3. The college will set the out-of-district tuition rates for adult basic education, adult secondary education, and English as a second language courses for students who do not meet eligibility requirements in 105 ILCS 5/10-22.20 of the Illinois School Code.
  4. The college will charge in-district tuition to a student who is an out-of-district resident but who is employed for at least 35 hours per week by an entity located in the district or is enrolled in a course that is being provided under terms of a contract for services.
  5. The college will enter into cooperative agreements for instruction with its neighboring districts for any or all other programs to provide increased access to education for their students and may charge in-district tuition rates for students from any district within the cooperative agreement.
  6. The college will set the out-of-district tuition rate for all other credit instruction offered by the college at a minimum of 1.5 times the highest in-district tuition rate of any of its neighboring contiguous Illinois community college districts.


Out-of-State Tuition

  1. The college will use the variable tuition provision specified in Section 6-4 of the Illinois Community College Act to set market-driven, out-of-state tuition rates for courses offered via Internet, correspondence, and other distance learning modes.
  2. The college will set the out-of-state tuition rates for adult basic education, adult secondary education, and English as a second language courses for students who do not meet eligibility requirements in 105 ILCS 5/10-22.20 of the Illinois School Code.
  3. The college will charge in-district tuition to a student who is an out-of-state resident but who is employed for at least 35 hours per week by an entity located in the district or is enrolled in a course that is being provided under terms of a contract for services between the employing entity and the college.
  4. The college will set out-of-state tuition rates within interstate agreements for instruction with out-of-state institutions in accordance with the agreement, subject to approval by the ICCB.
  5. The college will set out-of-state tuition rates for all other credit instruction offered by the college at a minimum of 1.67 times its in-district tuition rate.


Out-of-Country Tuition

The Board of Trustees will set the tuition rates for out-of-country residents using the same policies as for out-of-state residents described above.


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