A2300 Faculty Quality


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: CAO; VP of Academic Affairs
Related Policies:
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:  110 ILCS 805/Art. IIIB
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion: 3C3C The institution has the faculty and staff needed for effective, high-quality programs and student services.

A2300 Faculty Quality PDF


Policy Statement

The College values the pursuit of excellence in all of its programs and services.  Further, the College believes community perception of academic service excellence is most directly influenced by the quality of teaching faculty employ. 

As it relates to faculty quality and the pursuit of excellence in teaching systems and processes that create high quality learning experiences for students, the college will recruit, hire, prepare, and continuously develop faculty members in ways that help them: develop an engaging and influential classroom presence; provide students with valuable real-world learning experiences; set high expectations for student performance; make informed decisions on curricular improvement; engage in college and community service; contribute to the advancement of professional practice; and, cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the institution.

To those ends, the College’s CAO is directed to develop, implement, and continuously improve collaborative and inclusive processes aimed at onboarding and professionally developing the College’s faculty members.


Change Log
DateDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit
10.26.23Initial AdoptionExecutive Council