A3200.00 Tuition Waivers

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A3200
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Those individuals who are allowed tuition waivers shall be required to pay any appropriate fees.  Tuition is defined as money which is collected for the general support of the College’s instructional operation; fees are defined as money which is collected by the College that is designated for specific professional services received.  Community education courses have no tuition charge, but appropriate fees are charged.

Tuition waivers provided shall apply only to those courses offered by the Board which are approved for State credit hour funding.   Courses that are taken with tuition waived may not be counted for purposes of advancement on the salary schedule.

  1. Disabled Veterans/Senior Citizens: In-district tuition waivers shall be given to disabled veterans and persons 60 years of age and older who reside in the State of Illinois.  Non-credit and credit course fees are not waived.

  2. Full-time Employees/SURS Qualified Retirees: Tuition and fees shall be waived for all full-time employees and SURS qualified retirees and members of their immediate family.  Members of the immediate family shall be defined as the spouse and dependents of full-time employees who are under 24 years of age, not married, and currently reside with either one or both parents, one of which is a full-time employee.  However, a spouse or dependent who has been convicted of criminal conduct that would threaten staff or student health, welfare, or safety; or who was discharged for cause from district employment, shall not be entitled to a tuition waiver.  In the event of a full-time employee’s death during their active employment with SCC, their dependents will be given a tuition waiver to be used during their college career if they are under 24 years of age and not married.   A spouse of a deceased full-time employee must use their tuition waiver within 6 years of the date of the death of the full-time employee.

    For full-time employees, textbooks required for courses eligible for tuition and fee waivers shall be loaned to the aforementioned persons without charge if said textbooks are returned to the bookstore in the same condition in which they were received during the time they are due.  After the deadline, only textbooks still being used by the college will be taken back.  All other books will have to be paid for.  Required workbooks and other consumables must be purchased.

    Employees can take college courses during work hours as long as it is during their lunch break between the hours of 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., or during evenings or weekends.

  3. Adjunct Faculty: Up to four  hours of college credit for currently employed adjunct faculty members who have taught a minimum of five (5) years, their spouses, and their dependent children.   Dependent children are defined as unmarried children under the age of twenty-four (24) living in the household of the eligible employee.

  4. Dual Credit:  Students enrolled in courses for dual credit when the course is taught on the premises of an accredited high school within the college district and taught by a qualified teacher employed by the school district.  To qualify for the tuition and fee waiver, the student must meet admission criteria and eligibility requirements for the course prescribed by the college.

  5. Special programs and courses:  Special programs and courses for governmental or community-based agencies that are offered in agency facilities using agency equipment at no cost to the College and which deal with matters of public safety or community welfare providing the value of the facility and equipment usage fees being waived by the agency is roughly equivalent to the value of the tuition and/or fees to be waived by the College.

  6. Discretionary tuition waivers:  Other types of tuition waivers may be granted for academic and athletic scholarships, special educational programs, partial tuition waivers and workshops, at the recommendation of the President of the College and Chief Financial Officer.

Revised: July 2005, July 2007, September 2011, July 2016, March 2017


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