Operating Standard
Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A3100
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that Shawnee Community College maintain an admission policy for all degree and certificate seeking students. If space is limited in programs, preference will be given to students who reside in district #531. In accordance with Public Act 86-0954, Shawnee Community College has in effect minimum entrance requirements comparable to those of state universities.
College credit may be awarded through the through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
General Admission Requirements
Students, including homeschooled, may be admitted by fulfilling the following:
- Proof of high school completion via official transcript/GED with graduation
- Completing the Shawnee Community College’s placement exam to determine proper course
- Students with placement and/or admission testing scores that are five years or older must retest or show proof of retest from another
- Submit a student information form (application for admission).
Admission for Baccalaureate–Oriented Curricula (Associate in Arts and Associate in Science Degrees)
Public Act 86-0954 requires all community colleges providing baccalaureate-oriented degree programs to establish and have in effect minimum entrance requirements comparable to those of state universities.
Shawnee Community College requires that a student’s high school transcript must have the following units if he/she is to be admitted to the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science programs.
High School Subjects | Years of Work | Explanation |
English | 4 | Written and oral communication, and literature |
Social Studies | 3 | Emphasizing history and government |
Mathematics | 3 | Introductory and advanced algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and computer programming |
Science | 3 | Laboratory Sciences |
Electives | 2 | Foreign language, music, art or vocational education |
Effective Fall 1993, students entering Shawnee Community College in a baccalaureate-oriented program are admitted in one of two categories: full admission or provisional admission.
Full Admission
Students will be granted full admission provided they have met at least one of the following requirements:
- Earned a high school diploma or high school equivalency, met the minimum high school pattern requirements listed above and scored above the minimum levels on the college placement test to show proficiency in math, English, and
- Earned a high school diploma or high school equivalency and have taken a recognized Shawnee Community College placement exam and/or adhere to the recognized multiple forms of assessment.
Provisional Admission
Students seeking college-level coursework who do not meet the minimum high school subject requirements and do not score at the minimum levels on the college placement test will be allowed to take classes identified by individual course demands.
Provisionally admitted students may move to full admission by fulfilling the following requirements:
Take the designated courses at SCC that will satisfy the high school unit(s) that are deficient within their first 18 credit hours taken at Shawnee Community College:
English deficiency ENG 0047 or 0048
Math deficiency MAT 039
Pending receipt of the high school transcript, students will be admitted on a provisional basis.
Students who have transferred from another college or university with fewer than twenty-six (26) semester hours of credit have not met the standards of full admission.
International Student Admission
Shawnee Community College is authorized to admit a limited number of non-immigrant alien students with the following guidelines:
- Have completed the equivalent of a high school (secondary) education, which normally means the completion of 12 years of schooling, and the applicant is at least 18 years of age.
- Score of 520 or better on the paper-based TOEFL test, 190 on the computerized TOEFL test, or 68 on the internet-based TOEFL test.
- Apply for admission to SCC.
- Provide official transcripts covering all school work (high school and college) complete with English translations from an accredited third-party entity as approved by the Dean of Student Success and Services.
- Provide an affidavit of support stipulating that adequate finances are available for their study in the United
- Live within district #531.
- Complete an interview with the Dean of Student Success and Services.
Since no scholarships are available for International Students, it is crucial that students from outside the United States be able to cover their expenses while in this country.
International students are admitted based on available space in the selected programs of study.
Early Admission
Shawnee Community College admits high school students while still in high school.
Once college credit is earned, it is on the student’s permanent record.
Expectations for early admission students:
- Must be a Junior or Senior.
- Students accepted for enrollment in college-level courses must have appropriate academic qualifications and a high level of motivation with adequate time to devote to studying a college-level course. The students’ course selections shall be made in consultation with high school counselors and/or principals and ordinarily are restricted to students in the junior and senior years of high The students shall meet all college criteria and follow all college procedures for enrolling in courses.
- Students enrolling in college-level courses must satisfy course placement tests or course prerequisites when applicable to ensure they have the same qualifications and preparation as other college A Dual Credit course is a college course in all respects.
- Dual Credit students should be prepared to participate in the same course an instructor teaches on the college campus.
- All Dual Credit courses are taught at the high school during secondary school hours.
- The college credit a student receives for successfully completing a dual credit course will always be part of the permanent college record.
Escrow Admission
Shawnee Community College will accept students currently enrolled in high school. High school students planning to enroll shall meet the guidelines outlined below:
- Be a Junior or Senior and be enrolled in a college preparatory curriculum
- Have successfully completed three years of high school English prior to enrolling in an English course.
- Have successfully completed three years of high school math prior to enrolling in a math course.
- Have successfully completed the college placement test with the required score to enter ENG 111, MAT 110/113/116, or any other academic class and be performing on the required reading level.
- Submit a copy of high school transcript along with the Admission Information Form and Escrow Form.
- No high school student will be allowed to enroll unless his/her application is signed by an official of his/her high school and a parent/guardian.
Students will be allowed to enroll in vocational, personal development, or physical education courses(s) that are not offered by his or her respective high school without meeting the requirements as indicated above.
Students enrolling for college credit must pay the college’s standard tuition rate for each course. Consult the Bursar Office, (618) 634-3243, for current rate.
Advanced Honors Program Admission
For a student to be admitted into the Shawnee Community College Advanced Honors Program, he/she must meet all of the guideline requirements for the regular escrow program except:
- The requirement for a student to be a Junior or Senior may be waived if circumstances warrant and the student gets approval from both the high school and community college president.
- Maximum course loads exceeding the waived nine credit hours are the financial responsibility of the student and must meet the guidelines established under Policy 8151. The maximum course load of nine credit hours per semester may be waived during the summer semester following the student’s junior year in high school.
In addition to the regular escrow requirements, the student must also meet the following requirements:
- Fill out an application for the Advanced Honors
- Be ranked in the upper 20% of his/her class (using all high school grades assigned up to the time of application).
- Have a minimum cumulative high school GPA (grade point average) of 25, based on the 4.0 scale.
- Maintain a minimum cumulative Shawnee Community College GPA of 3.0, based on the 4.0
- The student’s schedule of Shawnee Community College courses is officially approved each semester by the high school official and the Registrar of Shawnee Community College.
Community Education Admission
Enrollment requirements are established by the nature of the particular course. A student who plans to register only for community education courses does not need to apply for regular admission. Students planning to enroll in both credit and community education courses should follow the regular admissions and registration procedure.
Guidelines for Accepting Transfer Credit
- Students must produce official transcripts that are sent directly from their college or university to the Shawnee Community College Registrar’s Office.
- Shawnee Community College will only accept credit hours from institutions which are accredited by a regional accrediting association.
- Credit hours earned from foreign colleges and universities must be translated by an accredited third-party entity as approved by the Dean of Student Success and Services, with the final determination being made by the Vice-President of Student Success and Services.
- Shawnee Community College will accept a maximum of six (6) credit hours of “D” grades. The college registrar will make the determination as to whether transfer hours will be accepted as it relates to the student’s degree.
- If a transfer course from another accredited institution earned more credit hours than the equivalent course at Shawnee Community College, the student is given full credit for the hours earned at the former institution.
- If a transfer course has fewer credit hours than the equivalent at Shawnee Community College, the student will be granted only the number of credit hours earned at the other
- If a transfer course has no Shawnee Community College equivalent, the hours earned will be granted as elective hours.
- Quarter hours will be converted to semester hours on the Shawnee Community College transcript.
- Credit hours will be granted for military service according to the recommendation of the American Council on Education.
- Veterans shall submit an official copy of their DD214 or an official certificate, which documents other credit earned during military training.
- All military service members receive 2 hours of health and 4 hours of physical education with a copy of their DD214.
- According to the Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS), other credit may be accepted as recommended by the American Council on Education Guidelines for awarding higher education credit when an equivalent Shawnee Community College course exists.
- The decision on the awarding of transfer credit may be appealed by the student in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President of Student Affairs.
Guidelines for Credit By Examination
Credit by examination is subject to the following:
- Credit by examination may not duplicate credit earned at Shawnee Community College or received in transfer.
- Credit by examination may not be given for a lower level course when students have received credit in the subject area beyond the course in which the examination is requested.
- A student currently enrolled in a course but desiring to earn credit by examination must apply for and complete the examination by the end of the fourth week of classes.
- A student cannot receive credit by examination and subsequently enroll in the course and earn a grade.
- A proficiency examination may not be attempted more than twice in a given course.
- Course credit earned by examination will be recorded as “Proficiency Credit’ or “CLEP Credit.” No transcript record is entered unless the examination is successfully completed. No grade is recorded, nor can a prior grade be changed or removed by credit by examination. Credit earned by examination is not included in the computation of a student’s grade point average (GPA).
- A maximum of 30 credit hours toward an associate degree or one-half of the credit hours for a certificate may be credited.
- A person seeking credit by examination must have previously completed courses in which credits have been earned at Shawnee Community College.
Advanced Placement
Shawnee Community College accepts credit from Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations. This program allows high school students to earn college credit by successfully completing the AP or IB examinations. To receive Shawnee Community College credit, students must earn a score of 3, 4, or 5, on the College Board Advanced Placement examination or a subject score of 4 or higher for IB Diploma Programme subjects accepted for credit.
Students seeking AP/IB credit must request that an original score report be sent to the Registrar. Credit received from AP/IB examinations will not count in the current semester hours and, therefore, does not calculate in part-time/full-time status and/or toward financial aid. Credit granted for AP/IB will appear on the student’s transcript.
AP Exam
| Min. Score Required | SCC Equivalent | Credit Hours |
Art History
| 3 4-5 | ART 117 ART 118 | 3 6 |
Music Theory | 3 4-5 | MUS 113 MUS 114 | 3 6 |
Studio Art – 2-D design | 3 | ART 115 | 3 |
Studio Art – 3-D design | 3 | ART 121 | 3 |
Studio Art – Drawing
| 3 4-5 | ART 111 ART 211 (ART-111 & ART-211) | 3 6 |
English Language and Composition | 3 5 | ENG 111 ENG 112 (ENG-111 & ENG-112) | 3 6 |
English Literature and Composition | 3 5 | LIT 214 LIT 215 (LIT-214 & LIT-215) | 3 6 |
European History | 3 5 | HIS 116 HIS 117 (HIS-116 & HIS-117) | 3 6 |
Macroeconomics | 3 | ECO 211 | 3 |
Microeconomics | 3 | ECO 212 | 3 |
Psychology | 3 | PSY 211 | 3 |
US Government & Politics | 3 | GOV 117 | 3 |
US History | 3 5 | HIS 214 HIS 215 (HIS-214 & HIS-215) | 3 6 |
World History | 3 5 | HIS 121 HIS 122 (HIS-121 & HIS-122) | 3 6 |
AP Calculus AB | 3 | MAT 209 | 5 |
Statistics |
| MAT 210 | 4 |
Biology |
| BIO 111 | 4 |
Chemistry |
| CHE 114 | 5 |
Physics C: Mechanics | 4 | PHY 216 | 4 |
Physics 1: Algebra Based | 4 | PHY 216 | 4 |
Physics 2: Algebra Based | 4 | PHY 217 | 4 |
Spanish Language & culture | 3 | SPA 111 | 4 |
Spanish Language & culture | 3 | SPA 112 | 4 |
College Level Examination Program
Shawnee Community College administers the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations to current and prospective students. All high school graduates (or high school equivalency) are eligible to participate in the CLEP. CLEP examination credit will not be awarded for any course in which the student is presently enrolled. CLEP credit will also not be awarded for any equivalent course in which the student has previously received a grade or which he/she has audited. Information on fees and testing dates and locations may be obtained from the Student Success Center.
The College awards credits as outlined based on the recommendations from the American Council on Education.
Test | Course | Minimum Score | Credit Hour |
English Composition with Essay | ENG 111 & 112 | 50 | 6 |
American Literature | LIT 216 & 217 | 50 | 6 |
Analysis & Interpretation of Literature | Literature electives | 50 | 6 |
English Literature | LIT 214 & 215 | 50 | 6 |
Humanities | Humanities electives | 50 | 6 |
French | Elective | 50 | 6 |
| Elective | 62 | 12 |
German | Elective | 50 | 6 |
| Elective | 63 | 12 |
Spanish | Elective | 50 | 6 |
| Elective | 66 | 12 |
American Government | GOV 117 | 50 | 3 |
Intro. To Educational Psychology | Elective | 50 | 3 |
Human Growth & Development | PSY 218 | 50 | 3 |
History of the US I: Early Coloniz. to 1877 | HIS 214 | 50 | 3 |
History of the US II: 1865 to present | HIS 215 | 50 | 3 |
Western Civ. I: Ancient Near East to 1648 | HIS 116 | 50 | 3 |
Western Civ. II: 1648 to present | HIS 117 | 50 | 3 |
Principles of Macroeconomics | ECO 211 | 50 | 3 |
Principles of Microeconomics | ECO 212 | 50 | 3 |
Introductory Psychology | PSY 211 | 50 | 3 |
Social Sciences and History | Social Science elective | 50 | 6 |
Introductory Sociology | SOC 212 | 50 | 3 |
College Algebra | MAT 116 | 50 | 3 |
College Algebra-Trigonometry | Math elective | 50 | 3 |
Calculus with Elementary Functions | MAT 209 | 50 | 6 |
College Mathematics | Math elective | 50 | 6 |
Trigonometry | MAT 118 | 50 | 3 |
General Biology | BIO 111 | 50 | 6 |
Natural Sciences | Nat. Science elective | 50 | 6 |
General Chemistry | CHE 111 | 50 | 6 |
Information Systems & Computer Apps. | Elective | 50 | 3 |
Principles of Accounting | ACC 111 | 50 | 6 |
Introductory Business Law | BUS 214 | 50 | 3 |
Principles of Management | BUS 210 | 50 | 3 |
Principles of Marketing | BUS 116 | 50 | 3 |
Once Shawnee Community College receives a student’s score from the College Board, the Registrar will send written notification informing the student of the credit to be awarded. However, CLEP credit will not be posted to the student’s academic transcript until the student has completed 12 credit hours at Shawnee Community College.
Credit received from CLEP examinations will not count in the current semester hours and, therefore, does not calculate in part-time/full-time status and/or toward financial aid. The credit will appear on the student’s transcript as outlined below:
Course Number | Course Title | Sem. Hrs. Attempted | Sem. Hrs. Earned | Grade Points |
ENG 111 | English Comp. | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Proficiency Credit
A student who has acquired knowledge and competency applicable to an educational goal through formal or informal means may earn credit and/or exemption from certain course requirements through proficiency examinations. A student seeking to take a proficiency examination must first see an on-campus advisor to obtain an “Application for Proficiency Examination.” The student should then pay the Proficiency Examination Fee at the Bursar’s Office. The Division Chair responsible for the course should then be contacted by the student. Proficiency examinations are offered at the discretion of the Division Chair responsible for the course subject to the approval of the Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning The Division Chair will assign a full-time faculty member to administer and score the exam. Credit received from Proficiency Examinations will not count in the current semester hours and, therefore, will not calculate in part-time/full-time status and/or toward financial aid. Credit granted for Proficiency Examinations will appear on the student’s transcript.
Experiential Credit
Shawnee Community College works cooperatively with third party professional training programs to articulate coursework commensurate with specific training, including:
- Students who have completed the Police Training Institute will receive 6 credit hours of credit for crime control and criminal behavior.
- Students who have completed the Department of Corrections Training course will receive 6 hours of credit for criminal behavior and corrections coursework.
(Reviewing authority – Shawnee Community College – College Council)
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Date | Description of Change | Governance Unit |