A2000.30 Students Entering Classes as “Open Entry and Open Exit” Students

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A2000
Linked Procedures:
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HLC Criterion:



Students entering classes as “Open Entry and Open Exit” students must comply with Shawnee Community College’s admissions policy. An “Open Entry and Open Exit” course is a mode of delivery that allows a student to enroll in a class throughout the duration or near duration of the class and complete the class at any time throughout the duration of the class. Students are not prescribed a timeframe or number of required hours as criteria for successful completion of the class.

  1. A student who has not previously been admitted to Shawnee Community College must follow the same procedures as all students as explained on the student information form.
  2. A student that requests “Open Entry” prior to the mid-term of the semester in which he enters will be enrolled and placed on a class list. The student will receive a grade at the end of the semester or an “Incomplete” if the course has not been completed. The course must be completed by the end of the following semester, and a grade will be awarded at the end of the second semester in which he is enrolled.
  3. A student that requests “Open Entry” after mid-term will be officially enrolled at the beginning of the next semester, and the grade will be recorded at the end of that semester.
  4. All students entering classes as “Open Entry” students must have written approval of the instructor and the Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning.


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