It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that students will earn a grade upon completion of a course. A grade of incomplete (“I”) may be changed upon completion of all coursework. A grade may also be changed if a grievance procedure is approved.
Grade Rating Grade Points A Excellent Performance 4 B Good Performance 3 C Average Performance 3 D Inferior Performance 2 P Passing 1 F Failing Performance 0 *I Incomplete Work 0 **S Satisfactory 0 **U Unsatisfactory 0 W Withdrawl from class after midterm but by the academic penalty date 0 Au Audit 0
Grade Point Average
GPA = total grade points earned (A,B,C,D, and F grades) total semester hours attempted A student’s standing in a program is determined by his/her cumulative GPA. The cumulative grade point average is figured by semester hours attempted, not by semester hours earned. Only A, B, C, D, and F grades will be used in computing the GPA. An “F” will be computed in the GPA unless the course is later repeated with a satisfactory grade. An “F” grade will not count toward the GPA if the student repeats the course and earns an improved grade. Neither credit hours nor grade points will be computed in those courses where a grade of “I”, “W”, “S”, “P”, or “U”
is assigned. Hours earned in non-credit courses (denoted on the transcript by an asterisk (*) will not be used in computing GPA.
A student may receive an incomplete (“I”) grade for unfinished work in a course provided the work was incomplete because of circumstances determined by the instructor to be unavoidable and approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning. A copy of the Incomplete Form must be forwarded to the Registrar with the course final grade report.
The student must complete the requirements of the course by the end of the next semester, excluding the summer term, in order to receive credit for the course. The student will receive an “F” if the course requirements are not completed by the deadline.
Although the grade of “D” is academically viewed as “passing” for some programs/courses as posted in the program guidelines, handbook, or syllabus, a grade of “D” may not be satisfactory to allow the student access to another curriculum within that program/discipline.
Satisfactory (“S”) or Unsatisfactory (“U”) grades are issued only to students enrolled in Adult and Community Education classes. These grades will not be used in computing the student’s GPA or college credit hours.
Independent Study
Students seeking independent study courses should meet with their academic advisor for possible options. Advisors will communicate with faculty on possibilities.
Students may elect to take some courses as Pass/Fail. To take a class pass/fail, the student must make arrangements with their advisor prior to the start of the class. This is usually done during the advisement/registration process. The maximum hours of P/F that can be taken in any one (1) semester is four (4) hours. The total maximum number of P/F credits that can count toward any degree is 12 semester hours.
No general education core curriculum courses can be taken as P/F. Exceptions may be allowed under special circumstances with the written approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning.
Courses taken P/F can count only as elective credit.
Grade Review/Appeal
Faculty are responsible for assigning grades for work done in individual courses. Faculty are responsible to determine the evaluation measures of student academic progress in relation to the described content of the course. Students have a right to a grade review if they believe an erroneous grade has been assigned and should be corrected. Also, they have a right to a grade appeal as a remedy if they believe an instructor has assigned a grade:
- By using some basis other than academic or behavioral performance in the course;
- By using more exacting or demanding standards than were applied to other students in that course;
- By using standards and/or criteria that are not clearly presented in the course syllabus, course materials, and/or other written communications;
- That is a substantial departure from the instructor’s previously announced or written standards in the course
A student utilizing the grade appeal process is precluded from using the Student Grievance hearing process for the same occurrence.
Grade Review/Appeal Procedure
Step One
1. The student is to present the completed Grade Review/Appeal form to the course instructor via email no later than the midterm date of the following 16-week semester (excluding summer).
2. The instructor must respond to the email within thirty (30) calendar days. The instructor may change grades that are found to be in error during a Grade Review within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the completed request for a Grade Appeal.
3. The instructor may or may not change a grade after a review of the appeal within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the completed request for a Grade Appeal.
4. The instructor is to notify the student of the decision in either instance via email.
Step Two
1. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of Step One, he/she may forward the emails with the Grade Review/Appeal form and the instructor’s response to the appropriate Division Chair within fourteen (14) calendar days of the email with the instructor’s decision.
2. The Division Chair has seven (7) calendar days to provide the student with a decision via email.
Step Three
1. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of Step Two, he/she may forward the three (3) aforementioned emails to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning and/or the Vice President of Student Success and Services within fourteen (14) calendar days of the Division Chair’s decision.
2. The Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning has fourteen (14) calendar days to provide the student with a decision via email.
3. The decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning will be considered a sufficient review and will be the terminating step of the Grade Review/Appeal process.
During the Grade review/appeal process, all procedures and meetings, including names and related information, will be confidential unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by all parties involved. The grade Review/Appeal Form and Grade Change Form will be signed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Learning. All student appeals will be housed in the student file and in the course paperwork file.
(Reviewing authority – Shawnee Community College - College Council)
Policy 8161 Procedure 8161A
Release of Student Information and Access to Student Records
Release of Student Information and Access to Student Records (FERPA)
No one outside the institution shall have access to, nor will the institution disclose any information from, students' educational records without the written consent of students except to personnel within the institution, to officials of other institutions in which students seek to enroll, to persons or organizations providing students financial aid, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with a judicial order, and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons.
Within the Shawnee Community College community, only those members, individually or collectively, acting in the students' educational interest are allowed access to student education records. These members include personnel in the Admissions and Advisement Office, Financial Aid Office, and academic personnel within the limitation of their need to know.
Shawnee Community College may provide the following information: student name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student, participation in officially recognized
activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Students may withhold directory information by notifying the Vice-President of Student Success and Services and the Registrar in writing within two weeks after the first day of class for the semester.
Policy 8430 Procedure 8430A
Audit Policy
Students must receive approval from the Vice President of Instructional Services prior to enrolling to audit a course. Audited courses are subject to compliance with all other college regulations. Students are not permitted to change to audit after the close of registration during each semester. The student must attend all regular class sessions. The student does not receive a grade or credit for the course, but the course is listed as Audit on his or her transcript. Regular tuition and fees will be assessed for audited courses.
A student may elect to take a course for credit which was previously audited.
Policy 7340
Pass/Fail Grade Policy
- Students wanting to exercise a Pass/Fail option must apply for it at the time of registration for that course and prior to the student's first day of course attendance. An application for Pass/Fail credit must be completed and signed by the student and the advisor at the point of registration.
- The maximum hours of Pass/Fail that can be taken in any one (1) semester is four (4) hours.
- The total maximum number of Pass/Fail credits that can count toward any degree is 12 semester hours.
- No general education core curriculum courses can be taken Pass/Fail. Exceptions may be allowed under special circumstances with the written approval of the Vice-President of Instructional Services.
- Courses taken Pass/Fail can only count as elective credit.
- The designation of Pass/Fail cannot be changed after the beginning of the semester.
- Pass/Fail courses cannot be changed to a letter grade after the start of the semester. Likewise, a credit course cannot be changed from a letter grade to Pass/Fail after the start of the semester.
- Certain courses may be considered Pass/Fail. These are IND courses, COM 0160-Introduction to Microcomputers, SEM 0111-College Success, VOL 0201-Volunteer Service, degree practicum/internship course, and nursing clinicals.
Policy 8161 Procedure 8161A
Repeat Enrollment in Courses
A course in which a student enrolls more than once is considered a repeated course. Approval will be given under the following conditions:
- If the student previously completed the course with less than a grade of C (or equivalent) and the course is necessary to satisfy requirements for a degree or certificate, the student may enroll and be claimed in the course one additional time; or
- If a course has been approved by the Illinois Community College Board to be repeated, the student may repeat the course and be claimed as often as approved by the Illinois Community College Board.
In instances where a student repeats a given course, both courses will be recorded on the student's transcript. The higher of the two grades will be recorded on the transcript and used in computing the cumulative grade point average. The lower of the two grades will not be computed in the grade point average nor will it be applicable to a degree or certificate.
For financial aid purposes, courses repeated after a student has received a grade of A, B, C, or D will not be counted in determining the amount of federally-funded or state-funded financial aid, including the federal Pell grant and the state monetary award program grant, unless one or more of the following conditions exist:
- The student is allowed to earn credit for the course more than once.
- It is the first time the student is repeating the course and after earning an "F" the first time.
- A "C" is required to pass the course and the student has previously earned a "D" or "F" in that course.
- The student is evaluated by the Student Counselor or designee to determine student needs, such as tutoring, childcare, or transportation.
Courses repeated because of other conditions shall be considered audited courses and enrollment for such must receive prior approval by the Vice-President of Student and Administrative Services.
To check financial aid eligibility, see the Financial Aid Office.
Policy 8540 Procedure 8540
Class Withdrawal Policy
The responsibility for withdrawing from a class rests with the student. The student must abide by the following provisions:
- Contact a member of the counseling staff to initiate a drop from class.
- After the first day of instruction, the student must take the withdrawal slip, obtain the instructor's initials, and deliver this form to the Admissions and Advisement Office in order to be officially withdrawn from a class.
- The date of withdrawal will be the date the form is received by the Advisor.
- Not attending class does not constitute a withdrawal from class. Failure to officially withdraw by the academic penalty date will result in failing grade for the semester.
- Failure to officially withdraw by the financial penalty date will result in financial penalties. This differs from the academic penalty date and the financial aid date.
Note: Please consult the Official College Calendar for the final drop dates each semester.
Policy 8520 Procedure 8520A