Operating Standard
Type: Administrative
Responsible: Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness
Related Policies: A1300
Linked Procedures: A1300.00, A1300.05, A1300.10, A1300.15, A1300.20, A1300.30, A1300.35
Related Laws: None
Related Standards: None
HLC Criterion: 5A, 5B, 5C
Types of Data Request
Submitting Data Requests
Review of Data Requests
Data Fulfillment
Data Security and Privacy
Keeping of Records
The College understands the value of effective data management and sharing for research and informed decision-making. This procedure outlines how to submit, process, and fulfill data requests from internal and external stakeholders.
Data Requestor – Any person or organization requesting data from the College is considered the data requestor.
Data Custodian – The person in charge of maintaining and granting access to particular data sets is known as the data custodian.
Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) – The OIE is in charge of managing data requests and monitoring compliance with data sharing regulations.
Types of Data Request
- Internal data requests:
- Internal data requests are those made by college faculty, staff, or departments for academic or administrative reasons.
- Internal data requests are those made by college faculty, staff, or departments for academic or administrative reasons.
- External data requests:
- External data requests are those made for research, reporting, or other purposes by people, groups, or organizations outside of the College.
Submitting Data Requests
- Internal Data Requests:
- Faculty or staff members must use the specified form (helpdesk ticket) to submit a data request to the OIE for use in college-related activities.
- The request should clearly state the data that is needed, its purpose, and its intended use.
- External Data Requests:
- To request data from the College, an outside organization or individual must fill out the Data Request form on the college website.
- Information about the data being requested, the request’s goal, its intended application, and any necessary legal paperwork should all be included in the request.
Review of Data Requests
- Internal Data Requests:
- The OIE reviews requests for internal data to ensure they are complete and the College can remain compliant with relevant laws (i.e. confidentiality).
- Requests that are approved are sent to the appropriate data custodian for approval and fulfillment.
- External Data Requests:
- The Executive Director of IE examines all external data requests for the ability of the College to fulfill and remain compliant with relevant laws (i.e. confidentiality).
- Requests that are approved are sent to the appropriate data custodian for approval and fulfillment.
Data Fulfillment
*See the Data Governance Procedure for maintaining the integrity of the data, including the availability, quality, security, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
- Data Collection:
- Data custodians gather information using suitable techniques, such as program queries/reports, surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, or other appropriate methods.
- Ensure the accuracy, integrity, and adherence to moral principles of the data.
- Data Analysis:
- If suitable for the data request and with the assistance of the OIE, utilize suitable statistical or qualitative data analysis techniques and tools to analyze the data obtained.
- If suitable for the data request, interpret the results to arrive at relevant conclusions.
- Creating a report:
- Create a thorough report that summarizes the results of the data.
- Add brief and clear explanations, graphs, tables, and suggestions where/if appropriate.
- For all external requests, ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of personally identifiable information.
- Review and Approval:
- Before dissemination, and always in the case of an external request, the data custodian should ensure approval is obtained by the appropriate director, dean, or senior administrator.
Data Security and Privacy
All data requests must comply with the College’s Data Governance procedure to preserve the privacy of persons and sensitive data and comply with all pertinent laws, regulations, and moral standards.
Keeping of Records
All external data requests, approvals, and data sharing will be documented by the OIE. All data custodians will keep an internal record of all requests fulfilled, whether internal or external.
If a requester’s request for data is denied, they have the right of appealing the decision to the Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness.
The data request procedure for the College ensures that data requests are processed effectively, securely, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This procedure facilitates data sharing for legitimate purposes while protecting data privacy and security.
Change Log | ||
Date | Description of Change | Governance Unit |
02.29.24 | Initial Adoption | Executive Council |