A2200 Scholarship Excellence


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: VP of Academic Affairs
Related Policies:
Linked Procedures: A2200.00, A2200.05, A2200.10, A2200.15, A2200.20, A2200.25, A2200.30, A2200.35, A2200.40, A2200.45, A2200.50, A2200.55, A2200.60, A2200.65, A2200.70, A2200.75
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion: 4A

A2200 Scholarship Excellence PDF


Policy Statement

The College is committed to fostering a culture of scholarship excellence by creating a challenging learning environment that requires students to demonstrate mastery of the content through transformative learning experiences.

Scholarship excellence encompasses academic achievement, as well as general education core competencies. As such, the College aims to provide relevant real-world experiences designed to challenge students intellectually, such as internships, independent study opportunities, and field trips. Furthermore, the College will recognize and reward the achievements of students through its evaluation of student academic performance and consideration of credit for prior learning (i.e. work, military, licensure).

To those ends, the College’s VPAA is directed to collaborate with the College administration, faculty, and staff to develop, cultivate, and continuously improve standards of scholarship excellence to ensure our students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities in the workplace, community, and/or transfer institutions.


Change Log
DateDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit
2.29.24Initial AdoptionAcademic Affairs Council