A1300.15 Institutional Reporting

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Responsible: Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness
Related Policies: B1002, A1300
Linked Procedures: A1300.00, A1300.05, A1300.10, A1300.20, A1300.25, A1300.30, A1300.35
Related Laws: ICCB 1501.201; ICCB 1501.406
Related Standards: ICCB Recognition Standard IV: Institutional Research/Reporting
HLC Criterion: 4A4A The institution ensures the quality of its educational offerings., 5A5A Through its administrative structures and collaborative processes, the institution’s leadership demonstrates that it is effective and enables the institution to fulfill its mission., 5B5B The institution’s resource base supports its educational offerings and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future., 5C5C The institution engages in systematic and integrated planning and improvement.

A1300.15 Institutional Reporting PDF


Roles and Responsibilities
Types of Institutional Reports
Data Collection and Verification
Report Generation and Assembly
Review and Submission
Archives and Documentation
Compliance and Regulations
Continuous Improvement
Appendix A
Appendix B



A key component of Shawnee College’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and data-driven decision-making is institutional reporting. This procedure outlines the steps to be followed in the creation, dissemination, and use of state and federal institutional reports, as well as internal monitoring reports.


Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Office for Institutional Effectiveness (OIE):

  • Coordination, management, and dissemination of an institutional state, federal, and internal reporting calendar falls within the purview of the OIE.
  • The OIE works with data trustees and stewards to make sure reports are accurate, comprehensive, and compliant with applicable regulations.


  1. Data Trustees and Stewards:

  • It is the responsibility of the faculty, staff, and administrators who oversee data management for certain areas (such as admissions, enrollment, human resources, or finances) to:
    • Ensure data are collected accurately and timely in the designated database (i.e. Colleague, DAISI, Google Drive).
    • Provide to the OIE or other reporting party the correct data needed for state, federal, and internal reports.
    • Submit by the deadline any report for which they are the submitting party.


  1. Reviewers and approvers of reports:

  • Reports are reviewed and approved by senior administrators or other designated individuals (i.e. Dean, Director) before submission and dissemination.


  1. Data Reporting Specialist (DRS):

  • For reports submitted directly by the OIE, the DRS:
    1. Gathers and validates data from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and consistency
    2. Submits final reports to their respective parties (i.e. ICCB, IPEDS, NC-SARA)
    3. Disseminates final data to the appropriate SCC employees for their use in decision-making.
  • For reports submitted directly by other SCC employees, the DRS responds to requests for the data needed for completion of their reports.


  1. Requesting Party:

  • Agencies and organizations who require reports from the institution are considered requesting parties. Such parties include, but are not limited to, ICCB, IPEDS, HLC, NC-SARA, The College Board, accrediting bodies, and the SCC Board of Trustees.


Types of Institutional Reports

  1. Annual reports:

  • The College shall produce annual reports for requesting parties that highlight significant institutional data, successes, and challenges.
  • All reports are submitted according to the requesting parties’ deadlines and are compiled by the OIE in an institutional reports calendar.
  • Reports submitted directly by the OIE include:

Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) reports:

  • ICCB Student Data-
    • Noncredit Course Enrollment Data (N1)
    • Annual Enrollment and Completion Data (A1)
    • Annual Student Identification Data (ID)
    • Fall and Spring Enrollment Surveys
    • Fall Enrollment Data (E1)
    • Summer Graduate Reporting (GS)
    • Annual Course Data (AC)
    • Annual Completions Data (A2)
  • ICCB Faculty/Staff Data-
    • Faculty, Staff & Salary Data (C1)
    • Faculty Staff & Salary Supplementary Information
    • Annual Faculty, Staff & Salary Data (C3)
    • Hispanic Employment Survey
    • Asian American Employment Survey
    • Native American Employment Survey
    • African American Employment Survey
    • Bilingual Needs and Bilingual Pay Survey
  • ICCB Financial Data-
    • Summer, Fall, and Spring State Reimbursable Course Enrollment (SR)
    • Summer, Fall, and Spring State Unreimbursable Course Enrollment (SU)
  • ICCB Other-
    • Special Initiatives Reports
    • Underrepresented Groups Report

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) reports

  • IPEDS Prerequisite Information-
    • Reporting Map
    • Identification
    • Institutional Characteristics Header
  • IPEDS Fall Collection-
    • Institutional Characteristics
    • Completions
    • 12-month Enrollment
  • IPEDS Winter Collection-
    • Student Financial Aid
    • Graduation Rates
    • 200% Graduation Rates
    • Admissions
    • Outcome Measures
  • IPEDS Spring Collection-
    • Fall Enrollment
    • Finance
    • Human Resources
    • Academic Libraries

National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA)

  • Out of State Placements
  • Distance Education-Only Students


  • Reports supported by the OIE include:
    • ICCB Program Reviews-Graduate Exit and Follow-Up Surveys, Labor Market & Data Dashboard reports (Academic Affairs-VPAA/Deans/Chairs)
    • ICCB Midterm Classlist Certification Process
    • Developmental Education Reporting Act (DERA)(Academic Affairs)
    • Fiscal Year Budget
    • FY 2023 Audit
    • Certification of Credit Hours (Administrative Services-VPAS)
    • GFOA Budget (Administrative Services-VPAS)
    • Student Parent Data Collection Act-Campus Child Care Survey (Student Affairs-VPSA)
    • College Board Survey (Student Affairs-Registrar)
    • Board of Trustees Strategic Outcomes Policies Monitoring Reports

  • Reports submitted by other departments independent of the OIE:
    • ICCB Financial Reports-(Administrative Services/VPAS)
      • Tuition and Fees Survey
      • Tax Revenue/Budget Information Request
      • Certificate of Chargeback (with Registrar)
      • Uniform Financial Statements
      • Instructional Cost Sheet
      • Certificate of Publication for Annual Financial Statement
      • Certificate of Tax Levy
    • ICCB Facilities/Capital Projects Reports-(Administrative Services/VPAS)
      • Annual Facility Data (AFD) and Construction Status
      • Existing Space in Use for Educational Purposes (in the AFD)
      • FY 2024 Capital Budget Request (RAMP)


  1. Accreditation Reports:

  • Reports necessary for accreditation shall be prepared and submitted to accrediting bodies in accordance with their respective rules and timelines.
  • Reports supported by the OIE include:
    • HLC Annual Update
    • Program-specific annual reports (i.e. ACEN)

NOTE: *See Accreditation (A1300.00) procedures

  1. Ad Hoc Reports:

  • Specialized reports shall be produced as needed in response to requests from internal or external stakeholders, such as grant reports.


The following guidelines should be followed for any report. Appendix A outlines the guidelines for reports submitted by and with the support of the OIE.


Data Collection and Verification

  1. Data Sources:

  • For each report, identify the main data source(s), such as internal databases, surveys, and external data, that are needed for each report.
  • Collect the data from identified sources.

NOTE: *See Data Dashboard/Fact Book/Analytics (A1300.20) procedures

  1. Data Validation: *See Data Governance procedure

  • Ensure data integrity by checking for quality
    • Complete- A large percentage of the data needed/requested is included.
    • Unique- All redundant, extraneous, or duplicate data points are removed.
    • Valid- Data represents the requirements of its intended use, such as the arrangement, structure, and parameters of the requesting party.
    • Timely- Data are as up to date as possible.
    • Consistent- Data points are represented in a standardized manner through the dataset.
  • Ensure data integrity by checking for accuracy-
    • “Clean” the data by fixing errors in datasets, such as incorrect, mislabeled, duplicate, and/or incomplete data, especially when combining data from multiple sources.


Report Generation and Assembly

  1. Reporting Templates:

  • Utilize standardized report templates of the requesting parties to maintain compliance, consistency, and professionalism.


  1. Data Analysis:

  • Analyze and interpret data, as/if required by the requesting party, to make meaningful insights.
  • Include pertinent graphs, charts, and visuals, if required/allowed, to improve understanding of insights.
  • Include recommendations/future actions, if required/allowed, to improve understanding of insights.


Review and Submission

  1. Reviewing Process:

  • Reports should be submitted to the designated reviewer and approver (i.e. respective senior leader, Dean, Director) prior to submission to the requesting party.
  1. Submission Process:

    • Once approved by the reviewer and approver, the report should be submitted to the requesting party via the submission instructions prior to the final deadline.
    • If possible, such as with ICCB reports, reports should be submitted well in advance of the final submission deadline in order to obtain edits/error checks to ensure an accurate report submission by the deadline.



  1. Publication and Communication:

  • All parties responsible for report submissions should consider a communication strategy to let stakeholders know about the availability of reports and to encourage the use of reports for decision-making and planning.
    • ICCB reports submitted by OIE result in a data file returned to the institution by ICCB. Once received, the Data Reporting Specialist summarizes the data on the historical data file for each of the reports. The historical data files are emailed to each senior leader as information to be used in decision-making and other required reports (Example: The SR historical data file is used by the VPAS to complete the Certification of Credit Hours.)
    • Highlights of the ICCB reports are displayed on the Data Dashboard on the SCC website (See Data Dashboard/Fact Book/Analytics Program (A1300.25) for specifics)
    • IPEDS Data Feedback reports are shared with senior leaders at Cabinet, shared with their teams, and posted on the Institutional Effectiveness webpage.
    • Board of Trustees Strategic Outcomes Policies monitoring reports are posted on the website.


Archives and Documentation

  1. Archiving:

  • To facilitate historical research and compliance requirements, all parties responsible for submission of institutional reports will keep a secure archive of those reports.
    • For ICCB reports submitted by the OIE, the Excel versions are transferred from the secure ICCB/SCC ftp to the ED’s computer.
    • For IPEDS reports, paper copies are kept by the Executive Director (ED) in a filing cabinet by seasonal collection and pdf versions are saved to the ED’s computer.
    • For the NC-SARA and HLC Institutional Update reports, paper copies are kept by the Executive Director (ED) in a filing cabinet.
    • Board of Trustees Strategic Outcomes Policies monitoring reports are archived on the SCC website and by the Executive Assistant to the President.


  1. Version Control:

  • All parties responsible for submission of institutional reports will implement version control to keep track of reports’ alterations and modifications over time leading up to final submission.
    • For ICCB reports submitted by the OIE that require multiple versions, the versions are listed by their date on a separate tab of that FY’s Google Sheet shared with all OIE personnel.
    • For NC-SARA, an Excel spreadsheet named by each calendar year are kept on the ED’s computer.
    • For other reports submitted by the OIE, multiple versions are kept together in the ED’s file in the filing cabinet.


Compliance and Regulations

  1. Legal Compliance:

  • All parties responsible for submission of institutional reports will ensure that institutional reports comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements, including data privacy regulations.


  1. Accreditation Requirements:

  • All parties responsible for submission of accreditation reports will address reporting specifications established by accrediting organizations.

NOTE: *See Accreditation (A1300.00) procedures


Continuous Improvement

  1. Feedback System:

  • All parties responsible for submission of institutional reports will use feedback during each cycle to improve the quality and relevance of future reports. This should include the infrastructure used to collect and obtain the data, ensure data quality and accuracy, and submit in a timely manner.



The College’s institutional reporting procedure ensures that the College’s reporting activities are organized, accurate, and consistent with its commitment to transparency and accountability.


Change Log
DateDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit
02.29.24Initial AdoptionExecutive Council



Appendix A

For ICCB Reports:

  1. During the summer, OIE works with the CROA consultant to make changes to the previous year’s reports according to the changes from ICCB in the new MIS Manual.
  • A copy is made of the previous year’s reports and put into a new FYXX folder in CROA-State Reports. The changes are made in those copied reports.
  1. At least one month before an ICCB report is due, open that FY’s report in CROA-State Reports-FYXX. Run the report, verifying that all parameters (i.e. terms, AY) are correct.
  2. A spot check should be done to flush out any obvious or pervasive errors before submitting the first time. Send the report into ICCB and expect an edit report back in a day or two.
  • Submissions are done by copying the submission tab into notepad and submitting it in the secure ICCB ftp site.
  • Once it is submitted, send the ICCB contact an email with only this (and exactly this):


Shawnee Community College
mo/day/two digit year (Ex. 08/19/23)
insert the report name here (Ex. A1)
# Records (Ex. 2807 Records)
FYXXXX (Ex. FY2023)
Record length # (Ex. Record length 376)
Type of Submission (Ex. Total Resubmission)
Contact First Name Last Name


  1. When received, go through the edit report and determine the errors that can be corrected in Colleague. Reach out to the appropriate person to make the needed corrections. NOTE: It is important to make the corrections in Colleague rather than just changing them on the report. Otherwise, the information will always be wrong. It is also important to have the person responsible for the data to make the corrections so they learn the proper way to enter/importance of the data.
  2. Submit the report again and repeat the submission/edit steps until the report is clean.


For IPEDS Reports:

  1. Login to https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ using the institutional username ID of P1488211 and the current password for Institutional Effectiveness. 
  2. Click on the Surveys tab. Scroll down to the current collection survey components. 
  3. Edit Report on the far-right Options column to begin the survey.


For the NC-SARA Report:

  1. For Exclusively Distance Education (based on the IPEDS Fall Enrollment, EF):
  • Obtain the ICCB E1 submitted file from the ftp and convert it to Excel. 
  • Create a second sheet in the E1 file and copy and paste the following columns in this order, making sure Credit Hrs Enrolled, Dist Ed Attempt are in the last two columns: SSN (column A), State (Column B), Credit Hrs Enrolled (Column C), Dist Ed Attempt (Column D). 
  • Create a column E with the heading “Match”. 
  • In the first cell below the heading, type the formula: 

=IF(C2=D2,”MATCH”,” “) and click the check mark or tab over.

  • Copy the formula down the entire column (Can put your cursor on the + in the lower right corner of the first cell and double click).
  • Name this sheet Matches. 
  • Filter Row 1. 
  • Sort Column E by MATCH.
  • Copy the sorted sheet and paste into a new sheet. Name the sheet EDE. These are your Exclusively Distance Ed students. 
  • Filter row 1 of this new sheet. Click on the State dropdown to get a list of the state codes in this dataset. For each number, you will do a count.
  • Somewhere in the sheet, start new columns labeled State Code, State, and Number. In the state code column type each state code in its own row. 
  • Look up the codes in the ICCB MIS Manual. Common codes are as follows: 17-IL, 21-KY, 29-MO. Type those next to their respective codes.  
  • In the Number column in the first row, do a count using this formula:

=COUNTIF(D2:last cell in the column, then the number) and repeat for all the numbers. 

Examples: =COUNTIF(D2:D149,17)  =COUNTIF(D2:D149,21)  =COUNTIF(D2:D149,29)

These are your counts, by state, of the Exclusively Distance Education students used in the report.

  1. For Out of State Placements:
  • Send the Dean of CTE and Dean of Allied Health the list of SARA courses and ask them to confirm the list is still accurate. 
  • Go to CROA-April-SARA-Currently Enrolled Students report. Modify and change filters by the following:
    • Change the terms to the calendar year Spring, Summer, Fall of the calendar year for the reporting. 
    • If needed, add or delete the courses in the existing filter that correspond to the changes received from the Deans. 
    • Run the report and export to Excel. 
  • Format the Excel document with the following headers:

NOTE: Use the ICCB Course Master List (most recent is on Etrieve) to insert the first two digits of the CIP Code for each course. 

  • Cut and paste each semester in its own sheet and name the sheet accordingly (Ex. Spring 2022, Summer 2022, Fall 2022)
  • Send the completed file to the Deans and ask them to work with their faculty to complete. Give a specific date for returning the completed. Make sure to give a deadline that gives a buffer before the report deadline in case there are blanks or any other issues. 
  1. Log in to the website: https://www.nc-sara.org/institutional-data-reporting and submit the data.


For Program Reviews-Graduate Exit and Follow-Up Surveys

  1. Log into SmartEvals. Everyone in IE should have an account.
  2. Create the course.
  • Institutional Effectiveness is the fake instructor (user: IE.shawnee) with dummy email IE.shawneecc.edu and GRAD is dept. )
  • Can set fake start and end dates at first.
  1. Go to the Evaluation Periods dropdown tab at the top. Upload the Course file. *Use a previous term’s course file and just change the needed information (Can use SU23)
  2. To change fake start and end dates when ready to launch:
  • Evaluation Periods-Eval Overview-Not Started-Click on the Edit Symbol-Change dates for it to start, close, and see results-click on “is Off”
  1. Assign the surveys to their respective course:
  • Go to Survey Setup, Assign Question Sets to courses. Go to Types, assign employer to employer, etc.
  1. Create and upload the user file: *Only do this if the users do not already have a SmartEvals account. Beginning SU23, all SCC students will have a user account to do their course evaluations.
  • For an example user file: Go to CROA (April-SmartEvals-User file- Grad Follow-up Survey).
  • Must upload it as a CSV file. Go to Evaluation Periods, Upload, Users, Choose File and select the CSV file and upload.
  1. Create and upload the registration file:
  • Go to CROA (April-SmartEvals-Registrant file- Choose the file for the respective survey). Modify and change the date ranges/term for the graduation time period for the survey.
  • Need only the Student ID (Column 1) and Course name (Column 2) in the file.
  • Run, export to Excel, and save as a CSV file. Go to Evaluation Periods, Upload, Registrations, Choose File and select the CSV file and upload.
  • Go to Evaluation Period tab, Evaluation Period Overview, Way in the Future, Click Edit icon, Change the dates for survey and release dates.
  1. Edit custom emails for the surveys if you choose:
  • Go to Edit-Edit Email Wizard-Click on the Survey Group in the top left MAKE SURE IT IS NOT THE DEFAULT! (Otherwise, you will change the emails for the course evaluations!)- Edit everything except the brackets.
  1. To Get Results:
  • Go to Reports-Survey Results-Surveys. This screen-
    • “See” will give a side-by-side comparison
    • “Choose” will let you select one, some, or all questions. *Can export this
    • “Customize” will allow us to create the “See” report with the parameters we want
    • Click on the graph icon to see the results
  • Can collapse both the grad and grad follow-up to combine the questions together that were asked the same.
  • To create a graph: Go into Charts instead of the actual survey


For Program Reviews-Labor Market Data:

Use Lightcast Analyst program to do the following-

  1. Indicator 1: Need- 
  • Section 1.1-

Using the program’s CIP code, provide Lightcast Analyst “Program Overview” report data for both our local (5 service area counties) AND all 10 regional counties for:

  • 10-year Jobs Timeframe: Number of annual job openings projected (demand)
  • 10-year Jobs Timeframe: Median earnings (wage) [provide the current living wage for comparison – https://livingwage.mit.edu/
  • Last 6-months Job Postings Timeframe (demand): Average monthly postings and average monthly hires for the target occupation only; do not include related occupations
  • Provide latest completions data and number of other programs sourcing the region; compare number of completions with openings/postings


“Occupation Overview” report data for both our 5 service area counties AND all 10 regional counties as a comparison for:

  • For next 5-year Timeframe: Current job context
  • Provide regional breakdowns, staffing patterns, and compensation  

Include citations for data:

Analyst program- Lightcast™.(2022). [Data files]. Retrieved from [URL]

MIT Living Wage Calculator- https://livingwage.mit.edu/

  • Section 1.2-

Using the program’s CIP code, provide Lightcast Analyst “Program Overview” report data for both our local (5 service area counties) AND all 10 regional counties for: *Compare these to the National Average

  • 10-year Growth rate
  • Last 5-year Jobs Timeframe: Number of annual job openings
  • Last 5-year Jobs Timeframe: Growth Rate 
  • Next 5-year Jobs Timeframe: Number of annual job openings
  • Next 5-year Jobs Timeframe: Growth Rate 

Include citations for data:

Analyst program- Lightcast™.(2022). [Data files]. Retrieved from [URL]

  1. Indicator 3: Quality
  • Section 3.21-

Provide any Graduate Follow-Up survey data collected in the SmartEvals survey along with an explanation if there are low numbers or any other important qualifiers. 

  • Section 3.24-

If the program requested Employer Surveys launched through SmartEvals, insert the data in this section.

  1. Performance and Equity Section
  • First section on disaggregation-

Using the program’s CIP code, provide Lightcast Analyst “Program Overview” report data for both our local (5 service area counties) AND all 10 regional counties for the ethnicity, gender, age, and educational attainment breakdown of those currently employed in the occupation associated with the CIP. 

  • Last section on district population-

Provide the demographic information for the 5-county service area based on the latest census data. 

For Past Census Data: https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html

For Current Estimates: https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2020s-counties-total.html  


For the HLC Institutional Update Report:

NOTE: Can use the notes from spring 2022 are in a file folder labeled “HLC Institutional Update”


  1. Student Headcount by Level- Use the IPEDS Spring Collection Fall Enrollment Report
  • Page through the form until you find the full-time and then part-time headcounts. 
  1. Student Headcount by Category- Check These steps next time we do this!!
  • Use the ICCB E1 for the number of non-degree seeking students. 
  • The E1 does not break out the degree and certificate numbers and is also unduplicated, so open up the E1 report and use the Degree and Certificate Programs listing to total the number of degrees and the number of certificate students. NOTE: Make sure you update the Degree and Certificate Programs sheet according to the new academic year, as some programs may have been added or inactivated. 
  1. Institutional Headcount (employee section)
  • Use the IPEDS HR survey. Pay close attention to the definitions in the HLC Update guide. 
  1. Dual Credit- Check these steps next time we do this!! In FY23, used the ICCB E1
  • None of the reports in the IPEDS account will break out the dual credit by itself, so use the ICCB Enrollment Survey Data. Dual Credit Unduplicated is at the bottom.
  • For the number of dual credit hours awarded in the academic year, use the Dual Credit Hours Generated report in CROA. Can we use the SR next time?


Certificate and Degree Programs

  1. Certificates Awarded- In the IPEDS account: UPDATE THESE STEPS IN FY24!!
  • Use the IPEDS Fall Collection Completions Report.
  • Get the total number of certificates awarded by adding all the categories together except for the associate’s degrees. 
  • This report does not break out the certificates by those that are and are NOT part of an existing degree program that are 24 semester hours or more, so use the Degree and Certificate Programs to identify the certificates that are NOT part of an existing degree program. NOTE: Make sure to update the Degree and Certificate Programs sheet according to the new academic year, as some programs may have been added or inactivated. 
  • Use the ICCB Grad Data (A2) excel sheet and total up the number of awards for those certificates you identified in the precious step.
  1. Degrees Awarded- Use the IPEDS Fall Collection Completions Survey to get this number. 
  2. Certificate and Degree Programs Offered- Use the Degree and Certificate Programs to total each category. NOTE: Make sure you update the Degree and Certificate Programs sheet according to the new academic year, as some programs may have been added or inactivated.


Degree and Certificate Programs for HLC UPDATE REPORT

(List is as of 2022)



0080- Associate of General Studies
0090- Associate of Arts
0091- Associate of Science
2005- Construction Management
2120- Criminal Justice
2201- Social & Human Support Services
2204- Medical Lab Technologist
2209- Information Processing (Tech Option)
2210- Business Management
2211- Accounting
2215- Agriculture Business & Management
2216- Fish & Wildlife Management
2221- Computer Information Systems
2227- Associate Degree Nursing
2236- Heating/Ventilation/AC/Refrigeration
2237- Occupational Therapy Assistant
2256- Automotive Technology
5199- Surgical Technology


CERTIFICATES (*=program 24 semester hours or more that is NOT part of a degree program)


1101- Gerontology Aide (17.5 hrs)
1128- Nail Technology (16 hrs)
1201- Medical Assistant (32 hrs) *
2100- Truck Driving (16 hrs)
2102- Medical Office Assisting (32 hrs)*
2106- Auto Body (6 hrs)
2119- Criminal Justice (30 hrs)
2126- Certified Nurse Assistant (7.5 hrs)
2127- Practical Nursing (50 hrs)
2139- Cosmetology (40 hrs)*
2141- Massage Therapy*
2147- Combination Welding (31 hrs)*
2158- Automotive Technician Assistant (31 hrs)
2161- Basic Electricity (18 hrs)
2169- Cosmetology Instructor Training (24 hrs)*
2174- Medical Coder (12 hrs)
2176- Medical Biller (11 hrs)
2182- Internet & Computing Core Prep (7 hrs)
2183- Microsoft Office Specialist Prep (5 hrs)
2186- Automotive Maintenance & Lgt Repair (16 hrs)
2192-Arc Welding (11 hrs)
2193-Gas Welding (6 hrs)
2194-Tig Welding (5 hrs)
2195-Pipe Welding (14 hrs)
2196- Mig Welding (6 hrs)
2197- Diesel Technology (28 hrs)*
2214- Agriculture (33 hrs)
2224- Medical Coding Specialist (33 hrs)*
2233- Basic Heating and Air Conditioning (29 hrs)


For the GFOA Recognition Report:

  1. Go to the Institutional Effectiveness network drive and the GFOA folder. Use the reports in the latest FYXX folder. Update the reports with the newest data using the ICCB/IPEDS reports and websites that are listed on each report:
  • Fall Enrollment reports- ICCB Fall Enrollment Survey Historical Data
  • Credit Hour reports- ICCB SRSU Historical Data (report reimbursable only)
  • Non-credit Course Enrollment reports- ICCB N1 Historical Data
  • High School Matriculation- CROA Dashboard-High School-HS Matriculation reports
  • Employment by Occupation, Employment by Industry, Population, Median Home Value, and Median Household Income for SCC District- American Community Survey (ACS)
  • 10-year unemployment trends- IL Dept of Employment Security (IDES) Data & Statistics
  1. Copy and paste the charts and tables only into one long Word document and email to the VPAS and Executive Assistant for use in the GFOA document.


Midterm Class List Certification Process

  1. Office of Institutional Effectiveness weekly generates the midterm class lists in CROA.
  • Class lists are found in Scheduled Reports-Enrollment-Midterm Class Lists
  1. OIE send the class lists in pdf format to each instructor’s email.
  1. The faculty follow the instructions, submitting the signed form to the appropriate designee:
  • Forms submitted to Becky Steinmetz by FT Faculty- Becky reviews for compliance. Forms are returned if not in compliance. Once in compliance, forms are submitted to Sabrina Black sabrinab@shawneecc.edu
  • Forms submitted to Chairs by Adjunct Faculty and Teale Betts by Dual Credit Faculty- Chairs and Teale review for compliance. Forms are returned if not in compliance. Once in compliance, forms are submitted to Sabrina Black sabrinab@shawneecc.edu
  1. Once forms are received by Sabrina Black, forms are again reviewed for compliance and are returned to Becky if errors are found. Once forms are complete and in compliance:
  • Go to SECT and into the correct section.
  • Detail into Additional Info.
  • Mark the “Special Property” box to indicate the midterm is complete.
  1. File the form in the midterm binder in the OIE.
  2. Once the SR and SU claims are complete, scan the forms into etrieve.
  • Go to Etrieve content.
  • Go to ICCB Reports.
  • Go into Midterms.
  • Pick the appropriate semester.
  • Scan the form and title the midterm with the course name and section (i.e., ENG-0111-01)


Instructions for Faculty Completion of Course Enrollment Midterm Class List

Please read these instructions carefully. Not following instructions will result in form(s) being returned to you. Attached are the Course Enrollment Midterm Class Lists for the course(s) you teach.

Why are these forms critical for faculty to complete?

As required by the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) (Rule 1501.507), the auditable forms identify the students who are enrolled in your class(es) and are used by ICCB to verify the College’s reimbursable credit hours. Your signature verifies the students are actively pursuing completion of the course. According to our administrative policy and procedures (8520/8520A), actively pursuing at midterm means the student was not dropped at initial progress date and has not indicated their desire to withdraw as of the midterm date of the course section.


It is critical that you complete this form entirely and return the form(s) according to the steps below.

What steps do faculty take to complete the forms?

Section Information: Verify that the credit hours, course title, and course dates are correct for your section. If a correction is needed, please contact Becky Steinmetz at 618-634-3250 or rebeccas@shawneecc.edu  


Compare: Carefully compare the students’ names on the Course Enrollment Midterm Class List to your class list on your Faculty Self-Serve (mySCC). You may have students listed at the bottom of this form that cannot be claimed for credit hour reimbursement with ICCB, and that is okay. These students are still enrolled in your section but should not be included in your total number of students on this form, because they are not being claimed by the College for reimbursable credit.


Missing Names: If you have a student attending your class, but whose name does not appear on the Course Enrollment Midterm Class List, please write the student’s name and ID number at the bottom of the form. Once this is reconciled with the Registrar’s office, a new form may be sent to you to complete.


Dropped Student Still on List: Contact Registrar, Danielle Boyd, at 618-634-3298 or danielleb@shawneecc.edu, if a student dropped at a prior date but their name appears on this list. NOTEDo not cross them off the list. As a reminder: Per Policy 8520 [Procedure 8520A], we cannot drop a student at midterm. The responsibility for withdrawing from a class rests with the student. Therefore, if they appear on this list, you must give them a grade at both midterm and the end of the semester.

Signature: Only the instructor assigned to the section should sign these forms with an actual signature. Do not sign for another instructor. Please no markers or highlighters. Ensure the signature is legible. You may use an electronic signature.

Grades: Please do not write midterm grades on this form. Midterm grades are recorded in Faculty Self-Serve (mySCC) ONLY. The purpose of this form is to verify enrollment.

Number of Students Attending as of Midterm Total: Add up the number of students and write the total on the blank provided. NOTE: The number of students on your Faculty Self-Serve (mySCC) class list needs to match the number of students on the form!  Again, do not include any students in your total that are listed as unable to be claimed for credit which are listed at the bottom of the form.

Comments: Please do not write notes/comments on this form, as these are auditable forms. Additional notes/comments that need attention are to be submitted on a separate sheet of paper paperclipped to this form or emailed to the appropriate person. 


Submit: Submit to the designated person at SCC within a week of receipt, at the latest:


If you are using email to submit the completed forms, please only use your SCC-issued email. Other email domains, including those from high schools, do not meet the legalities for the transmission of student/faculty personal information.

All electronic copies must be legible upon receipt. If we cannot read them, or if the image is too small, the form(s) will be returned to you.


Appendix B





Current Employment Statistics – Bureaus of Labor Statistics

Payroll Specialist/VPAS



Unemployment Wage Report – Illinois Department of Employment Security

Payroll Specialist/VPAS



New Hire Report – Illinois Department of Employment Security

Payroll Specialist/VPAS



K1 Withholding Return – Kentucky Department of Revenue

Payroll Specialist/VPAS



SURS FTP Contribution Report – State Universities Retirement System

Payroll Specialist/VPAS



Certificate of Publication for Annual Financial Statement (on ICCB Data Due Site)


January 15th


ICCB Fall Term SR Data Course Enrollment (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

January 31st (30 days after end of fall term)



ICCB Fall Term SU Data Course Enrollment (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

January 31st (30 days after end of fall term)



W2’s (yearly)

Dir Business Services/Payroll Specialist

January 31st


1099’s (yearly)


January 31st


Construction Project Status Report


January 31st


Certificate of Tax Levy (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Dir Business Services/VPAS

January 31st


W-2 Forms Social Security Administration

Payroll Specialist/VPAS

Annually January 31st


IL W-2 Forms – Illinois Department of Revenue

Payroll Specialist/VPAS

Annually January 31st


KY W-2 Forms – Kentucky Department of Revenue

Payroll Specialist/VPAS

Annually January 31st


Professional Programming Monitoring Report- BoT

Dean of Career &Technology/ VPAA

January BoT Book

(February Action)


Transfer Programming Monitoring Report- BoT

Dean of Transfer & Adult ED/VPAA

February BoT Book (March Action)


Tuition and Universal Fee Rates per Credit Hour




Underrepresented Groups Report (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Perkins Administrator/VPAA

February 1st


Quarterly Business, Finance & Investment Monitoring Report- BoT


February, May, August, November


IPEDS Winter Collection:

Student Financial Aid (SFA)

Graduation Rates (GR)

Graduation Rates 200 (GR200)

Outcome Measures (OM)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

February 7th


ICCB Spring Enrollment Survey (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

February 15th



Semi-Annual College Facilities Monitoring Report- BoT

Dir of Facility/VPAS

March, September


Semi-Annual Information Technology Monitoring Report-BoT

Dir of IT/VPAS

March, September


Annual Human Resources Monitoring Report- BoT

Exec Dir Human Resources

February BoT Book (March Action)


EZ Audit (US Dept of Ed)

Dir Business Services/VPAS

March 31st



Dir Business Services/Bursar/VPAS

March 31st


Annual Audit Submission

Coordinator Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs & Dir Business Services/VPAS and VPSA

March 31st


1095-C Forms – Internal Revenue Service

Payroll Specialist/VPAS

Annually March 31st


Recertification of Program Agreement with DOE

Coordinator Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs/VPSA

Next Due Date

March 31, 2024

Expires June 30, 2024


Strategic Plan Monitoring Report- BoT

Exec Dir Institutional Effectiveness

April, October


Student Services Monitoring Report- BoT


March BoT Book

(April Action)


IPEDS Spring Collection:

Fall Enrollment (EF)

Finance (F)

Human Resources (HR)

Academic Libraries (AL)

IT Support Specialist/ED IEDir Business Services/VPAS Payroll Specialist/ED HR


April 3rd


Quarterly Payroll Tax Forms

Dir Business Services & Payroll Specialist/VPAS

April 30th, July 31st, October 31st, January 31st


Unemployment Quarterly Return – Illinois Department of Employment Security

Payroll Specialist/VPAS

April 30th, July 31st, October 31st, January 31st


IL Withholding Return and Schedule P – Illinois Department of Revenue

Payroll Specialist/VPAS

April 30th, July 31st, October 31st, January 31st


Federal 941 Quarterly Tax Return and Schedule B – Internal Revenue Service

Payroll Specialist/VPAS

April 30th, July 31st, October 31st, January 31st


Higher Learning Commission Institutional Update


Dir Business Services/VPAS


April 30th


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Monitoring Report-BoT

Exec Dir Human Resources

April BoT Book

(May Action)


Perkins Local Application

Perkins Coordinator/VPAA



Accreditation and Certification Monitoring Report- BoT


May BoT Book

(June Action)


State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Report

Dean CTE/Dean Allied Health/ED IE

June 15th


ICCB Annual Faculty Staff Salary & Benefits C3 (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

June 15th


ICCB Spring Term SR Data Course Enrollment (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

June 15th (30 days after end of spring term)



ICCB Spring Term SU Data Course Enrollment (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

June 15th (30 days after end of spring term)



Student Parent Data Collection Act-Campus Child Care Survey (on ICCB Data Due Site)


June 28th


ICCB 5 Year Self Study Report

Dean of Transfer & Adult Ed Programs/VPAA/ED IE

July 2024


ICCB Noncredit Course Enrollment (N1) Data (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

July 15th



Community Education Monitoring Report- BoT

Dir Community Ed & Outreach/VPSA

July BoT Book

(August Action)


Tuition and Fees Survey (on ICCB Data Due Site)


August 1st


FY20—Capital Budget Request (RAMP for 20–) (on ICCB Data Due Site)


August 1st



Annual Facility Data (AFD) and Construction Status Report (on ICCB Data Due Site)


August 1st



Existing Space in Use for Educational Purposes (with AFD) (on ICCB Data Due Site)


August 1st



ICCB Annual Enrollment and Completion Data (A1) (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

August 1st



Summer Term SR Data Course Enrollment (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

August 31st (30 days after end of summer term)



Summer Term SU Data Course Enrollment (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

August 31st (30 days after end of summer term)



Square Footage of Planned Construction Table 1 & Owned Land Table 2


August 1st


IPEDS Registration:

Report Mapping

Institutional Identification


IT Support Specialist/ED IE

August 30th


Perkins Final Expenditure Report

Perkins Coordinator/Accountant

August 30th


ICCB Annual Completions Data (A2) (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

September 1st


Tax Revenue/Budget Information Request (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Dir Business Services/VPAS

September 1st



Unit Cost


September 1st


ICCB Annual Student Identification (ID) (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

September 1st



ICCB Annual Course (AC) Data (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

September 1st



ICCB Program Review Report

Dean of Transfer & Adult Ed Programs/VPAA

September 1st


Veterans Fiscal Impact Survey

Coordinator Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs/VPSA

September 1st


Fire & Safety


Annually in October


ICCB Emergency & Violence Prevention Plans


Oct 1st


Adult Education Programmatic Workplan Report with

NRS Performance Report

Director of Adult Ed & Alternative Instruction/VPAA

October 30th, January 30th, April 30th, August 15th


Adult Education

Program Status Report

Director of Adult Ed & Alternative Instruction/VPAA

October 30th, January 30th, April 30th, August 15th


Adult Education

Enrollment Report

Director of Adult Ed & Alternative Instruction/VPAA

October 30th, January 30th, April 30th, July 30th


Adult Education

Expenditure Report

Director of Adult Ed & Alternative Instruction/VPAA

October 30th, January 30th, April 30th, July 30th


Adult Education

Post – Allocation Budget Report

Director of Adult Ed & Alternative Instruction/VPAA

Dependent on Receipt of State and Federal Allocations


Adult Education and College Readiness Monitoring Report- BoT

Dean of Transfer & Adult Ed & Director of Adult Ed & Alternative Instruction/VPAA

September BoT Book (October Action)


Student Right to Know




IDFPR Annual Nursing Education Program Report

Dean of Allied Health & Nursing Programs/VPAA



ICCB Fall Student Data (E1) (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

October 1st


ICCB Fall Enrollment Survey (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

October 1st



Clery Act (Campus Safety & Security Survey)


October 1st


Adult Education

State Audit

Director of Adult Ed & Alternative Instruction/VPAA

October 15th

previous fiscal year


FY__– Budget to ICCB (on ICCB Data Due Site)


October 15th



Certificate of Credit Hours (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Dir Business Services/VPAS

October 15th


Audit/UFRS Reconciliation

Dir Business Services/VPAS

October 17th



Dir Business Services/VPAS

October 15th


Audit/Unit Cost Reconciliation

Dir Business Services/VPAS

October 15th


IPEDS Fall Collection:

Institutional Characteristics (IC)

Completions (C)

12-Month Enrollment (E12)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

October 18th


Equity in Athletics (US Dept of Ed)


October 29th


Title IX

Exec Dir Human Resources & VPAS



Unclaimed Property Report (IL State Treasurer)

Dir Business Services/VPAS

November 1st


ICCB Summer Graduate Reporting for IPEDS GRS (on ICCB Data Due Site)

IT Support Specialist/ED IE

November 1st



ICCB Faculty Staff & Salary C1 & Supplementary (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Payroll Specialist/ED HR

November 15th



Continuing Education & Workforce Training Monitoring Report- BoT


November BoT Book (December Action)


Biennial Review Report (every 2 years) Drug & Alcohol




Human Rights Report




Student Support Services Annual Performance Report

Dir Student Support Services/VPSA




Coordinator Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs/VPSA

First submission September 29th, 2024

Corrections Due December 15th


Bilingual Needs and Bilingual Pay Survey (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Exec Dir Human Resources

December 1st


Equal Employment Opportunity Reported through IPEDS

Exec Dir Human Resources



Native American, Asian American, Hispanic, and African American Employment Plan Surveys (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Exec Dir Human Resources & VPAS

December 1st


Talent Search Annual Performance Report

Dir of Ed Talent Search/VPSA

December 30th


Certificate of Chargeback (on ICCB Data Due Site)


December 30th



Uniform Financial Statements (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Dir Business Services/VPAS

December 30th


Instructional Cost Sheet (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Dir Business Services/VPAS

December 30th


FY—Audit to ICCB (on ICCB Data Due Site)

Dir Business Services/VPAS

December 30th


ICCB Treasure’s Bond


December 31st


Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Reaffirmation Assurance Argument

HLC ALO (Dean of Transfer & Adult Education)/VPAA/ED IE




Small Business Development Center

Neoserra (SBDC electronic database for Client Activity Tracking


5th of the following month


Quarterly Narrative Report (Narrative summary of SBDC activities, submitted electronically via Neoserra Reporting System


April 30, July 31,

Oct 31, Jan 31


Grantee Reporting System (Electronic Grant Financial Tracking for grant expenditures and reimbursement)

Christina Wright/VPAA & VPAS

April 30, July 31,

Oct 31, Jan 31