A3200.35 Release of Financial Aid Information

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A3200
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



The following specific policies and procedures relate to the disclosure of information from a student’s financial aid record.

  1. All current student financial aid records are kept in files located in the Financial Aid Office. Access to the financial aid files are restricted to employees of the division of Financial Aid. All employees in the division are instructed by the Director of Financial Aid/Veterans regarding these procedures and the need for confidentiality. Historical records are stored in the Shawnee Community College Records Room. The same restrictions to access noted above apply to these records.
  2. A student may review his/her financial aid records (except for the financial records provided by the student’s parents) during regular office hours, within the Financial Aid Office. At the request of the student, one copy of such information will be made for the student. A copy fee of ten cents per page may be charged if the file is extensive (more than 15 pages) or multiple copies are requested.
  3. Under no circumstances will an unauthorized third party be allowed to see a student’s record, or be provided with information from a student’s record, except for public directory information at the staff person’s discretion. No information, other than public directory information, will be provided over the phone unless the caller verifies himself/herself as the student, or a person authorized to receive such information, and the student’s correct social security number is provided.
  4. Student financial aid information may be released without the student’s specific and prior consent to an official of Shawnee Community College with a legitimate educational interest, to school officials at a college to which the student intends to transfer, and to persons or organizations determining financial aid decisions, or who are enforcing the terms of a student’s financial aid. These include, but are not limited to:
    1. federal and state educational agencies
    2. programs providing the student with federal or state financial aid (e.g. PELL, JTPA, ISAC, Dislocated Workers, TRA, etc.)
    3. agencies or institutions guaranteeing, lending, or collecting a student’s guaranteed student loan
  5. Personally identifiable information, other than public directory information, will not be provided to other persons or organizations (e.g. the Department of Public Aid, police, probation officers, employers, etc.) without the written consent of the student, or a court order.
  6. Whenever information that is not public directory information is released to a third party, a copy of the release, which identifies the date, party, and the reasons for release, will be filed in the student’s record. The release of such information should be accompanied by the following statement: “This information is covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, and may not be disclosed to others without the written consent of the student.”


(Reviewing authority – Shawnee Community College – College Council)


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