A4100.05 Staffing, Recruitment, and Selection of Full-Time Employees

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Responsible: CHRO; Executive Director, Human Resources
Related Policies: B3001, B3003, B3004, A4000, A4100, A4200, A4300, A4400
Linked Operating Standards: 
Related Laws: Title IV, Title VII, FLSA
Related External Standards: None
HLC Criterion1C1C The institution provides opportunities for civic engagement in a diverse, multicultural society and globally connected world, as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves., 2A2A The institution establishes and follows policies and processes to ensure fair and ethical behavior on the part of its governing board, administration, faculty and staff., 5B5B The institution’s resource base supports its educational offerings and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future.

A4100.05 Staffing, Recruitment, and Selection of Full-Time Employees



Shawnee Community College is committed to recruiting, selecting, and employing highly qualified individuals who uphold and support its mission and values. The College’s hiring process is structured, fair, and transparent, designed to attract talented candidates committed to advancing institutional success and enriching the community.



The College follows a structured process to fill all positions, designed to ensure accountability, equity, and efficiency.  Principles of fairness, merit, inclusivity, and alignment with institutional goals guide decisions at every stage.

  1. Authority to Appoint: After completing the guidelines below, the President is authorized to appoint individuals to existing and budgeted positions, subject to ratification by the Board of Trustees at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
  2. Leadership in Staffing: The Executive Director of Human Resources provides leadership in staffing, recruitment, and selection, ensuring adherence to established policies, decision-making guidelines, and best practices.


Decision-Making Guidelines

At every stage of the hiring process, decisions will be guided by the following principles to ensure the most qualified individual is selected:

  1. Talent-Based: Candidates will be evaluated using objective criteria, including their qualifications, relevant experience, and proven ability to fulfill their responsibilities.
  2. Equitable: All candidates will have equal access to information about the role, expectations, and selection criteria. The selection process will be structured, consistent, and well-documented to promote transparency and accountability and prevent unfair advantages.
  3. Sustainability and Affordability: Staffing decisions should be made with financial responsibility, balancing budging constraints with long-term institutional sustainability to maintain effective resource allocation.


Staffing Procedures

Requesting a Budgeted Position

  1. When a vacancy occurs in an existing and budgeted position, the department supervisor will initiate a staffing request with Human Resources.
  2. Human Resources will guide the supervisor in preparing the requisition and oversee the approval process of the requisition:
    • The Vice President of the division
    • The President
    • The Executive Director of Human Resources

Requesting a New Position

  1. New staff positions require a justification and job description to be submitted through the appropriate division for review by the President as part of the upcoming fiscal year’s budget planning process.
  2. Upon the Board of Trustees’ approval of the new position, the President will direct the department supervisor to initiate a staffing request with Human Resources.


Recruitment Procedure

  1. After the approval of the requisition, Human Resources will:
    • Post the position on the College’s Job Opportunity website.
    • Arrange to advertise on relevant employment platforms, if needed.
  1. The vacancy announcement will be shared with:
    • The Executive Director of Public Information and Marketing to post on the college’s social media platforms.
    • The Illinois Community College Trustee Association.


Selection Procedure

  1. A search committee for all full-time positions will be formed to screen, interview, and recommend top candidates to the President.
  2. Committee appointments will be as follows:
    • For the President: Appointed by the Board of Trustees.
    • For Senior-Level Administration Positions: Appointed by the President, including representation across the College.
    • For All Other Staff Positions: Appointed by the division Vice President, including appropriate representation across the College.   The Vice President may participate as a committee member.
    • For Faculty Positions: Appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs per the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, ensuring broad representation across the College.
  1. The search committee will evaluate applicants based on job qualifications, interview responses, and overall interactions and rank candidates accordingly.
  2. All applicants are subject to background investigations, which may include checks on employment history, education, criminal records, credit history, motor vehicle records, personal references, and any information provided during the application or interview process. Applicants must sign a Disclosure and Authority to Release Information form to authorize these checks.
  3. The responsible Vice President or the Executive Director of Human Resources will recommend the most qualified candidate to the President for final consideration.


Recruitment and Selection Timeline

To ensure an efficient and effective hiring process, the following recommended timeline provides clear benchmarks for completing each recruitment and selection phase.  Timelines may be adjusted based on position requirements and institutional needs.

  1. Recruitment Phase (3-4 weeks)
    • Human Resources will post the approved vacancy on the College’s Job Opportunity website and coordinate advertising on relevant employment platforms. The position announcement is shared with designated placement services and social media outlets.
    • Applications are accepted, and Human Resources screens submissions for completeness and minimum qualifications. The search committee is formed and briefed on expectations, timelines, and tools for evaluating candidates.
  1. Screening and Selection Phase (1-2 weeks)
    • The search committee reviews applications to identify top candidates based on job qualifications. Shortlisted candidates are contacted to schedule interviews.
    • The committee conducts interviews using structured questions and evaluation criteria.
    • The search committee recommends the top candidate(s) to the responsible Vice President or Executive Director of Human Resources. Background checks are initiated for the recommended candidate(s).
  1. Final Review and Appointment Phase (1-2 weeks)
    • The President reviews the search committee’s recommendation and supporting documentation. If approved, the President makes the appointment, pending Board of Trustees ratification.
    • The Board of Trustees reviews and ratifies the appointment during the next scheduled meeting.

By adhering to these timelines, Shawnee Community College ensures a structured and transparent hiring process that balances thoroughness with efficiency while maintaining its commitment to equity and excellence.


Change LogGovernance Unit: DEIB Council 
DateDescription of Change
1.23.25Initial Adoption