Student Academic Assessment Team




Committee Name:  Student Academic Assessment Team

Committee Type:  Administrative – Hybrid

Mission/Purpose.  The Student Academic Assessment Team (SAAT) promotes assessment practices which support the continuous improvement of student learning and institutional effectiveness.  Further, SAAT provides planning, support, and leadership to promote the achievement of college goals pertaining to outcomes assessment. Academic assessment provides systematic, routine processes that allow the faculty/staff to determine the degree that students are achieving the stated student learning objectives.

Scope of Responsibility

  1. Offer input into the process of academic and co-curricular assessment across the institution, and make recommendations in support of continuous quality improvement.
  2. Lead academic and co-curricular assessment practices that are sustainable for integration into institutional planning and decision-making.
  3. Support continuous accreditation requirements with the ongoing academic and co-curricular Assessment Cycle through the collection and analysis of evidence of student learning.
  4. Facilitate meaningful reporting on the Assessment of Student Learning to appropriate stakeholders.
  5. Evaluate course, discipline, and program-level assessment processes, and make recommendations for improvement to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  6. Lead program review processes and ensure improvement strategies are considered for inclusion in the Strategic Plan and College budget.

Policy Responsibility: Provide input to the Academic Affairs Council when needed.

HLC Criterion:  1.C.1 and 4.B

Strategic Plan Responsibility: Goal 3, Objective 1, Strategy D; Goal 4, Objective C; and Goal 4, Objective 2, Strategy A.

Priorities for FY25: Implement Education Pathways throughout the College (1.2); Expand Early College Programming (2.3.D.); Implement new Early College/Dual Credit process and Master Agreement District-wide (2.3.D.); Facilitate HLC Approval of CBE Delivery Model (1.2.P.); Ensure transition of OTA Program (1.2.T.); Initiate NATEF Accreditation process for Automotive Program and Complete new/revised program development activities for Construction Technician (1.2.Q.), Health Science Career Pathways Dual Credit Certification (1.2.R.), CBE Business Program (1.2.S.), CBE Information Technology Program (1.2.K.) and Health Information Technician (1.2.L.)

Reporting:  The SAAT reports to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) and is chaired by the Assessment Coordinator (full-time faculty member).

Composition:  Assessment Coordinator, Accreditation Liaison Officer, Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Director of Student Success, Curriculum Development Manager, Faculty (4) from each academic department, and staff from Advising/Recruitment (1).

Meeting Dates: Fourth Monday of the month from 2:00p – 4:00p