A3400 Culture of Exceptional Student Experience and Engagement


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: VP, Student Affairs (VPSA)
Related Policies: 
Linked Procedures: A3400.00; A3400.05; A3400.10; A3400.15; A3400.20; A3400.25; A3400.30; A3400.35; A3400.40; A3400.45; A3400.50; A3400.55; A3400.60; A3400.65; A3400.70; A3400.75
Related Laws: None
Related Standards: Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
HLC Criterion3B3B The institution offers programs that engage students in collecting, analyzing and communicating information; in mastering modes of intellectual inquiry or creative work; and in developing skills adaptable to changing environments., 3C3C The institution has the faculty and staff needed for effective, high-quality programs and student services., 3D3D The institution provides support for student learning and resources for effective teaching., 4A4A The institution ensures the quality of its educational offerings., 4C4C The institution pursues educational improvement through goals and strategies that improve retention, persistence and completion rates in its degree and certificate programs.

A3400 Culture of Exceptional Student Experience and Engagement PDF


Policy Statement

The College values the pursuit of excellence in all of its programs and services.  Further, the College believes exceptional student experiences that inspire meaningful student engagement is directly influenced by the dedication of our faculty, staff, and community partners.  By doing so, we create a vibrant and supportive learning community where every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

As it relates to establishing a culture for exceptional student experience and engagement, our commitment lies in fostering an environment that champions inclusivity, holistic support, positivity, and enrichment for every student. Guided by these principles, we prioritize creating an inclusive community that respects diverse identities and backgrounds, offering steadfast support through personalized guidance and robust resources. Our culture emphasizes positivity, resilience, and empowerment, aiming to create an atmosphere that encourages growth and embraces diverse opportunities. We provide a spectrum of enriching learning experiences beyond the classroom, promoting personal and professional development while ensuring academic excellence. Our goal is to create a satisfying and fulfilling college experience by using student feedback to continuously refine our support practices.

To those ends, the College’s VPSA is directed to develop, implement, and continuously improve collaborative and inclusive processes aimed at ensuring students receive the support, resources, and opportunities necessary to thrive academically, socially, and personally throughout their pursuit of personal development.


Change Log
DateDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit
4.25.24Initial AdoptionStudent Affairs Council