A2100 Curriculum Excellence


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: VP of Academic Affairs
Related Policies:
Linked Procedures: A2100.00, A2100.05, A2100.10, A2100.15, A2100.20, A2100.25, A2100.30, A2100.35, A2100.40, A2100.45, A2100.50, A2100.55, A2100.60, A2100.65
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion: 4A4A The institution ensures the quality of its educational offerings.

A2100 Curriculum Excellence PDF


Policy Statement

The College is committed to ensuring the continuous improvement and relevance of all the curriculum offered by the institution. A focus is placed upon preparing students for life-sustaining careers that enhance the economic vitality of our service region.

Curriculum should be developed, delivered, and assessed through a systematic and data-driven approach to ensure that it aligns with recognized industry standards, current industry trends, university standards, technological advancement, and local workforce demands. This policy aims to ensure that students will be equipped with the requisite knowledge and competencies essential for successful entry and advancement in their chosen professions.

To those ends, the College’s VPAA is directed to ensure the quality of curriculum through regular program review, evaluation of all transcripted credit, review of labor market need, and communication and collaboration with external stakeholders, including employers and transfer universities.


Change Log
DateDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit
2.29.24Initial AdoptionAcademic Affairs Council