Union County Extension Center

Services Offered

The SCC Union County Extension Center is home to eleven classrooms, two computer labs, three interactive video classrooms (ITV), with Zoom functionality in every classroom.

A Fitness Center is conveniently located inside the Extension Center, and is available for all community members and students to access as either a credit or non-credit-bearing class.

Programs & Courses at Union County

General education courses for students working towards an associate degree are offered at the Union County center.

Students can also complete:

We also offer Community Education courses that are welcome to all!

Request additional information on a specific program or browse course offerings.


Contact a Union County Advisor!


Fitness Center

 Open: Monday – Thursday 7:00am to 6:00pm | Friday 7:00am to 4:00pm

A fitness center is available for students and community members at the Union County Center. It features a 2,000-square-foot fitness center, equipped with weight machines, elliptical machines, bikes, and treadmills.

The fitness center is open when regular SCC classes are in session. Closed on Saturdays and Sundays. No children allowed. To work out regularly, you must be enrolled in a weight training class.

Rates for Community Members:

PS 218 (Fit for Seniors): This is for Senior Citizens ages 60 and above. $30 per semester.
PS 318 (Fit for Community): This is for all non-degree-seeking students, excluding senior citizens. $99 per semester.


Lindsay Johnson

Director of Community Education & Outreach Centers


Mandy Palmer

Extension Center Coordinator (Union County)