A2400.00 Required Class Size Policy for Community Education Classes

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A2400
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



A second-class meeting enrollment sufficient to cover the direct instructional costs will be required for all community education classes. The minimum enrollment levels will be determined by the Vice President of Instructional Services.

Part-time community education instructors are not entitled to sick leave, vacation, group insurance or other fringe benefits provided other employees of the College. Community education instructors must make up all absences by extending class periods or holding an alternate class period.

Instructors are responsible for assisting with the registration of students. Students may register at the first or second meeting of the class. Special permission may be granted for late enrollments if approved by the Dean of Instruction and the instructor.

All instructors teaching community education courses will prepare and distribute course syllabi to their students at the first class meeting in an effort to adequately inform each student of the course content, course requirements and materials needed and the basis for evaluating student progress. This will allow each student sufficient time to adequately examine the nature of the course and initiate a withdrawal if the course does not meet the student’s needs.

Revised: August 2014


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