A1100.05 Ethics Act

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A1100
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Shawnee Community College is committed to regulating the political activities of and the solicitation and acceptance of gifts by, the Trustees and employees of Shawnee Community College in a manner that is no less restrictive than is what is required in accordance with Illinois statutes. The State Officials and Employee’s Ethics Act (Public Act 93-615, effective November 19, 2003, as amended by Public Act 93-617, effective December 9, 2003) requires that Shawnee Community College adopt resolutions regulating such activities mentioned herein.

Shawnee Community College adopted a Resolution of Ethics on April 5, 2004, which imposes penalties for violations of the regulations set forth by Illinois law. A copy of this Resolution for Ethics is available upon request by contacting the following office at the College: Executive Office 618-634-3260

Shawnee Community College has designated the Vice-President of Instructional Services as its Ethics Advisor, who shall provide guidance to the Board of Trustees and employees of Shawnee Community College concerning the interpretation of and compliance with the provisions of the Resolution for Ethics and State Ethics laws. The Ethics Advisor also shall perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Board of Trustees. Shawnee Community College has also created an Ethics Commission, which is comprised of two members appointed by the Board of Trustees. All powers and duties of the Ethics Commission are set forth in Article 5 of the Resolution for Ethics adopted by Shawnee Community College.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding ethics regulations within Shawnee Community College, the Ethics Advisor or Shawnee Community College’s Ethics Commission should be contacted immediately. This shall include, but not be limited to, questions regarding ethics policies and procedures, complaints, sanctions, changes in the law, prohibited political activities, gift bans and penalties for any violations of either Illinois law or the Resolution that has been adopted by Shawnee Community College.

Employees refusing to complete the ethics training as mandated by Illinois State Law will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

New Policy: July 2004
Revised: August 2006, July 2014


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