A3100.35 Escrow Admission

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A3100
Linked Procedures:
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Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Shawnee Community College will accept students currently enrolled in high school. High school students planning to enroll shall meet the guidelines outlined below:

  1. Be a Junior or Senior and be enrolled in a college preparatory curriculum
  2. Have successfully completed three years of high school English prior to enrolling in an English course.
  3. Have successfully completed three years of high school math prior to enrolling in a math course.
  4. Have successfully completed the college placement test with the required score to enter ENG 111, MAT 110/113/116, or any other academic class and be performing on the required reading level.
  5. Submit a copy of high school transcript along with the Admission Information Form and Escrow Form.
  6. No high school student will be allowed to enroll unless his/her application is signed by an official of his/her high school and a parent/guardian.

Students will be allowed to enroll in vocational, personal development, or physical education courses(s) that are not offered by his or her respective high school without meeting the requirements as indicated above.

Students enrolling for college credit must pay the college’s standard tuition rate for each course. Consult the Bursar Office, (618) 634-3243, for current rate.


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