Operating Standard
Type: Administrative
Responsible: Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness
Related Policies: B2005, A1300
Linked Procedures: A1300.00, A1300.05, A1300.10, A1300.15, A1300.25, A1300.30, A1300.35
Related Laws: None
Related Standards: None
HLC Criterion: 5A5A Through its administrative structures and collaborative processes, the institution’s leadership demonstrates that it is effective and enables the institution to fulfill its mission., 5B5B The institution’s resource base supports its educational offerings and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future., 5C5C
The institution engages in systematic and integrated planning and improvement.
Roles and Responsibilities
Data Communications
Continual Improvement
Data Privacy and Security
Communication Plan
The College understands the value of transparency in business practices and data-informed decision-making. This procedure outlines the steps and responsibilities involved in creating, maintaining, and using the internal and external Data Dashboards, Quick Facts Sheet, and Business Objects Software Analytics Program (SAP) to facilitate this transparency and decision-making.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness (ED IE):
The Data Dashboard, Quick Facts Sheet, and Analytics program are all under the direction and management of the ED IE (data trustee) and in accordance with the procedures outlined in Data Governance [Link to the Data Governance Procedures]
- The ED IE:
- Fulfills internal and external data requests using the Software Analytics Program (SAP)
- Manages the internal data dashboard, currently in the SAP
- Works with the SAP Consultant on a regular basis on reporting needs and improvements
2. Research Associate (RA):
- The RA in the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE):
- Updates the external Data Dashboard, currently managed through Google Sheets and Tableau
- Updates the Quick Facts Sheet for the website
- Collects and compiles data from various sources, including internal databases, surveys, and external data feeds for all the updates
- Stays current in the external data visualization tool, currently Tableau
- Fulfills internal and external data requests using the Software Analytics Program (SAP)
- Works with the SAP Consultant on a regular basis on reporting needs and improvements
3. Data Reporting Specialist (DRS):
- The DRS in the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE):
- Fulfills internal and external data requests using the Software Analytics Program (SAP)
- Works with the SAP Consultant on a regular basis on reporting needs and improvements, including revisions necessary for state and federal report compliance
- Fulfills the federal and state compliance reporting using the Software Analytics Program (SAP)
- Works with other employees in the College to ensure data collection and gathering are constantly improving as a result of report edits and audits (i.e. data entry in the ERP, Colleague)
4. Software Analytics Program (SAP) Consultant:
- The SAP consultant is an employee of the College’s technology solution vender, currently Ellucian, and works with the OIE on an annual contractual basis to:
- Develop strategies for extracting and analyzing data from SAP systems, assessing factors like system performance and user behavior
- Identify performance bottlenecks and areas for optimization within the SAP environment
- Create and improve reports to fulfill internal and external requests
Data Communications
1. External Data Dashboard
The external data dashboard is designed to provide transparency, as well as remain compliant with data sharing requirements.
- Data Sources:
- The College has identified the following relevant and reliable data sources to make available on the external dashboard:
- Annual Credit-Bearing Enrollment (ICCB A1): residency; unduplicated headcount by PCS code, county, age, gender, ethnicity; student intent; PELL eligibility; First Time in Any College
- Annual Graduates (ICCB A2): Completers by gender and ethnicity; Top 10 programs by number of completers
- Fall Credit-Bearing Enrollment (ICCB E1): 10th day enrollment, Full time/Part time enrollment
- Reimbursable Credit Hours (ICCB SR/SU)
- SCC Graduate Exit Survey: Graduates’ Plans
- IPEDS Feedback Report: Fall to Fall Retention of First-Time Degree/Credential Seeking Students
- The College has identified the following relevant and reliable data sources to make available on the external dashboard:
- Dashboard Platform and Layout:
- The College uses Tableau Public, a free platform to enable real-time data updates, to design the structure and layout of the data dashboard.
- Dashboards should be designed as user-friendly.
- Integration of data:
- The data from the identified sources is formatted in Google Sheets according the Tableau specifications.
- Once the new year’s data is added to the Google Sheet, the following steps are followed:
- Open the Tableau Public App
- To connect to the server, click on Google Drive. This will redirect you to login to your email for authentication to access the files on Google Drive
- Select and open the “Data Dashboard Data Files” from the Google Sheets to connect as the data source server
- Drag sheets from left hand side into the field on the right-hand side and make modifications as needed
- Select and click on “Files” at the top left corner of the Tableau Public App
- Select “Open from Tableau Public” from the drop down
- A workbook opens with a list of files on the dashboard
- Select and open each of the files and create/update visual analytics
- Save created and updated visual analytics
- Check the college website for automatic updates
- If the dashboard is not updated automatically, check in with IT to assist with some backend technical issues.
2. Quick Facts Sheet
The Quick Facts Sheet is designed to provide a snapshot of key demographic, enrollment, and completion data.
- Data Compilation:
- The College has identified the following relevant and reliable data sources to make available on the Quick Facts Sheet:
- Annual Credit-Bearing and Non-Credit Enrollment (ICCB A1 and N1): combined unduplicated headcount
- Annual Credit-Bearing Enrollment (ICCB A1): % over age 25, average age, gender, residency
- Reimbursable and Nonreimbursable Credit Hours (ICCB SR/SU)
- Financial Aid (IPEDS FSA): % receiving some form of financial aid
- Completion and Transfer Rates (IPEDS GRS): % transferring to 4-year institution before graduating, % still enrolled, % graduating within 150% normal time
- Completions (ICCB A2): Top degrees/certificates; (IPEDS Completions Survey): Number of less than one-year, greater than one-year but less than two-year, and two-year degrees/certificates awarded
- Faculty/Student ratio (IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey)
- Employees (ICCB C1): full-time/part-time numbers
- The College has identified the following relevant and reliable data sources to make available on the Quick Facts Sheet:
- Layout and Design:
- Quick Facts Sheet that is simple, one-page summary that is visually appealing and easy to read.
- Once the external data dashboard is updated with the most recent year’s data, the following steps are followed:
- Open the Word version from last year
- Use the most recent year’s data to update the sheet.
- Save as a pdf
- Email it to IT to replace the older version.
3. Analytics and Reporting Program
Colleague Reporting and Operational Analytics (CROA) is the data warehouse and reporting system our College uses for various reporting needs. It is a Business Objects Software Analytics Program (SAP).
- Data Analysis and Reporting
- Define the KPIs in SCCES that are pertinent to the College’s strategic plan, program reviews, and Board Strategic Outcomes monitoring reports and determine which can be monitored through CROA.
- Create reports in CROA that align to these KPIs.
- Determine whether reports will be scheduled and/or placed on the internal data dashboard in CROA and/or sent on an as needed basis.
- Access and Utilization
Note: *See Data Governance procedures for the College’s procedures on roles and responsibilities of the data reported through the CROA Dashboard.
- Accessibility:
- All users with access to the CROA Dashboard must be approved by the ED IE and the respective senior leader and will receive a secure login and training.
- Accessibility:
- User Training:
- All SCC employees must complete the annual required trainings regarding security of personal identifiable information, such as FERPA.
- All SCC employees with access to the CROA Dashboard must receive initial training on how to access and use the reports.
- Employees can request additional training through the SCC Help Desk.
- Periodic refresher trainings will be held by IE to for quality control.
- User Training:
Continual Improvement
1. Feedback Mechanism:
- User feedback on the data communications’ functioning and usefulness is critical for continual improvement and will be sought through:
- daily conversations and meetings with employees- The OIE will remain observation and engaged to make note of any improvements needed to data communications, whether specifically asked or whether inferred while using the reports and making decisions.
- training sessions- As the OIE is training employees on the use of data communications, improvements will be made as a result of employee feedback and by formatively assessing the employee during training (questions they ask, observations they make, OIE observations of whether their use is seamless/efficient, etc.)
- Help Desk requests- Employees can submit a Help Desk ticket to request changes and additions.
- data audits- While auditing reports, OIE can take note of ways the data communications are and are not used in order to inform reports.
2. Analytical Improvements:
- The College is dedicated to continually improve analytics and data communications by utilizing cutting-edge technologies and methodologies for data analysis. The OIE will stay current on leading tools in the industry and will advise the College accordingly.
Data Privacy and Security
All data requests must comply with the College’s Data Governance procedure to preserve the privacy of persons and sensitive data and comply with all pertinent laws, regulations, and moral standards.
1. Data Privacy and Sharing:
- All data users must ensure compliance pertaining to data privacy, especially when sharing or publishing data.
2. Data Security:
- All data users must implement data security measures to protect sensitive information in the data dashboard and fact book.
Communication Plan
1. For full transparency:
- The ED IE will communicate to the President’s Cabinet any substantial revisions to the data communications in this procedure.
- The OIE will make data and reports accessible to key parties, such as faculty, staff, students, and the general public, so as to promote transparency.
The Data Dashboard, Quick Facts Sheet, and Analytics Program Procedure for the College seeks to offer a standardized and systematic approach to data management, reporting, and analysis. By adhering to this procedure, the College makes sure that data is utilized efficiently to support decision-making and transparency.
Change Log | ||
Date | Description of Change | Governance Unit |
02.29.24 | Initial Adoption | Executive Council |