A2100.40 Advisory Committees

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A2100
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HLC Criterion:


Vocational‑Technical Advisory Committees

Program advisory committees will be utilized to assist with the development and periodic review of all vocational‑technical education programs.  The membership of these committees will come from representatives of local businesses, industries, labor, and other agencies that employ our program graduates and from appropriate occupational program representatives within the public schools of the College District. Specifically, faculty participate substantially in oversight of curriculum development.   The members of these committees are appointed by the President upon recommendation of the Vice-President of Instructional Services and the appropriate Division Chair. The duties and responsibilities of these committees are:

  1. To assist with need determinations regarding new program development.
  2. To provide advice and suggestions regarding program need and structure.
  3. To assist with curriculum development activities.
  4. To assist with periodic program reviews.
  5. To assist with internship and job placement activities.


General Vocational‑Technical Advisory Committee

The general advisory committee for vocational‑technical education is composed of the chairperson from each of the program advisory committees and at‑large representatives from business, industry, and labor.  The members are appointed by the President upon recommendation of the Vice-President of Instructional Services and the appropriate Division Chairs.  The committee will meet at least one (1) time per year.

The duties and responsibilities of this committee are:

  1. To assist with short‑ and long‑range planning.
  2. To review and evaluate existing programs.
  3. To consider and recommend new programs to the appropriate administrators.
  4. To assist in the development of the annual vocational plan update.
  5. To perform liaison activities between Shawnee Community College and citizens of their communities in gathering and disseminating information concerning College programs.
  6. To assist with internship and placement activities.

Revised May 2008, July 2014


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